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Permalink What ever happened to the Galaxy Trio?

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bigtikidude wrote:

I saw them at their last So. Cal. show, that they did
with the Insect Surfers,
at Club Mesa in Costa Mesa,
It was a wed or thurs nite, and I was tired, but I
wanted to see them.
as I had heard they were good, but didn't have any of
their stuff.
except for a few songs on comps.
They Played a INstro Version of White Wedding by Billy
Idol, and I was diggin that and their tunes.
So I bought both cds and both 45s, and a t shirt.

of course my luck , White Wedding wasn't on any of the
but I really got into them a lot,
and tried to talk other people into getting their cds
thru the bands web site.
but nobody I told about them, liked them.
their loss. sadly.

Hey Jeff-for next year's Member Jam, how about instro versions of vocal hits. I'd be happy to tackle White Wedding!

Galaxy Trio - Saucers Over Vegas
Recorded live to two-track by Conrad Uno & Richard Head
at Egg Studios, Seattle, Wash.
All songs by the Galaxy Trio/BMI
Thanks to Dead Moon (Tombstone Records/ Louie Louie Lathe)

the louie louie lathe makes the recordings, on the vinyl editions

also ...
"In The Harem" from the Estrus catalog online
awesome .. :-}

Some general replies:
I can't believe it's been almost 20 freakin years since Saucers.
Anyway, Bryson (bass) was the one in Black Jack. He brought the punk sensibility to the band. I'd love to know where Bryson is now.
I remember that west coast trip and dimly remember the show at Club Mesa. My biggest regret is that we didn't go on the road more than we did.
It's great some of you remember this stuff, such as our version of "White Wedding." That was Jim's brain storm, and a good one.
-Elmo (Scott Galper)

I just stumbled onto this site looking for Fur Elise tabs...

I was at the '95 Galaxy Trio/Man or Astroman? shows in Milwaukee & Chicago. IIRC the Milwaukee show was at a different bar after the Man or Astroman? show. Lounge Ax in Chicago booked both bands. I remember drinking a pint of Guinness with Bryson. Cool guy, great band.

I was just wondering that myself. Where are those guys? I was lucky enough to hear them play often here in PDX and to hang out with them for a while before and after the release of "In the Harem" - myself and several other friends are on the album cover. Kitty Diggins was in charge of concept etc. Cool and I helped with the set. It was a blast! I don't even have the vinyl though. Jest ordered it on Amazon. Jim Crabbe is a great guy. I am not sure if I ever saw Bryson's eyes.

Hi Catjoy. Kitty Diggins the burlesque entertainer! she must be the one standing upright in the photos. I see why you used the cool emoticon Cool

It is brilliant photography, you all look very glamorous! it must have been a lot of fun to make.

Here’s Scott’s latest work-out video Big Grin

Hey everyone! Just resurrecting the old Galaxy Trio thread. These recent purchases from Discogs complete the band’s discography in my collection (aside from a few comps). Gee whiz it would sure be cool to see photos or video of the band performing! What kind of guitar did Jim Crabbe play anyway? Was he related to Buster? It’s amazing that despite the seemingly bottomless depth of the internet, some things remain mysterious.

Happy New Year!

The Vicissitones
Diesel Marine
The Rasputones

Here's some footage of a show we played with them in Portland in the 90s. You can see Bryson's eyes! Crazy night!

Last edited: Jan 07, 2022 17:30:20

Hey Pilgrim, thanks for posting this video. None of my searches ever pointed me to on this video. Although I see it is relatively recent. Maybe I’m brainwashed by the general bias against them on this forum but I am surprised to see Jim Crabbe playing an unstylish 80s, I think, Strat. Anyway, good playing on here and surprisingly good sound.


The Vicissitones
Diesel Marine
The Rasputones

I got to see The Galaxy Trio in Portland a bunch back then, as well as Satan's Pilgrims, The Surf Trio, The Surf Dusters, and a lot of the PNW surf bands. In fact NXNW had a great Surf showcase the inaugural year. Great time for Surf and Garage in the 90s up there. One of my coworkers (Kinko's!), Warren (I think, long time ago) was the singer for Blackjack, Bryson's other band. My boss at Kinko's always got pissed because I'd always zero Bryson's copy counter when he was making flyers.

SD_Marc wrote:

My boss at Kinko's always got pissed because I'd always zero Bryson's copy counter when he was making flyers.

Big Grin

Skins for The Delstroyers

Just listening to the excellent “in the Harem”, and found a link with multiple videos of the band. The GT were one of the first “new” surf bands I ever heard. Still love the ep!


Canadian Surf

Nice find and thanks for bumping this thread.

As an aside, does anyone know what happened to Crumble?

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