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While its not surf, I came across this while watching a Hank Marvin vid on youtube. I've heard Ivan speak about this project but haven't heard a lot of it. This is some great stuff! And Ivan's dad just rips on rhythm guitar!! Rock

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I love their cover of 36-24-36. Brilliant. There use to be a video of it I watched all the time.

I've seen the Troubadours 3 or 4 times. It is such great fun hearing those Shadows songs live, they do a fantastic job. I little birdie told me they might be playing again!

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ah great stuff!

... but will they be doing gipsy jazz soon? Hmmm

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Thanks, guys. I'll see if I can get some more videos up on YouTube soon. We really did have a great time with the Troubadours, especially at the two Shadowmania North America festivals in Toronto (in '01 and '03). Hanging out with Bruce Welch and Licorice Locking, playing THEE Strat (used by Hank to record Apache and all the other early Shadows hits), being watched by Bruce as we played, chatting with him into the wee hours of the morning at the bar after the show, well, it doesn't get much better than that for me. He's definitely one of my heroes, and it was a thrill of a lifetime to be able to do that. And we played some good music in the process, too!

(BTW, I don't know about any gigs in the future for the Troubadours, but we did practice last week for the first time in almost four years, so we'll see. At the moment, we're just in it for the enjoyment and fun.)


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Strap locks! Boo!

Is that still the original finish? I assume it is. Is the neck even more gorgeous in person?

Thanks for posting those pics Ivan! Was Hank Marvin not present at those Shadowmania shows? And I echo Jake's sentiments about that strat's neck. Wow, that thing is incredible looking!

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Last edited: Jan 01, 2009 20:17:07

Is that still the original finish? I assume it is.

It's not. The brief history of this Strat:

Cliff buys it for Hank in '59 (hand-delivered from the USA), since no Fenders are sold in the UK at the time, and Cliff was making a lot more money than the Shads, who were just his backing band and had no hits of their own yet.

Hank uses it from '59-'61 - it gets beat up a fair amount during that time, as the Shads were very busy both backing Cliff and on their own.

In '61 Vox starts importing Fenders into the UK, and hooks up the Shads with a matching fiesta red set - Hank returns the original Strat to Cliff.

The guitar is in Cliff's posession for the next 15 years or so - at some point he has it repainted white.

1976 - Bruce Welch produces Cliff's album "I'm Nearly Famous", which is a massive hit and a big comeback for Cliff who had been slipping in popularity - Cliff is very grateful, and asks Bruce what he can do for him - Bruce asks Cliff if he still has that old Strat - Cliff does, in an under-the-stairs closet, where it's been sitting for years! Cliff gives Bruce this guitar as a gift.

Bruce uses it for pretty much every show since then. It stays white until about '81 or so, when he has it repainted red - but not fiesta red, it's a darker shade. It's pretty worn by now.

There you go!

Is the neck even more gorgeous in person?

Thanks for posting those pics Ivan! Was Hank Martin not present at those Shadowmania shows?

No Hank Martin or Hank Marvin. Twisted Evil Actually, the big Shadowmania shows have been held in England pretty much every year since '98 or something. And Hank has never showed up for one of them. He's just not interested. Bruce is the one that really accomodates the fans and goes through all the trouble. It's amazing he traveled to Toronto for those Shadowmania NA events.

And I echo Jake's sentiments about that strat's neck. Wow, that thing is incredible looking!

The flame on that neck is pretty unbelievable. If you watch that Stratocaster Legends clip, you'll hear Hank talking about how they simply picked out the most expensive model in what must have been the '58 Fender catalog - and that was the fiesta red one with gold hardware and flamed maple (as seen on the cover of the '58 catalog). It's a very special guitar. It resonates like mad.

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The real question Ivan, is "What song did you play on it?"

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

The real question Ivan, is "What song did you play on it?"

He played Wipe Out on it.

No Hank Martin or Hank Marvin.

Woops, my typing is worsening with age Mad

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Check this out - the story of the Hank/Bruce Strat!

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Another excellent video on Hank & the Shads Man, this is addictive!):

I love the part where Andy Summers talks about chasing Hank! ROTFL

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Here's one more (lengthy) video on the place of Cliff & the Shads in the early British rock'n'roll:

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I've been making my way through a lot of links as well. I had no idea about the history of Hank's fiesta red strat.

Thanks for the links Ivan. Keep 'em coming!

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Here's a slightly different side of Hank Marvin. Tone to die for!! Razz

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Cool stuff!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Here's a slightly different side of Hank Marvin. Tone to die for!! Razz

I love those videos - you know you've made it when you get a parody video on youtube.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

They bogarted my version of "Fingel Blunt!" Evil

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Here are a few more videos of the Troubadours - I didn't even know these were on YouTube. They were posted just two months ago by the Troubadours' old bass player (2001-2003), Jim Auge. (The picture is pretty dark, but at least the sound is muddy. Laughing ) Incidentally, these are from Chicago's Exotica 2003!

Round and Round


National Provincial Samba

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Last edited: Jan 06, 2009 23:20:08

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