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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
328 days ago

dp: dude
309 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
264 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
248 days ago

GDW: showman
199 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
121 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
114 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
100 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
80 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
30 days ago

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The Pistoleros - The Arrival of The Pistoleros.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook


mariocart on the wii...

The Madeira- Sandstorm

I am super sweet

santeria - sublime

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

santeria - sublime

Nice! I loved that record when I was younger. I should listen to it again.

Various Artists ~ Hula Blues (Rounder Records)

(a compilation of steel guitar instrumentals from the 30's and 40's)

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

Tinnitus. I am always listening to it.

Me too. Sad

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

At this very moment I'm listening to everything marked "Surf" on my MP3 player. This means a semi-random sampling of Dick Dale, the Duo Tones (acoustic), Jack Nitsche (I love the Bass VI work on The Lonely Surfer album), Jet Harris (more Bass VI), The Lively Ones, Los Straightjackets, Mel Waldorf in his various identities, Reverb Galaxy, The Surfites, The Varatones, The Ventures and various recordings from Surf collection CDs I've bought over the years. I realize that some of this is not everyone's idea of Surf music but it's all music I enjoy and it all features the sound of clean guitars (or Bass VIs).

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

The Broken Spokes.

Edited to add m/ for morphball for getting his nephew into The Misfits at a young age.

Brian, what loud noise caused your tinnitus? When I was a teenager I didn't go to shows much, but one day I decided to take every handgun in the house out shooting with no ear protection. With the little stuff it didn't matter much, but after blasting off a couple with the larger calibers I became aware that my hearing was dull and of a constant background ringing. When I woke up the next day and it was still there I got nervous...fortunately it was gone after two. Ever since then, it's been earplugs for me. I keep 'em in my backpack, my instrument bag, my car, and (of course) my shooting bag.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Stratogeezer playing Driving Guitars, Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White and videos from those mad men of the attic videos...................


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I got a great comp called "A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding in Your Mind - Volume One - Cosmic Space Music. It is pretty cool.


The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook



Hmmm Can you play surf on a Dave Murray Signature Edition Strat???


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Mayden! Rock

I'll probably regret putting this up, put this is a constantly updated Last.FM list of my last 10 listened tracks:


(If you ever happen to see Black Eyed Peas there, please intervene & drop-kick me right away.)

Rich: and a \m/ back at ya for having a gun bag. Mine contains over-ear guards, so that I can listen to music underneath. Fear Factory + firearms = awesome.


Aqualads - Hollow Day

The Phantomatics on Facebook
The Phantomatics on Instagram
The Phantomatics on Bandcamp

The Meteors - I don't worry about it



Tinnitus. I am always listening to it.

Me too. Sad

ditto, wish I could turn it off.
the only cure, turn on some music to drown it out.


Brian, what loud noise caused your tinnitus? When I was a teenager I didn't go to shows much, but one day I decided to take every handgun in the house out shooting with no ear protection. With the little stuff it didn't matter much, but after blasting off a couple with the larger calibers I became aware that my hearing was dull and of a constant background ringing. When I woke up the next day and it was still there I got nervous...fortunately it was gone after two. Ever since then, it's been earplugs for me. I keep 'em in my backpack, my instrument bag, my car, and (of course) my shooting bag.

What about spiders?! Durn kids today, all you do is mumble. Will SOMEBODY answer that phone? It's been ringing all day! Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.


Brian, what loud noise caused your tinnitus? When I was a teenager I didn't go to shows much, but one day I decided to take every handgun in the house out shooting with no ear protection. With the little stuff it didn't matter much, but after blasting off a couple with the larger calibers I became aware that my hearing was dull and of a constant background ringing. When I woke up the next day and it was still there I got nervous...fortunately it was gone after two. Ever since then, it's been earplugs for me. I keep 'em in my backpack, my instrument bag, my car, and (of course) my shooting bag.

What about spiders?! Durn kids today, all you do is mumble. Will SOMEBODY answer that phone? It's been ringing all day! Smile

You know your tinnitus is really bad when other people can hear it too. Hmmm

Dean(aka Moondevil)

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