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Permalink Looking for fonts !

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Hi everybody! i'm planning tu record some new surf tracks and want to work on the visual side of my one man band, the Clock Tones, have you got any advices ? i'm looking for "surf looking fonts" (like the Ventures one or similar) and old vintage pictures and all...cheers surf mates! Fred. Razz

You mean it has come to this? What is the best font for surf? Shocked


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

i think, you can try to find something surfy here:

welcome to Sloptonia!

Thanx Springo! i'll check it!

check out the art of rick griffin

I'm a fan of as well. My suggestion is to go through every font that you can. It is good for a designer to become very familiar with fonts and to have an idea of what is out there. There are maybe 3-5 fonts tied explicitly to surf, but there are hundreds tied to the 60s that would work just as well. So, look into that as well.

However, you do have to pay for most fonts.

+1 on Here's a few more:

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

thanx !!! i'm going to search and i'll tell ya if i find some stuff, i love the "Bewitched" one, look good!

check out the art of rick griffin

Wow! excellent artwork, very psychedelik! Razz

I wonder...wich ones according to you are really surf looking?

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space


Font Dinner is excellent! ahem.... and for free? Embarassed



Font Dinner is excellent! ahem.... and for free? Embarassed

They have some free samples, but the rest will cost a little.
If you want really good fonts you will have to pay a bit, people work hard creating that stuff.
Are you going to be giving out your music for free?

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

You should probably read the fine print on those font sites. Often the "free" ones are free for personal use only and if you use it for a CD cover other commercial use you may get a visit from some men in suits. RTFM!/rich.derksen.7




Font Dinner is excellent! ahem.... and for free? Embarassed

They have some free samples, but the rest will cost a little.
If you want really good fonts you will have to pay a bit, people work hard creating that stuff.
Are you going to be giving out your music for free?

yes! on Surf Guitar 101 ! Smile i'm kidding, i put a track in the download section... i'm looking for royalty free stuff... but hell yeah! i understand that it's hard to create that stuff!

i think House Ind. is the best website for what you are looking for.

Guitar Player in Nahuelaizers

They have some free samples, but the rest will cost a little.
If you want really good fonts you will have to pay a bit, people work hard creating that stuff.

Not arguing with what you are saying when it's about newly created fonts, but some of the fonts that you now supposedly have to pay for used to be standard in Microsoft Word - I have Office 2000 and fonts like "Matisse ITC" and "Alien Encounter" to name but a few were freely available, but in the newer versions of Office they are not there, so how does that work? Would I get in trouble for using a font that came with my software?

Also check this out

These people want you to pay for Times New Roman!! Maybe I'm not understanding how the copyright works in this situation but the "men in suits" would be hell busy knocking on the door of everyone that's used Times New Roman in artwork??

House is excellent. Except they have been used a lot, especially the older surf looking ones. Consider drawing them yourself, like Griffin and Severson did.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I went looking for a few free fonts to put on a label for a mix CD a while ago, and some of these might be of interest:

Action Is - "Pink Panther" / "Austin Powers" sort of look, but no lower case.
Bete Noir NF -
Dragonfly MF - has a sort of middle eastern script flavour
Fontdinerdotcom Loungy
Gilligans Island
LittleRickey NF
Lounge Bait
Space Woozies
Space Patrol - echoes of "The Jetsons"
Stereofidelic - sorta' like British Invasion-era album art lettering
Surf Safari - rather disappointing
True Crimes - for a "Pulp Fiction" look
Wunderland - retro techno pseudo-OCR style
Morgus The Magnificent - cheezy retro horror
The Aquabats! - (aka "thefuryoftheaquabatsfont.ttf" )

Most of them came from, I believe.

For '60s/psychedelic themes -

A few in the Retro collection look like chrome automotive lettering, for a hotrod look.

Brush Script - looks somewhat like the Fender logo, particularly the "F". Not sure where I found that. It might even have come with the system software installer CD.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

Wow! this is exhaustive! well referenced and thank you so much for that! i tried to find some stuff and retro fonts, but now your post will help me! merci !!! Fred. Very Happy Very Happy

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