Great site all about Fender's Jaguar & Jazzmaster guitars. Check out the photos and the "interactive Jaguar".
Step by step instructions on how to mod the reissue reverb unit.
This forum has been set up for the sole purpose to support and preserve the heritage of the Mosrite guitars and is dedicated to the memory of it's founder Semie Moseley. It is not for commercial gain and will be used as a forum for entertainment, discussions and exchange of information only.
Home of the Spaghetti Western Fuzz.
Fret City Music is an online music store based on Toronto, Canada. Check out our J&D JungleMaster Surf Guitars !
Discussion forum for all things relating to Fender's offset-waist guitars: Jazzmaster, Jaguar, Bass VI, Electric XII, etc.
Redbone still has in stock a few Limited Edition Japanese made Big Block '66 Jags and Jazzmasters... Surf-tastic
Wilson Bros. guitars are the only licensed company to have exclusive rights to the Ventures name and trademark. The Ventures play and endorse Wilson Bros. guitars exclusively.
Gear Reviews by Real Musicians. A new online review database offering user submitted content and ratings on all sorts of musical equipment. (Launched January 2010 - Updated Daily)
Comprehensive site detailing the history of the Fender Mustang guitar.