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Permalink headphones or monitor speakers?

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Do you prefer headphones or monitor speakers in a home studio setting?

Why do you prefer your choice? Please leave comment if you suggest a particular brand or model...

I always use both. In fact for a time I had two pairs of hi-fi speakers (trashy 60s and classy 70s), a pair of nearfield monitors and two pairs of headphones. Then I would make a cd and check the sound on as many systems as possible.
Nowadays I grew very acostumed to my nearfields and listen to them all day, playing my favourite music. So the hi-fis have gone (they were blasted from not using a limiter across the main out).
I still have 2 headphones, one very soft sounding Philips and one really analytic AKG.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I always use both. In fact for a time I had two pairs of hi-fi speakers (trashy 60s and classy 70s), a pair of nearfield monitors and two pairs of headphones. Then I would make a cd and check the sound on as many systems as possible.
Nowadays I grew very acostumed to my nearfields and listen to them all day, playing my favourite music. So the hi-fis have gone (they were blasted from not using a limiter across the main out).
I still have 2 headphones, one very soft sounding Philips and one really analytic AKG.


Good advise KK,

The thing I recomend is don't just use headphones. Be sure to check your mixes on speakers.
Allot of things can get lost or be mix to hot with headphones.

I drive my wife crazy when mixing, listening to the mixes on the boom box then the stereo in the living room, in both cars etc...

The Thunderchiefs

The thing is: You mix for OTHER people, not for yourself. I always envision my listeners in a stylish mid-century mention near the beach, with a proper grand hi-fi, placing the speakers at least 3 meters apart, like the old manuals told you to. So to have a good stereo pan for them to enjoy, I have to listen for pan on speakers, too. That way there’s always a little left in the right ear and vice versa. With headphones even the loudest peak would be in one ear only - how could I mix a track for living room- or car- or kitchen-listening that way? There are special Headphone-style microphones to be used to record sound that is listened to on headphones. Those recordings would sound boring on speakers. Which in turn means, on phones you get more excited, when the speaker listener is not especially thrilled. Some people put too much reverb on the music while wearing headphones, but this being a surfmusic list, that info is absurd.

Were do headphones come in then?
When you really want to know what’s still wrong, like unwanted distortion, but you want do the eq, pan and levels on speakers.
Have you seen Brian Wilson, Joe Meek or Phil Spector with headphones? No. Maybe the engineer put one on to see if he should call the taperecorder service guy.

Mix for people! In rooms!


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I also use both. Headphones can help you hear subtle stuff, noise problems, etc. And, they are portable if you are editing on a laptop. But ultimately, one has to listen through speakers, either good reference systems or maybe on several systems, just to get a better feel how the music sounds. One area that headphones have difficulty is the bass frequencies. Only good speakers can give an accurate feel for the bass.

Also, with headphones you lose the feeling for volume. You might damage your ears.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I am all about both. I use headphones for the close "isolated" listening, where I can just focus on the small details, always at a lower volume. Then, when I think I've got it, I grab a listen on monitors, with a little higher volume, which generally gives me a better feel for balance and all that.

But really, the final test of how a mix is going to sound is to take a final run, stick it on CD, and run it out to the car, where you can here it how most people (sadly) listen to a bulk of their music.


But really, the final test of how a mix is going to sound is to take a final run, stick it on CD, and run it out to the car, where you can here it how most people (sadly) listen to a bulk of their music.

and don'ty forget to check how it sounds on an Ipod either. Confused

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I don't have monitor speakers, or a pair headphones. I mixdown on my home stereo. I do give a listen with my duaghters ear-buds, but rarely make any adjustments based on what I hear through them. I have nothing against monitors, just limited space and cash.

Twisted Evil > Angel

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