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Permalink Dick Dale in Seattle

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I hadnt checked Dick's site recently and just noticed he's hitting Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland... Anyone hitting the Seattle show on Sept 11th? It's WAY past my bedtime, but may do it. I guess I should check ticket availability first...

You should definitely go. He came through Columbus last year and I didn't make it out. Lousy work.

I will be there! Can't pass that one up... He is 69 and you have to think that he will not be doing this too much longer


Have fun.

I was in the very front stage right. So, basically Dick was right in front of me and above me and all over the place. un$*#@ing believable show.

Now I know what people mean when they say you need to see Dick Dale live to understand

After the show I talked to him for a few mins and there was a fan who came up and asked him who came first, the ventures or himself. He was like there was none before me. I am the king of surf and the Father of heavy metal.

It was too funny...

Too much fun

I was there too, i was blown away being my first time to see him. I wasn't expecting the amount of "stage antics" that he did. He was flirting with the ladies in the front row the whole time. You could definately tell he was having a blast and he sounded great. I've been sporting my DD for prez. shirt all day today! for 3 more days of surf shows!

Surf in Seattle?

Eric, what are the 3 more days of surf shows?

Thurs. Mercury Four, Fri. Kileauas, sat. Double Crown
Next week Seattle Rockabilly Ball w/ Eddie Angel and the neanderthals!

Surf in Seattle?

I see. We played with the Mercury Four in Portland but we couldn't stick around for their set seeing as how it was our second gig of the night and we had to be back for work the next day.

This was his latest stage antic that he tried at the Petaluma show-- He set his Strat head on one of his cabinets and started to bang on the guitar body trying to get some feedback going. I guess on most nights, "The Beast" takes off with roaring, sqealing feedback, but tonight, it just wouldn't take off. But that didn't stop Dick from sauntering up to the microphone after this weak, (or should I say limp,) display to announce "That's how I treat my women"



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This was his latest stage antic that he tried at the Petaluma show-- He set his Strat head on one of his cabinets and started to bang on the guitar body trying to get some feedback going. I guess on most nights, "The Beast" takes off with roaring, sqealing feedback, but tonight, it just wouldn't take off. But that didn't stop Dick from sauntering up to the microphone after this weak, (or should I say limp,) display to announce "That's how I treat my women"


Barf, indeed. He said this same ridiculous line at the last three shows of his I've seen - May '04, May '05, and May '06. And he did the feedback thing, too. So, nothing much new with DD lately....


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Ive seen him do that too, that was like three years ago on a euro tour. on eof the reasons I passed on his concert next time he was around.

makes you wonder though whether his post-coital antics include the line "I wish I could make my guitar squel like that" Shocked probably not.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Eew. Barf again. So it sounds like that particular night he was more like an 86 year old granny in the coffin, not your 28 year lover.
Very Happy

Ted, kudos for tying together two completly unrelated threads! Laughing

seriously, though, there seems to be a huge gap between DD's stage persona, and what you read about his personality in a different context. I also wonder where the misguided cool tough dude conception comes from. Is he trying to say that he's rough to women, or is he referring to guitars as 'women', not realizing what a nasty remark that is???? Both very uncool attitudes imho btw, though the one is clearly more abject then the other.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

darn, I just realized... DD is playing our our hometown in a couple a weeks, we're going, and my wife said she'd join us.... better not have her wear her gold sparkle dress with the US-flag badge, huh? Shocked


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Both my wife and I have witnessed that same "how I treat my women stunt" on separate occassions. It's apparently part of the act now. BTW, this has inspired me to install a new smiley I found somewhere else. Look for it soon.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Good ol' Dick. When I think of the most popular and important figure of our genre I want to think about misogyny . . .

Being my first DD show, my impression was that he likes to make his women wail....

Which, in context, is not a bad thing! Wouldn't you agree? I think that most women would agree too!

Now if "his" intention was to glorify degrading and sodomizing women against his cab then, yes, I agree that would be very uncalled for! If someone has heard him say what he means when he does that, please share... Remember what assume means...

But, we will never know unless we ask him...

This world has become way too PC, in my opinion...

Don't label without knowledge!!!

When my wife and I saw him last year at the Pitcher House, I was expecting all sorts of crap like that (I warned my wife in advance). Surprisingly, he did none of that and gave a great show.


The Scimitars

Being my first DD show, my impression was that he likes to make his women wail....
Which, in context, is not a bad thing! Wouldn't you agree? I think that most women would agree too!

I think his meaning was clearly understood by the many women in the audience who offered DD "The Bird" after his comment. In all fairness, many male members of the audience whooped in appreciation of the comment, though they didn't seem to have dates with them..

When my wife and I saw him last year at the Pitcher House, I was expecting all sorts of crap like that (I warned my wife in advance). Surprisingly, he did none of that and gave a great show.

This is one of the most confounding things about DD, and why I continue to go see him year after year. At a show in 2004, he played for nearly 2 & 1/2 hours, did no ranting and just played his ass off. He was pulling out songs the band hadn't heard in years (confirmed by Dusty and Sam). It was a great show, and I think he would have kept going but the bar had to close at 2AM. Then I have seen other shows, where there was more talk than music, or too much focus on his son, which was just kind of sad-- not that the kid isn't talented, but it was just very strange.

Best song I have heard on this tour was "Taco Wagon".


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