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During a gearsearch last night, I found this little piece. Definately one of the best guitars I have ever seen. Best price tag, too!

What year is it?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

It's a '63.

in all honesty, unless your are finacially stable for the rest of your life and/or there is nothing more important to you than guitars, why not just get an AV RI? Vintage guitars fit like a nice broken in glove and play great most of the time, but the only reason why they are so expensive is because of how rare they are. I don't even think I'd play that if I owned it. It would sit in a glass case. I just dont have it in me to whale away on a piece like that. Especially with my badluck. The thing would probably be shot in week. It sure does look pretty though, that I won't deny.

Yeah, I'd rather have an AV RI too. Like you said, I'd be afraid to play, I mean really play, something like that.

if they made an avri in sonic blue with a matching headstock, there would be no question.

but they dont. fenders colors are good, but so common. i'm picky when it comes to a finish. not 15000 dollars picky. Wink but pretty picky.

it is gorgeous though.

A guitar like that would probably go for 1/2 that price on eBay. Only strats seem to fetch that kind of money.

Sonic Blue is a pretty rare color for vintage Fenders.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I have been coaxed out of surf forum silence for this. I think that thing looks awesome and sonic blue is not seen often enough. Fender has stuck to their custom color lineup on the AV's for a while now so who knows when we'll get to see some of the others in the rotation. But for that price that guitar is a collector piece

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

WOW, nice, it would be hard to play that at a club. Can be done... you just have to stay sober. I have a 63 that had been refinished, knocking most of the value out of what was a nice LPB strat. I play it live when I have a chance. Kinda like driving a Porsche the corner market, kinda silly but man it sure feels good.

I am looking for a strat with less anxity issues, but if you can get vintage why not? better than investing in stocks...


Can be done... you just have to stay sober.

and after the gig too - I fell from my bike whilst carrying my late sevnties Paulie on more than one occasion. of course I was young and Im wiser now Laughing

Kinda like driving a Porsche the corner market, kinda silly but man it sure feels good.

incidently, my brother in law drives a porsche (early seventies, last year before they lost the chrome fenders due to safety regulations) and there's no room whatsover in the car for groceries. a '63 fender guitar, on the other hand, can make some mean music!

EDIT: Damn, forgot to tell why I replied in the first place Embarassed The Amercian guitar store (Berlin, they do mail order that's why I know them - they have roto's ) had a sonic blue matching headstock CIJ Jag a while ago - something like 775 Euros, which is more than average but not that bad for Europe. anyway, If you get the 15 thou '63, you can pick up the CIJ as well to trash.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Did you guys see that the same store has a sonic blue '65 as well, for less then a third of the price. It's relic - obviously this store has a different ethic than the Custom Shop, where you'd have to pay extra for a trashed guitar!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Don't touch... don't even look at it.

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