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I can pretty much gaurnety I've been to more rockabilly shows than most folks here.:

I can vouch for that Sean!

My main gig these days is slappin' upright bass, and without a doubt we get more, and better looking girls coming out then I ever did playing surf guitar. It's a shame.



I can pretty much gaurnety I've been to more rockabilly shows than most folks here.:

I can vouch for that Sean!

My main gig these days is slappin' upright bass, and without a doubt we get more, and better looking girls coming out then I ever did playing surf guitar. It's a shame.

Yeah Mike it's funny, I meet a young Rockabilly guy from So-cal at the Roundup and he asked if I'd ever seen High Noon since I lived in Austin.
I told him I'd been to ever gig they ever played. Wink

The Thunderchiefs


I thought I recognized that name, I go by hillbillybopper_13 on the forum. I was the guy who had the es9 and the jazzmaster stolen. i replaced it with a crappy school issue bass from the 70's I dont know what it is I need a to get my neck on the bass set so I can get back to slappin. thats why I have not been to the rabbass forum latley.Its the oposite with me Im making my money on the guitar lately playing surfabilly i guess you would call it, naw instro would be more like it, our originals are really mostly surf but were just as likely to play dwane eddy as the atlantics. people call us surfabilly cause the red plays the upright.
hows things going with the white ghost shivers? you guys are great!

the rockabilly chicks I know go to shows to dance, thats something you dont see often at a surfshow. kind of makes me to make a danceble surf song. god only know I would love the ratio of women to men to increase at surf shows. I wonder if the ventures had groupies?

I wonder if the ventures had groupies?

I don't know what's funnier, the idea of the Ventures having groupies, or the possibility of a flame war starting over whether the Ventures or Shadows had hotter ones.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


I wonder if the ventures had groupies?

I don't know what's funnier, the idea of the Ventures having groupies, or the possibility of a flame war starting over whether the Ventures or Shadows had hotter ones.


The Shadows win hands down, no doubt about it. Remember, the Shadows almost always toured with Cliff Richard and would do their own set before backing Cliff - SO, there would be TONS of girls around that came to see Cliff, and the guys would have their pick. There's in fact an unbelievably explicit story by Bruce Welch in his autobiography about their experience with a groupie early on in their career....

However, whenever the Shadows played by themselves, the audience would consist of almost all guys. Even back then, at the height of the popularity of rock instros, girls in general weren't interested. Some things just don't change....


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Maybe you need to give you a makeover for that Cliff Richard look.... IN Surf City you would have to hire security to protect you from the throngs of screaming surfer chicks.


Maybe you need to give you a makeover for that Cliff Richard look....

That would require one HELL of a makeover!!!!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

This just in, Ivan's Cliff Richard makeover goes horribly wrong. Film at eleven!



I thought I recognized that name, I go by hillbillybopper_13 on the forum. I was the guy who had the es9 and the jazzmaster stolen. i replaced it with a crappy school issue bass from the 70's I dont know what it is I need a to get my neck on the bass set so I can get back to slappin. thats why I have not been to the rabbass forum latley.Its the oposite with me Im making my money on the guitar lately playing surfabilly i guess you would call it, naw instro would be more like it, our originals are really mostly surf but were just as likely to play dwane eddy as the atlantics. people call us surfabilly cause the red plays the upright.
hows things going with the white ghost shivers? you guys are great!

I remember when that happened, talk about a bad day! You shoud check back to RABB, and chime in on the great 'steel vs. gut' war that is raging at the moment.

White Ghost Shivers is so busy these days, that there is no time to do our surf band. All 3 of us Upskirt-types also play in the Shivers. It's been almost a year since our last gig. My Quad Reverb just sits there looking imposing these days...

**FWIW, rockabilly chicks seem to dig the surf when they see it, but would never make a special trip to a club just to see surf. When we gigged regularly, we made it a point not to play often with other surf bands, and we mostly opened for more popular bands in other styles. (mostly punk, garage, & a couple rab). We got a broader (and bigger) audience this way, as well as a lot of folks goin " what the hell do you call that?!", who thought surf music is the Beach Boys.

I know there is another thread right now about how to get more people into surf, and I think this may be the key. Go to them, instead of waiting for them to come to you.


MPoppit has hit the nail on the head. Playing with bands outside the surf genre is the best way to broaden your crowd base. My band has played the local rockabilly night here in Chicago probably 20 times and we've hosted it twice now. We've learned to stay away from songs like the Victor when we play this show because people just stand there, although they do seem to dig it. We just through in a few danceable vocal songs into our set and we've got rockabilly fans. Also some "surf/instro" songs are pretty danceable, and a lot of the early ventures stuff was written with that in mind.

As for the original question. First off, I don't know if I would consider Johnny B. Goode rockabilly. You're comparing two very similar songs. When I think rockabilly I think finger picked guitar, standup bass, drums, and an acoustic guitar. Mostly recorded with liberal amounts of echo on the vocals and lead guitar. Rockabilly is also mostly played by, or was originally played by white guys mixing in influences from country and blues.
I think Chuck Berry was more "rock and roll" than rockabilly, and the Beach Boys were more "rock and roll" than surf.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

can anyone tell me how to make rockabilly sound surfy?

check out some 'southern culture on the skids'.

hey...youre in the relucant aquanauts? from chicago? you guys are sweet. i've never seen you guys (being from mid-michigan) but i would like to. perhaps you've seen my band on myspace (

also unrelated...have you heard of flatfoot 56? they're a celtic oi band from chicago, i've played with them roughly a dozen times.

anyway, "rock" as a genre was only supposed to be short for "rock n roll" so really, anywhere from doo-wop, to bands like the rolling stones, the doors, or even shitty bands like nickelback are considered rock n roll, or at least in my opinion. it can interpreted. pretty much i think everything from surf and rockabilly to metal and punk all fit under the "rock n roll" genre. i believe rockabilly reaches a more country sound, like you were describing, and more of a straight-forward "rock n roll" sound. the beach boys in my opinion were really a surf band in the early days because they had the reverb and the fender equipment going for them. hell, they even wrote a few instrumentals. they werent as surf as many, but in my opinion they had it right where jan & dean went wrong.

i was more talking about the intros, being almost exactly the same, except FFF being up a few steps and a half. it probably is just the sound though.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!



I thought I recognized that name, I go by hillbillybopper_13 on the forum. I was the guy who had the es9 and the jazzmaster stolen. i replaced it with a crappy school issue bass from the 70's I dont know what it is I need a to get my neck on the bass set so I can get back to slappin. thats why I have not been to the rabbass forum latley.Its the oposite with me Im making my money on the guitar lately playing surfabilly i guess you would call it, naw instro would be more like it, our originals are really mostly surf but were just as likely to play dwane eddy as the atlantics. people call us surfabilly cause the red plays the upright.
hows things going with the white ghost shivers? you guys are great!

I remember when that happened, talk about a bad day! You shoud check back to RABB, and chime in on the great 'steel vs. gut' war that is raging at the moment.

White Ghost Shivers is so busy these days, that there is no time to do our surf band. All 3 of us Upskirt-types also play in the Shivers. It's been almost a year since our last gig. My Quad Reverb just sits there looking imposing these days...

**FWIW, rockabilly chicks seem to dig the surf when they see it, but would never make a special trip to a club just to see surf. When we gigged regularly, we made it a point not to play often with other surf bands, and we mostly opened for more popular bands in other styles. (mostly punk, garage, & a couple rab). We got a broader (and bigger) audience this way, as well as a lot of folks goin " what the hell do you call that?!", who thought surf music is the Beach Boys.

I know there is another thread right now about how to get more people into surf, and I think this may be the key. Go to them, instead of waiting for them to come to you.

yeah that whole steel versus gut war is pointless, its like a hindu and jew arguing over which religion is better; its all a matter of perspective, besides that its highly unlikely they will convert anyone anyway.

Yeah I think it mixed genre shows are the way to go as far as helping surf grow in popularity.

Oh that reminds me, did anyone else hear about hank marvin being arrested in the sixtys for commiting a lewd act in a london restroom, the police report said that the constable kicked down the door when he heard a woman scream when he witnessed him preforming( I wont go into detail).... well all I will say it involved a pickle a frozen cod and a prostitute.
Im just kidding I think that was lemmy from motorhead Wink

However, whenever the Shadows played by themselves, the audience would consist of almost all guys. Even back then, at the height of the popularity of rock instros, girls in general weren't interested. Some things just don't change....

It's the same with shredders. I personally can't stand shred/wank (or what a buddy calls "fish music," i.e., scales, scales and more scales). Smile However, another friend of mine loves it. He went to one of those Guitar Summit shows with Yngwie hosting, and God knows who else (about 4 or 5 others, I think). He told me that pretty much as far as he could tell, about 2997 seats of the 3000 seat auditorium were filled with guys. He said he only saw three females there!

Chicks dig songs over tunes. They want lyrics they can sing along with. They want a story. Something they can latch onto emotionally. That's why they dig romance novels and chick flicks. Instrumental music reminds them of instruments, which is about gear, and whether it's guitars and amps, or bikes or hotrods, according to my wife (and pretty much every other girl I've ever known) -- "that stuff is boring."

**FWIW, rockabilly chicks seem to dig the surf when they see it, but would never make a special trip to a club just to see surf. When we gigged regularly, we made it a point not to play often with other surf bands, and we mostly opened for more popular bands in other styles. (mostly punk, garage, & a couple rab). We got a broader (and bigger) audience this way, as well as a lot of folks goin " what the hell do you call that?!", who thought surf music is the Beach Boys.

I know there is another thread right now about how to get more people into surf, and I think this may be the key. Go to them, instead of waiting for them to come to you.

Dude, you nailed it. Everyone who hears us do our surf stuff loves it, but they often say they always thought surf was Beach Boys. We just need to expose it to them by playing those crossover gigs.

That's my take, anyway. YMMV...



Alot of the bands from down here mix the RAB thing and surf thing up pretty indiscriminantly. The Dillengers and the Vodkanauts are the first that come to mind, as vocal bands...I just saw the Dillengers on Halloween, the first set was pretty much RAB/early R'n'R, the second set all surf-instro, and the third was a mix of garagier stuff. As far as instro-bands go, The Intoxicators mix alot of chickin'pickin into the set alongside their standard surf repetoire as well.

Out here, I really can't say there's a surf crowd, per se. There more of a "retro" crowd. When I used to play with my old band, alot of our bigger gigs were with RAB and psycho bands, and they all ate our set up (with the exception of the hardcore psychobilly guys with pomps and cuffed jeans who bitch about hating "traditional rockabilly culture" Rolling Eyes ).

Personally, I think the line between rockabilly and surf can be pretty vague at times. Like mom_surfing said - SCOTS is a great example of taking electrified hillbilly music, throwing a ton of reverb on it, and mixing up the instros and the vox. Untamed Youth is another one.

The Disasternauts


Chicks dig songs over tunes. They want lyrics they can sing along with. They want a story. Something they can latch onto emotionally. That's why they dig romance novels and chick flicks.…

Tell them the music is all instrumental, so they can keep talking during the tunes!

Or maybe better not.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

my feelings about chick flicks and romance novels Puke

Puke rockabilly blah--yuck--bring me the head of rev heat. justforgetit. surf-surf-surf-surf-surf. have seen too much of "southern" culture and greasedbackhair. and don't forget lynrdskynrd. imay have been born here but i hardly lived here untill college and marriage happened to me. sorry, had lousy day and got on a tanget.

Chicks dig songs over tunes. They want lyrics they can sing along with. They want a story. Something they can latch onto emotionally. That's why they dig romance novels and chick flicks. Instrumental music reminds them of instruments, which is about gear, and whether it's guitars and amps, or bikes or hotrods, according to my wife (and pretty much every other girl I've ever known) -- "that stuff is boring."

Oh REALLY!!!!! That's certainly not true for all females! Rolling Eyes

my feelings about chick flicks and romance novels Puke

Just wanted to clarify that for you all. Ok, back to the rockabilly discussion.....


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