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Will you be submitting a homemade track to the 2006 SG101 compilation?

Yes indeed. That's the only way I can do it right now.

I hope to, but I don't even have an amp right now or have my computer set-up to record (or tape recorder). !!!! I think the compilation is a great idea.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

I hope to get in the studio by November and make our first batch of demos. Hopefully it won't be too late.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Yeah, It sounded like a cool thing to do. Sooooo, i went out and got a four track recorder.
I have never recorded before, and I must say... I suck air big time!
Not only is my playing a lot worse than I thought, but it seems like my sound is not so good either. Neither my wife nor my friends ever said anyhting?
Boy that is loyality! Their poor ears...
Now with that said.
I will not be contributing this year, but I plan on working hard so that I will have something to add next year to Comp2007.

Joel, tell us about your equipment and how you're recording the sound, maybe we can figure out why it doesn't sound good.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

My gear is made up of a Custom made Strat ( Rick Carlson made it) with texas top hat, or high boy or something like that pups. It has a Maple neck and fret board, an ash body, and the strings are fender SS bullets. I think it is size 10's right now. The tremelo is the fender seven screw model.
I also have a Gretsch Nashville. ( Brian Setszer model) Solid tiger flame maple top and back. It has a rosewood neck( fret board)two allnickel TV humbucker pups and a bigsbie tremelo on it.
My amp is a Fender hot rod delux. I have had it totally re-soldered, and new tubes put in by Mikes Music in Riverside CA.
The recorder I just bought is a tascom 4 track cassette with Mic input.
I'm recording by using the mic in front of the amp. I have tried several different distances as I have read to do in several different threads here. One track for rythem, one for lead, one for base, one for precussion.
I'd appreciate any ideas you guys might have. I might add that my playing isn't as good as I thought it was either. That I can fix myself. Wink

Joel Very Happy

what kinda mic? although the functions on those cassette 4trackers differ, they all pretty much work the same and should give very acceptable results. one problem I can think off is that you might not be recording loud enough - are you recording at home? Ive found often that the signal sucks when im recording at low volumes, just not enough to get the mic working properly. amp doesn't sound its best either.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

WR ...
The mic came with the recorder.
It is labled Tascam MC-VT1.
Other than that I don't know a thing about it.

i cant find anything about the mic, I strongly suspect that's the weak point though. is the sound shrill with too much noise? that could be caused by the mic.

a way to check is to compare a track with the mic and a direct in, and see of those problems that occur with the mic also happen with the direct in (apart form whether that's a good sound, just listen whetehr the shrillness and/or noise are less or different)

you could check for a way to use line out on the amp (not sure whether your amp has onbe, maybe you can use the effects loop if there is one), or IF that's the problem, consider a better mic. Shure's got the P-series, which are below the standard SM-series, but still pretty good and a lot cheaper. they retail in Europe for under 50 bucks, don't know about the states though. there are other brands that might be cheaper, Ive got a couple of Samson sm58 copies which are fairly good. in fact, I got the second hand from a proffessional PA compony that sells stuff that's been written of, paid maybe $15 a piece or so. perhaps you can borrow one from a friend.

two more notes: 1) is there a mic/line switch on the recorder, and is it set on mic? 2) dont be afraid to dial in the amp on the basis of what's recorded, notwhat comes out of the speaker, your after the recorded sound after all, and that can differ drom the live sound.

as for "my playing sucks", Ive been thinking about about putting up a simple computer surfdrumtrack at average tempo up in the download section. just straight boom tada boom ta for 4 minutes. it will be at least a nice click track if nothing else. Ill see if I can do it later today.

and, look at it from the bright sight, your wife really really really loves you ! Wink


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I agree with everything Wannes says. Judging by the quality of your gear, I would get an SM57 and a mic preamp. Though lately I've had good success going direct through my reverb and with an EQ box right into my recorder.

What are you using for reverb? You won't get that 'surf' sound with anything but an outboard reverb. I hope you're not comparing your sound to the majority of surf recordings if you don't have one.

As for playing technique, I can tell you that some consistent practicing makes a world of difference. Set some realistic goals, like concentrating on double picking and galloping and muted hand techniques every day over a 3 month period. Then try to record yourself - you'll find quite a difference.

Good luck,

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Thanks for the tips guys. I am going to try them all plus a few that some of my local friends have recommended. I'll get back when I come up to speed. I think it would be so cool to have a song included with the
SG101 compilation.
You all are so cool! Very Happy
I truely know and understand how great you all are at making and playing real surf style music!
Thanks for the input
ps. Danny I don't have an out board reverb at this time. I will put it on my short list of must haves.

the 2006 Compilation is shaping up nicely...many cool tunes already!

be sure to check it out here

DP, yes the comp 2006 is shaping up real well. I especially like your take on Low Rider! Very Happy What a great idea to use something so far from surf music to convert to surf music. It's been added to my play list permenently.

i've been working on a medly of an atomic mosquitos tune (slaughter beach), squad car and a tune called 'point conception', which i think is by the eliminators but have no access to recording equipment and i'm afraid i may suck big time also Embarassed , so my goal is the 2007 comp too. carol

mom_surfing Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:53 pm Post subject:

i've been working on a medly of an atomic mosquitos tune (slaughter beach), squad car and a tune called 'point conception', which i think is by the eliminators but have no access to recording equipment and i'm afraid i may suck big time also , so my goal is the 2007 comp too. carol

Well I believe there are a lot of us out here that aren't as good as we would like to be. But I'll never give up now that I have the sent( so to speak) . The folks here are some of the best I have run into in many ways.
mom_surfing will you be submitting an original or cover? I'm working on a cover, but I also have a original I might subgmit .


mom_surfing Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:53 pm Post subject:

i've been working on a medly of an atomic mosquitos tune (slaughter beach), squad car and a tune called 'point conception', which i think is by the eliminators but have no access to recording equipment and i'm afraid i may suck big time also , so my goal is the 2007 comp too. carol

Well I believe there are a lot of us out here that aren't as good as we would like to be. But I'll never give up now that I have the sent( so to speak) . The folks here are some of the best I have run into in many ways.
mom_surfing will you be submitting an original or cover? I'm working on a cover, but I also have a original I might subgmit .

it would definitely be a cover, but alas recording equipment is a problem. i can play lead, rhythm and bass but can't play drums. someday.......someday...........carol

it would definitely be a cover, but alas recording equipment is a problem. i can play lead, rhythm and bass but can't play drums. someday.......someday...........carol

you need a cheapo drum machine!

it would definitely be a cover, but alas recording equipment is a problem. i can play lead, rhythm and bass but can't play drums. someday.......someday...........carol

Hey mom,
Didn't you say that you had a son who drummed? Never too young to start up the family band, right?? Wink



it would definitely be a cover, but alas recording equipment is a problem. i can play lead, rhythm and bass but can't play drums. someday.......someday...........carol

Hey mom,
Didn't you say that you had a son who drummed? Never too young to start up the family band, right?? Wink


oh god, he's really early in the learning stages and just wants to bang the s#*t out of them and he loves the cowbell (more cowbell!!!) but he is a possibility. like i said, i'm shooting for the 2007 comp. carol

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