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Permalink How do I get this Beach Boys guitar tone?

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Hi guys...
There's a few songs on the Surfin' Safari and Surfin' USA albums that have a very distinctive rhythm guitar sound. I don't consider it a super clean sound - it's more ringing and just very different (to my lowly ears, anyway) Confused

I hear it on:
Land Ahoy
Summertime Blues
You're My Miss America

It almost sounds like the 2 or 4 position on a Strat, but these songs were recorded before the 5 position switch, correct? I've tried poking around with my strat clone and twin reverb without nailing it.

David Marks needs to discover this site Very Happy

Anyway, any help would be appreciated.


Also recorded before Twin Reverbs and Strat Clones.

Buddy Merrill (Laurence Welk's band) was using the in-between strat tone (which he described as "the lisp") in the late 1950's. I can remember stumbling over it myself in June 1965 when I bought my first Stratocaster. Probably David Marks did as well.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 22:13:48

fender deluxe amp.
2nd position on a strat.

at least that is the one that works for me.
Strat '57-'62 pups.
Fender deluxe with no reverb and low numbers on the dials.
strat turned all the way up.

Hubert Sumlin (Howlin Wolf's guitar player) explained to me that before 5-way Strat switches, he'd shove matchsticks into his 3-way switch to firmly hold it in the "in between" settings. People were well aware of these sounds and were using them for years before 5-way switches became standard.

Another golden nugget of information from Zak - beauty!

By the way, did Gormley excommunicate you? I see you are no longer affiliated with his church.!/rich.derksen.7

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