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We're finally getting around to posting some of the footage from the Huntington Beach show in August. These were shot expertly by our own HBKahuna (thanks, Tim!!!), but the awful YouTube picture quality does NOT do justice to the original footage. Nevertheless, it was a good show and we hope you'll enjoy these.

Here are the first two. We'll get a few more posted over the weekend. Any special requests??

Transatlantic Orbit

Burning Mirage

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Burning Mirage

Paul Jounson walks through the picture at about 1:25. I'd love to know what he was thinking. WOW!

It is -20 degrees F here right now, and damn do those videos bring back some great memories. I was sitting down front with Jeff, Sarah, and Danny. I distinctly remember how much fun the band was having and how much Dane was smiling the whole time. What a great set and a fantastic location. Surf music doesn't get much better than that. Wow.

Requests? Release the whole thing on DVD!!!!

Thanks Tim for taping that!

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Nice! How is the sound on stage the enclosure? Are those the band's Showmans? What a great look and sound as well.

Absolutely brilliant! That shot of Marty is great.
Ivan if you could bottle up your strat tone and sell it, you'd be rich my friend. Wink

The Secret Samurai Website
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Thanks, all! Glad you're enjoying it. Hopefully we can get the picture quality up a bit for the next batch. We're working on it, with Tim's help.

Nice! How is the sound on stage the enclosure? Are those the band's Showmans? What a great look and sound as well.

The sound was pretty good, cause it's not completely an enclosure. And the monitors were pretty decent. The amps were sadly not ours - we traveled to California from Indiana, and so we had to borrow amps to play the shows there. These particular amps belong to Matt Quilter of the Reventlos - I was playing through a brownface Dual Showman, Patrick through a brownface Bassman, and Todd through a blackface Bassman or Showman, I forget now (I think it was a Showman). Nice amps!

The show had a mellow vibe and it was an incredible day. We loved playing there despite it being much more low-energy than many club shows. But at least it was a lot less deafening than most club shows! And we sold out of our CDs at that show, so not bad! It was also amazing to look out in the audience and see Paul Johnson, John Blair, Dave Arnson, Ferenc, etc. just sitting there and watching. Shocked

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan the sound is great,and it's really nice to finally see this footage.I was wondering if you guys ever play any Destination:Earth! material? From the last time I checked with Patrick you guys weren't.I think the crowd would like to hear a few D:E tunes too from time to time or least throw me a bone at the next Indy show.{when is that by the way?}

I can hardly wait for the next batch of videos Very Happy

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!


Look at Dane go at the end of Burning Mirage!

Science friction burns my fingers.

absolutely rippin.
really does bring back great memories.

Dave A jumpin around and Baja Marty wiggin out is a hoot too.

The Bass amp is a Blackface Dual Showman run into 2 separate modern cabs with 15s.



Look at Dane go at the end of Burning Mirage!

Ha! That's exactly what I was thinking.... Badass!

Incredibly tight live performance. Great tone.

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