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Permalink Info for 2nd annual SG101 convention, 1st weekend, Aug 2009

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SG101 convention weekend. Fri. July 31st/ Sat Aug. 1st/ Sun. Aug 2nd/


SG101 convention weekend. Fri. July 31st/ Sat Aug. 1st/ Sun. Aug 2nd/

Fri. July 31st in San Diego, Bar Pink. 9 pm
Secret Samurai, The Verbtones from Portland, and The Tomorrowmen, from San Francisco.

Also Fri. July 31st in El Segundo-L.A. The Purple Orchid
Insect Surfers, THe Boardwalkers, and The Surge from Atlanta.

Sat. Aug 1st. 11 am to 8 pm,
SG101 convention at the Starting Gate in Los Alamitos Ca

Surf Jam, 11am to 12:30pm
break 10 min,
Detonators,-12:40 to 1:20
break 10 min,
Boardwalkers,1:30 to 2:10
break 10 min,
Sand Devils,2:20 to 3:00
break 10 min,
The Surge,- 3:10 to 3:50
break 10 min,
Reventlos, 4:00 to 4:40
break 10 min,
Secret Samurai,4:50to5:30
break 10 min,
Tomorowmen,-5:40 to 6:20
break 10 min,
Ghastly Ones,6:30 to 7:10
break 10 min,
Verbtones, w Eddie, 7:20 to 8:00pm

here is the link to the list of songs for the Jam, at the convention

the Venue is all ages.

here is a link to where the the Starting Gate is

Later that night at the Royal Dive in Oceanside Ca.
Tsunami Blue and Outterwave,
21 and up, 9:30 pm till?
about a hour to hour and half drive.
I am driving a suburban down, I can take 4 or 5 people with me,
let me know if you want to carpool for that.

Sun. Aug 2nd at the Huntington Beach pier, 11 am to 5 pm Free
The Surge,
The Reventlos,
The Eliminators,
The Chantays.

Also Sun. 6:30 to 8:30- pm
added to the weekend of events,
the Duotones,
Paul Johnson and Gil Ore, will be playing at Don the Beachcomber on
Sun. Evening. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Free

Don The Beachcomber
(used to be Kona) is a cool tiki bar.
its in Sunset Beach, about 7 miles North of the HB pier.
some of us went there last year after the HB pier show, on Sunday.
well, I figured its a great place to meet up at after the day,
and what better way to wind down from a weekend of High energy Electric Surf, than a Nice mellow Acoustic set from the Masters of the art form.
in a intimate setting like Don The Beachcomber tiki bar.
1 Zombie please. Wink

hope all of you can include this show in your weekend plans.


Duh Worship Rock Cheers Groovy Thumbs Up Guitar SG101!


Last edited: May 17, 2011 22:08:59

Jeff, I hereby declare you, not BTD, but BTG (BIG TIKI GOD)!!!!!
U DA MAN, Jeff!!!!

Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship



HOOT! i'll be there.


Good Job Jeff and Ryan. I'm stickying this.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

surf's up

Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan

thanks everyone,
working on getting all the bands in stone now,
will post within a week or 2.


Any chance of SPF-4 joining the performers?

sorry I All ready have more bands than time.
waiting for a few to confirm, and see who drops off the list.


I wanna go.

I'm gonna try to make it.

and I wanna play rhythm on Diamond Head, 'cause i'm messing with it now and I might be able to manage it by then!!!!
(someone wanna volunteer to stand by the amp & pull the plug if I suck too bad????? LMAO )

(no, I'm serious)


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Last edited: Jan 11, 2009 19:24:39

Time to start looking for cheap airfare.

Jeff: Can you mention more specifically where it will be held? (LA/OC is kinda a big area.) TY.


The Friday July 31st night show will be in San Diego,
Secret Samurai, and some of the out of town bands coming for the event.
Sat. Aug 1st the sg101 event will be at The Starting Gate, in Los Alimitos, Ca.
its on the border of (Long Beach and OC) closest airports would be Long Beach or John Wayne(OC) but LAX is only 45 min. North of Long Beach airport.
Sun. show is at the Huntington Beach Pier(OC)

hope that helps.


Jeff, I hereby declare you, not BTD, but BTG (BIG TIKI GOD)!!!!!
U DA MAN, Jeff!!!!

Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship


You mean BIG TIKI GEEK, dontcha? HEYO!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

hey Whorehay all surf fans are geeks.
some just more than others.


the sg101 event will be at The Starting Gate, in Los Alimitos, Ca.

A Steelers bar, yes!!
(oops, probably just upset some SD folks... :wink:)

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Sometimes I wish I hadn't quit my job working for a major airline so I could zip down there for the weekend. Then again, if I was working 70 hour work-weeks again, I'd never get the time off to come down there nor would I have the opportunity to learn to play guitar...or know what my kids look like.

Well there are always lottery tickets...ah yes lotteries - a tax on people who are bad at math!!/rich.derksen.7

working on gertting someone to 'guest host' my AUG 1 SHINDIG so I can attend

will advise once that is accomplished and my flights are purchased

thx JEFF/BTD for all you do


Here is my suggestion for those coming in August planning on attending th SG101 show in Los Alamitos Ca & at The Huntington Beach Pier.

Stay here. If I recall correctly Mom Surfing stayed her last year.

Its an easy 20 minute drive to Los Alamitos. You can walk to the HB Pier show in 5 Min. Summer parking is a major issue in coastal HB in the summer. It is also a 5 min walk to many fine restaurants on Main Street. This is your best option. Of course there are lower priced places to stay inland but you are going to have to fight summer beach traffic then find a place to park.

For you high rollers, there is a new all suites hotel opening across from the HB Pier in the near future.

Her are some additional local hotels.

This is the absolute cheapest place in Downtown HB. Across the street from the beach, 7 minute walk to pier at $63 a night, its a dump but cheap.

The above locations are about 20 minutes from Long Beach & Orange County Airports. About 45 minutes from LAX depending on the traffic. Long Beach (LGB)& OC (SNA) are very easy to fly in & out of. LAX is your typical large airport.

Those coming for the Friday show in San Diego will of course want to fly into San Diego or possibly OC. San Diego is about a 90 minute drive from OC Airport.

Last edited: Jan 12, 2009 19:47:00

Carol, how did you like that place?

I stayed here after the Pier show last year for 2 nights. It was nice, and I ran up a small tab from their goodie/snack bar that they failed to charge me for. It was funny, I would take stuff out of the fridge, bring it up to the desk, say I wanted to charge it to my room, and the guy would just look at me and say "ok, gotcha" but never write anything down as he was busy doing other stuff. Smile

Courtyard Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley
9950 Slater Avenue
Fountain Valley, California 92708
Phone: 1-714-968-5775; Fax: 1-714-968-0112

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Carol, how did you like that place?

I stayed here after the Pier show last year for 2 nights. It was nice, and I ran up a small tab from their goodie/snack bar that they failed to charge me for. It was funny, I would take stuff out of the fridge, bring it up to the desk, say I wanted to charge it to my room, and the guy would just look at me and say "ok, gotcha" but never write anything down as he was busy doing other stuff. Smile

Courtyard Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley
9950 Slater Avenue
Fountain Valley, California 92708
Phone: 1-714-968-5775; Fax: 1-714-968-0112


Thats a nice place you stayed at. My advice to people is if you are going to come all this way in the summer, stay at the beach.

This is the absolute cheapest place in Downtown HB. Across the street from the beach, 7 minute walk to pier at $63 a night, its a dump but cheap.


Walking neighborhood?????


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

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