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So, about 2 years ago, I sliced off a good sized chunk of skin off of the inner tip of my left index finger (my fretting hand). It has healed and scarred over, however I still get a little bit of tenderness when playing.

Has any one else suffered an injury that has impaired their guitar playing abilities? If any one has suffered a similar injury, any advice on reducing pain? Thanks.

About 10 years ago I ran the tip of my left index finger through a table saw blade right down to the bone. Couldn't play at all for about 4 months but gradually the callous built up to where it didn't bother me too much. 10 years later I don't really notice it at all - I guess what I'm saying is it just takes time.

Bill S._______

I broke my left hand wrist in 3 parts in a longboard skate accident


I lose 40% of the radius movement and the bending angle there, it´s harder to play and have problems to make barre chords in the 1st fret ...............sometimes hurts, especialy when it is a humid day......just have to learn to live with that, life is better playing surf guitar!!

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

I can't move my fretting index finger to the side. Probably broke it many times during my baseball days plus nerve damage. Not much feeling in that part of the hand, although the finger tip is fine.

And I cut through the same finger with a box knife. It went into the fingernail quite a bit. And towards the side it went clean through the finger. I had a gig a couple days after that. It bled a little and I mopped the blood up between songs. It is amazing what corrections the mind will instinctively make to work around an injury. I was playing some unique chord shapings without ever playing them before.

I also recall spraining my finger several times and hurts wrists during baseball. Oh and I was catching a football once and my ring finger bent back at the middle knuckle quite a bit. Couldn't use that finger for a couple weeks. The knuckle is quite a bit larger now than my other one.

And I've had surgery twice where I couldn't have the guitar on my stomach, so I just wore it off to the side. I still sort of play off to the side 'til this day.

Most people here know about my 8d framing nail through my left index finger middle knuckle. I too get mild aches from it when trying to bend it and from playing a lot of guitar and it's been 16 mos. I think it's something you're just going to have to learn to live with.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Great stories so far every one. It has gotten much better over the past 2 years, I am sure it will keep progressing.

Papu, that is a crazy X-ray shot. That is the reason that I stopped skateboarding years ago. I can't afford to get hurt like that any more, I guess you never really can.

I severed a nerve in my left index finger about 9 years ago with a utility knife.
I had surgery to repair the nerve but still to this day I don't have complete feeling back in that finger.

It's never really affected my playing though, I'm still as bad as I always was. Laughing

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

I inflicted the damage the same way.. utility knife. I got a little too confident with my straight line cuts and was not being careful. Learned a lesson though!

I feel bad for all you guys, the worst thing I have are eye floaters. My prayers are with all you.

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

Please don't pray for me, thanks.



I once broke my thumb in a skiing accident. Couldn't play the drums for a month. That sucked. It's a bummer that with the drums, you pretty much can't play if you injure anything.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Please don't pray for me, thanks.

(I had deleted this because I thought I was being too mean - but tonybologna likes it and I do too - so I am reposting it.)

I will buy you an indulgence to save you from purgatory for your heretical comments.

Thanks Jake. Why no prayers Matt?

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

funny you mention left shoulder is currently heavily bandaged and my arm in a sling and piled with ice. i just had surgery to repair torn rotator cuff and labrum in my shoulder. also, doc says my shoulder cartilage was ground down to the consistancy of oatmeal and i have been operating bone on bone for some time. they patched things up, smoothed out the damaged end of the humerus and performed a procedure called microfracture that pokes a bunch of small holes in the bone (using an awl...yeah, ouch) to try to stimulate new gristle and cartilage's pretty painful right now. but at least i feel like i am on the mend and i start rehab tomorrow.

the biggest bummer for me right now is that we've already had to pass on three gigs including opening for paul johnson / george tomsco last weekend, a swank rooftop penthouse gig for the california surf museum on nov 8 with bruce brown...the endless summer movie guy, and a real good paying private party gig nov 15 too. no geetar for 3 months Sad

it's reassuring to hear that others have gone through similar, and of course much more serious challenges, and then get right back to it. prayers required here either....but if anybody is going to Juanita's i'll take a burrito...i gotta keep my strength up Smile

Ben prayers required here either....but if anybody is going to Juanita's i'll take a burrito...i gotta keep my strength up Smile

Should've asked on Saturday, at Plaza Azteca, I had Chicken Burritos, and rice. I love that place, they have bottomless nachos with any sauce, my favorite salsa, but they have plenty, they also make their chips. The only thing is, they've made it bigger to attract more people, and the quality has suffered a bit.

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

Last edited: Oct 27, 2008 15:56:52

Thanks Jake. Why no prayers Matt?

Not you. I mean Matt because he doesn't want prayers. You are not a heretic since you are religious.

And many people aren't religious and are uncomfortable or just don't want people praying for them. For example, when I was really sick my grandma and her friend, a Nun, prayed for me and then when I was 'cured' they attributed to Jesus and Pope John Paul II who was watching me from Heaven. That really pissed me off because I attribute my getting better to the hard work the doctors, nurses, and my friends and family put in.

Dang, I don't know if anyone else on here is, but just to say, I'm Muslim, however, to avoid creating a religious bash, flame-war, Muslims believe in the same God as Christians and Jews, Allah, which many people claim is some weird God, is just Arabic for God.

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

Muslims believe in the same God as Christians and Jews, Allah, which many people claim is some weird God, is just Arabic for God.

Exactly. A pet peeve of mine is religious people who aren't supportive of other religions.

oh boy, here we go again. Crying




NO BULLYING THE 7TH GRADER (or whatever, your school system means nothing to me)

thank you.

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"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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