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Permalink New 4th Edition of Surf Music Discography

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I bought a copy from John last week, and it's an incredibly thorough and informative resource. Highly, highly recommended.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Thank you so much for your great work. John Very Happy

Thank you so much for your great work. John Very Happy

Yes! Great work on everything you've done! I just ordered my copy. I'm glad the my procrastination didn't cause me to lose out, as it usually does. Thanks for making it so easy to get a copy!


Didn't know how to delete this post completely.

Last edited: May 22, 2009 23:10:58

For anybody that will going to the South Bay Surf Stomp this Sun.
in Hermosa Beach.

I will have a few Extra copies of this book with me,
Just ask.


FWIW, I'm working with BlindBlake to resolve his book order.

PLEASE NOTE: If you haven't ordered a copy of the new 4th edition, now's the time. Because of the recent increase in postage rates, I'm going to have to raise the postage slightly on future book orders. If you want to save a couple of dollars, best to order soon. The book's cost will stay the same ($46); only the cost to mail it will increase.

Order from

I really appreciate all of the nice comments about the new 4th edition that have been posted here and hope that those who have the book are enjoying it and finding it useful.

john blair

John has been great. Thank you.

This book has been out a year now. Don't have a copy yet? What are you waiting for? Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

What are you waiting for? Smile

Don't have my copy yet, but actually I'm just waiting for the delivery Very Happy I ordered the book via a finnish internet book store.

It's go-go, not cry-cry.

This book has been out a year now. Don't have a copy yet? What are you waiting for? Smile

What a great holiday gift too! My copy was a gift from a great friend and I love it. I proudly keep it with all my other coffee table greats.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

**Always wanted this book, so ordered a copy today.

Dick Dale forward is icing on the surfboard!

OK...shameless self-promotion time since it's getting close to Xmas. This book, the most recent 4th edition, makes a really cool Xmas present for anyone on your shopping list who's into surf music. The book describes in vivid detail the origins of this music that has exploded internationally today. Includes an exhaustive index and a Foreword by Dick Dale. If you don't have a copy yet, please don't wait.

Order the book by going to my website: Happy holidays!!!


I'm asking Santa for a copy for Christmas. Is she (my wife, Barbara) doesn't put one in my stocking, I'll order one myself. Too good not to have.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Cool, allow me to ad a shameless plug... Fantastic and thoroughly researched, this book is a "must-have" for all surf music fans!!

John wrote:

OK...shameless self-promotion time since it's getting close to Xmas. This book, the most recent 4th edition, makes a really cool Xmas present for anyone on your shopping list who's into surf music. The book describes in vivid detail the origins of this music that has exploded internationally today. Includes an exhaustive index and a Foreword by Dick Dale. If you don't have a copy yet, please don't wait.

Order the book by going to my website: Happy holidays!!!


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

This is indeed a must-have. I refer to it several times a month easily. The photos and info are a true goldmine.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Best version of it yet.
Don't buy the older ones.
Get this one from John.


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