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San Antonio, TX

Posted on Sep 05 2006 11:18 AM
I'd be interested to here some of your favorite knob/switch settings on your guitar.
Unfortunately I don't own a jaguar (yet!), so I can't tell you where I put all 50 switches & knobs, but.... I've been liking the neck pickup with tone on 0. I like it because it sounds real boomy and tuff and you just hear the notes your playing with not a lot of pick/string noise. Kind of jazz tone, but you don't have to play jazz.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Sep 05 2006 12:13 PM
i own an epiphone wildkat and play it through a '74 sound city concord.
i play with the tone at 10, and i play with the bridge pickup for all of our vocal songs, and for the instros i play through both pickups
my amp i put the volume to about a 4, the bass at about a 6, and the treble to about a 10 or 11 (it has sliders that go to 12) the reverb i put to about 6 or 7.
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Berlin, Germany

Posted on Sep 05 2006 05:28 PM
I have yet to roll off the tone knob, and I play for more than 25 years. Of course I have touched it, but only to check if itâs fully open, or if the germanium fuzz has got a really harsh sounding tone.
Or jamming some mock jazz with a pal.
In recent years I started to roll back the volume knob back a little, for certain fuzz flavors.
When I want it softer for a song, I step over to the amp and adjust the sound there. I want everything to meet the 12ax7, and shape the result of that.
— The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann
You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.
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Posted on Sep 12 2006 07:03 AM
strat: mid pup. jag: both pups in the lead circuit, choke off
I use the volume pot only as on off switsch (for inbetween songs and so on) and the tone is always on 10.
tank: 6-6-6 ish, more if the room needs it.
bassman: volume around 6, treble around 6, bass around 4.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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San Antonio, TX

Posted on Sep 12 2006 08:10 AM
Thanks WR I seriously was just about to bump this thread.
— <img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>
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southern Michigan

Posted on Sep 12 2006 08:41 AM
Strat: middle pickup roughly 50% of the time, bridge pickup 40%, neck pickup 10%. Volume and tone controls always wide open.
Reverb Unit - roughly 6-6-6. I vary the mix control depending on the song - sometimes as low as 4 sometimes up to 7.
Showman: Normal channel, volume between 7 and 10 (yeah, baby!), depending on the room and how loud I feel like having it; bright switch on, treble 5-6, bass 6-8.
I'm not really interested in a super clean sound. Dick Dale, Eddie Bertrand, Jim Messina, the Atlantics guys, they all played with a bit of 'hair' in their tone, with the amps overdriving a bit. I hit the strings very hard with a heavy pick, which also imparts a fair amount of dirt to the guitar sound. That's where the power comes from, I think. And for softer songs, just lay back on the pick attack, which cleans up the sound nicely, while still giving it that warmth that comes from having the amp on the edge of distortion. Tone for days, baby!
— Ivan
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Posted on Sep 12 2006 08:55 AM
I'm not really interested in a super clean sound. Dick Dale, Eddie Bertrand, Jim Messina, the Atlantics guys, they all played with a bit of 'hair' in their tone, with the amps overdriving a bit.
I think much of that overdrive tone comes from the speakers. I use that bit of grit sound as well, but when I hook up my bassman to speakers other then the jbl I usually run it through, it stays perfectly clean - which is not so perfect.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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Columbus, OH

Posted on Sep 12 2006 10:35 AM
I play through a shitty 20 watt Crate practice amp for now, so everything there is turned up to 10, reverb tank at 7-7-7. Strat - middle pickup.
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Berkeley, CA

Posted on Sep 12 2006 11:17 AM
I tend to favor the neck pickup for lead on my Jaguar, also going for an more aggressive sound. I don't know if it's just my guitar, but the neck pickup is hotter and for me gets a little dirtier. For songs that have a little more finesse, both pickups. I never use the choke, not really sure why it's there.
Ivan, have you ever experimented with changing the wiring of your strat to allow the neck and bridge pickup on together? Mel suggested it may get a more "jaggy" tone.
I play an old Pro Reverb - 40 watter, 2 twelves, that's biased very high. The sweet spot is on 4, just starting to get the grit, but plenty of sparkle and frikkin' loud. I go back and forth between brt swtch on-treble2-bass6, and brt swtch off-treb7-bass5. Reverb is mostly 6-6-6, though I cut back the tone depending on the room.
Wannes is right, speakers make a huge difference, some sound hi-fi, some dark and dirty. I believe mine are the dark and dirty type and I love them.
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta
Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party
Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF
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Posted on Sep 12 2006 01:30 PM
Ivan, have you ever experimented with changing the wiring of your strat to allow the neck and bridge pickup on together? Mel suggested it may get a more "jaggy" tone.
i have that. and as said, I practically exclusivly use the middle pick-up face it, the design of the strat was just perfect to begin with.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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Posted on Sep 12 2006 02:34 PM
I have a lot of amps to choose from including a 1964 white Tremolux, a 1963 white Bassman, a pair of Princeton Reverbs, a 74 Pro Reverb, a 74 Super Reverb, an 84 Fender Concert, a Musicman 210HD One Thirty, a Roland JC55 and a 76 Hiwatt DR504 halfstack. I used to use the Hiwatt all the time but I kept getting too many volume complaints. It sounded like a really good Fender amp on the clean setting but was way too much for most venues especially since I ran it in stereo with one of the other amps. It was really nice with the the Roland Jazz Chorus. Those get a great clean sound especially when combined with a clean tube amp. I like to run a pair of amps because it helps get the volume up, it helps spread the sound around a bit better and I can get a cleaner sound with enough volume because I'm not pushing one amp too hard. Plus in a live situation you have a built in backup in case one fails.
I use a lot of different tones and Trad surf is only one of them. I've found that in order to get that tone I need the 1963-64 white cabinet series Fender amps. Anything else breaks up too easily on the low notes unless I'm using a Jaguar. My Jazzmasters, Strats, Wilson Bros. and assorted other guitars have a tendency to push the preamp section too hard even when using the 6db padded input. I can switch cabinets around but the head needs to be white. I particularly like my Tremolux head because it has that sound but at a very usable "venue friendly" volume.
— There is Surf east of Sepulveda.
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Posted on Sep 12 2006 03:43 PM
Jazzmaster: full tone and volume at all 3 pickup settings.
Surfmaster: full tone and volume at all 3 pickup settings.
Bassman: normal channel: bright switch on. volume 5-8 depending upon venue. bass 7, treble 6-7. bass channel volume 5-8: deep switch off. bass 6, treble 7-8.
Reverb Unit: 6 6 6 or 7 7 7 depending on intensity of the tune.
on bass: treble frequencies into 2x12" Celestion cab, bass frequences into 4x12" Eminence cab. Lows at 75%, low mids at 75%, high-mids at 30%, trebles at 50-60%. Bass guitar volume at full, tone at 80% treble, 20% bass.
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Posted on Dec 04 2009 01:03 AM
'Tend to run Strat on middle pup with V and T about 7
JM and Mosrite V and T about 6-7, both pups.
'65 RI Twin Reverb T 7, M 4 1/2, B6, Rev 7 for surf.
All settings subject to boo-boo-ing with as needed.
Thanks all, for sharing. Some stuff to try!
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Posts: 76

Posted on Dec 05 2009 02:53 AM
Curently Jazzamster : almost full tone at all postions +
GUYATONE- JAZZ REVERB (probably best copy of fender black face )
check this out: HIGH-0 MIDDLE 4,5 BASS 4
TANK 8 8 6
- peavey classic 30 HIGH 1,5 MIDDLE 4 BAS 6
guyatone amp:
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Berkeley, CA

Posted on Dec 05 2009 10:43 AM
Wow Robi, that must be a very treble amp to keep the knob so low. Especially since the JM isn't the brightest guitar either.
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta
Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party
Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF
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Posted on Dec 05 2009 10:57 AM
HEY !!
well you have a point, but i think i am exadurating with reverb..which usually makes the sound brighter... but still i find my TWIN REVERB much much much brighter than GUYATONE that's why i only use Guyatone for last past years of course always combined stereo with peavey classic...
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Posted on Dec 05 2009 11:47 AM
My main stage amp is a blackface pro reverb (40 watts). I usually run the volume at between 7 - 10, 7 being the point where the note 'blossoms'. My main guitar is a strat which I normally use the treble pick-up on, but sometimes I'll use the other two depending on the song. Guitar tone knob always on 10. With this guitar, the amp treble knob is on 3 - 4, bass full up. If I use my jazzmaster or another guitar, I'll change the amp tone accordingly, which ussually involes boosting the treble 3 clicks and lowering the bass a couple of nothches.
My reverb tank is usually set at 7,5,7, although this varies with the room and song,
My signal chain is: Guitar, fuzz pedal, echoplex, reverb tank, amp.
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Posted on Dec 05 2009 01:37 PM
Settings on guitar (Strat,Jag, JM, SG-2 wide open..
Guitar to A/B box...Boss Tuner always on but out of the link...Janglebox compressor-Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive-Gomez G-Spring- Gomez El Sonidio or Surfer....compressor always on..Drive for clean rhythm backing or some solos.
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Buenos Aires

Posted on Dec 05 2009 04:10 PM
Jazzmaster: both PUs for surf - bridge + OD or fuzz for eleki tones
reverb unit: dwell 7 - mix 7 - tone 5
68 showman + 2 x 12 cab - tremolo chanel: vol 6 - bass 6 - mid 10 - - treble 6 - intensity 10 - speed 6
— El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes
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San Pablo, CA

Posted on Dec 05 2009 04:18 PM
for some lead stuff on my SGV -300 i like to keep the switch in the middle positioin third knob all the way down, when i wanna play nice overdriven chords i leave the same settings on the third knob and but with the pickup switch on the bridge pick up. And when i need that extra volume i just flip the switch to the neck position really loud and mean sounding! love this guitar can get alot of differnt tones out of it!

— -Zanti
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