I was going to bang out a long detailed account of the evenings strange proceedings this weekend at Egan's until I ran across Trace's e mail response to one of the Syndicate's agents who was in attendance and shall remain nameless. It seems to sum up the evening well.
It's no wonder we can't do this as often as we used to:
However, We just confirmed a show at the Star Bar in ATL on 1/31. Hope to see you there...
Begin Transmission from Luger:
The fog of war is just now clearing in my still dehydrated meninges, but short term
memory is being recovered gradually. Some of the sub-plots going on that evening are
returning. Alabama Football, Stick's car (the deer hunter), pirates, shots of jaeger,
Spiccoly, and more...
Saturday was indeed epic and enjoyable. It seemed everyone one had fun and we actually played
for 2.5 hours with songs to spare!
Be safe on your travels, and don't forget the fruit!!
Oh yea, do you remember biting the shit out of my forearm while I was playing?
I took it as some weird European sign of celebration and appreciation!! I'm sure the fraulein will
get the same treatment, hehe!
End Transmission