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Permalink Promotions idea - surf covers of today's Top 40 hits

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Wink I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't really want surf music to be in no Top 40 shit. Lets say "Hypothetically" surf was in top 40 and it became really popular, I just wouldn't want that. If that happens as soon as you know it, surf music will turn into a fad, a flavor of the month type of thing if you will. And then you'll get a bunch of Brainless Leeches who will suck the life outta this music and it will die a slow but painful death. And it just won't be fun anymore. And sooner or later we will all die of Boredom, and Sir that is the "Root of All Evil" Laughing Plus why would you wanna cover Umbrella? It just doesn't make sense to me. Just my "Dos Centavos". Laughing

The Deadbeats


look at what's on the charts now.

Find a song that you think you can make sufficiently surfy,



The Deadbeats

Holy Mother of Unspeakable Ideas, this makes me throw up in my mouth a little.




Smaller bands and labels probably more likely to let you cover if you ask...
King Khan (I'd BET he'd be willing to let his stuff be covered for free),

I know King Khan quite well, since the mid 90s. What is it about him that makes you think that he wouldn't want to be paid for his hard work?

Well, I didn't mean it that way, I just meant that he's got a garage rock background and might be more welcoming to a surf band covering his songs

I agree with a lot of what's being said but I can also see how some people are frustrated about the amount of interest in the genre. I think there are a lot of potential listeners out there that just need a little exposure and that's why I think covers might be a good idea. Just keeping at it as is won't necessarily do it. There's a reason surf gets more popular every time Tarantino drops a soundtrack and that's because it needs another avenue to break, and I can see covers being that avenue. But it has to be to an audience that wants to hear it, and that's not the top 40 crowd.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I also agree and play surf as my way of avoiding shitty music like this. If you haven't noticed, quite a few of us are aging punks. Playing surf isn't as ridiculous as us still trying to chop steak in a punk or hardcore band, but we still want to kick it to the pricks and flip off the man (like Tim:D) with a smile on our faces.
In the 60s, the Ventures pulled off (sometimes) raiding the top 40 list, but when that list had songs like "Secret Agent Man" on it, which had all of the elements in place, and it made a lot more sense. Top 40 is utter crap now and has been for ages. Don't waste your time.
Ted Pilgrim
PS Are you Strange Dave?

I'm not suggesting pandering, just thought it might be an easy cheap way to attract more attention to your band. I don't play music myself - I'm just a fan and amatuer videographer ( suggesting something that I think will help promote this great style of music! And I'm definetely not Strange Dave (though I remember him).

Dave Bernstein

I agree with a lot of what's being said but I can also see how some people are frustrated about the amount of interest in the genre. I think there are a lot of potential listeners out there that just need a little exposure and that's why I think covers might be a good idea. Just keeping at it as is won't necessarily do it. There's a reason surf gets more popular every time Tarantino drops a soundtrack and that's because it needs another avenue to break, and I can see covers being that avenue. But it has to be to an audience that wants to hear it, and that's not the top 40 crowd.

Thank you. That's all I'm trying to get at here, that this could be a way to get to a new audience.

Sorry if I made anyone throw up in their mouths or made any little smiley faces shoot themselves. Just trying to suggest something that I had thought would lead to greater exposure and thus more success for the music and bands that I love.

I think referring to the "Top 40" charts puts a limit on things anyways. It doesn't have to be "Top 40". I would rather take an unpopular tune nobody heard of, with a decent melody and turn it in to a surf hit.
I don't have a problem with surfin' a tune out if I think it might work. Of course, it would be one or two tunes on a setlist among several originals to mix in with.
That's not desperation. That's just havin' fun. Not to mention.
Eddie's still laughin' all the way to the bank with "You Really Got Me". Just ask the Kinks............

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

My opinion is that the Los Straitjackets version of Celine Dion's song is GREAT because it's a GREAT song by itself. The horrible thing it's her voice, the instruments and the arrengements used for her version. But when you hear that song with surf elements you obviously like it, because it have beautiful chords and stuff...

And about the "no-melody-only-beats modern music" subject... even better! That's more defying for us to rearrange not-surf songs into surf. Surf music it's only melody? What?! I don't really think Dick Dale would think that. His way of playing it's almost most rhythmic than melodic.

I would really like to hear surf versions of songs of Belle & Sebastian, Weezer, RHCHP, Pixies (they actually do a surf cover of The Surftones's "Cecilia Ann"), Blur... well any modern band, yeah i enjoy them.

Guitar Player in Nahuelaizers


I also agree and play surf as my way of avoiding shitty music like this. If you haven't noticed, quite a few of us are aging punks. Playing surf isn't as ridiculous as us still trying to chop steak in a punk or hardcore band, but we still want to kick it to the pricks and flip off the man (like Tim:D) with a smile on our faces.
In the 60s, the Ventures pulled off (sometimes) raiding the top 40 list, but when that list had songs like "Secret Agent Man" on it, which had all of the elements in place, and it made a lot more sense. Top 40 is utter crap now and has been for ages. Don't waste your time.
Ted Pilgrim
PS Are you Strange Dave?

I'm not suggesting pandering, just thought it might be an easy cheap way to attract more attention to your band. I don't play music myself - I'm just a fan and amatuer videographer ( suggesting something that I think will help promote this great style of music! And I'm definetely not Strange Dave (though I remember him).

Dave Bernstein

I just saw that you were a Dave from New York and friends with UF. No offense.
How many soundtracks has Tarantino "dropped" that had surf on them besides Pulp Fiction? Pardon my ignorance, I don't really do new movies either.

How many soundtracks has Tarantino "dropped" that had surf on them besides Pulp Fiction? Pardon my ignorance, I don't really do new movies either.'s were in Kill Bill (he also had some story about hearing them in a clothing store in Japan and bought the album off them as if it were some rare gem unheard of in the US), Jack Nitzche in Death Proof (Grindhouse)

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

How many soundtracks has Tarantino "dropped" that had surf on them besides Pulp Fiction? Pardon my ignorance, I don't really do new movies either.

"Jackie Brown" has a crappy drum machine-plagued song by Elliot Easton's Tiki Gods and I think that's the closest any of the others come.

That 5678's rewrite of a Rezillos song isn't surf, and neither is the Nietzche instro.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I just saw that you were a Dave from New York and friends with UF. No offense.

I ain't friends with Strange Dave either, by the way, so please do not associate me with him. Ever.

BTW, David Bernstein is a HUGE fan of the surf genre and an avid supporter of LIVE SURF in the NY tri-state area. He shows up at practically each and every SURF-ROCK SHINDIG I throw at OTTO's, and I always run into him at other events.

Unsteady Freddie


DAVID, thanks for putting your idea out here for others to see. You never know if perhaps someone will grab your concept, give it a shot, and get positive results, right?

Hi All,

I feel I must pipe in on this, especially since Dave mentioned that
we had discussed it last weekend.

I do think it is an innovative approach to re-introducing the surf
genre to a generation who still thinks of surf as the Beach Boys and
rolls their eyes with the reference. As for bands who can pull off a top
forty hit as a surf intro and call it their own , I can think of few.
Obviously it would be those bands who already play vocal covers as
all-instro because these bands are used to using the lead guitar to
take the place of vocals. Not an easy task to be sure.

I am not terribly fond of top 40 music, but I understand the
intrinsic value of all musical compositions. Recently I heard Uncle
Leon & the Alibis (kuntry-punk) do "Baby Got Back" with twang and
humor. I freakin' loved it. Go find it on My Space & you'll
understand why.

Now if Dave is willing to videotape this and place it on you tube, I
say go a step further & do a compilation CD, limited distribution,
maybe broader. Who knows what it could lead to?!

Now go talk amongst yourselves. I'm getting all vaklempt with


Blue StingRaye

This has been an interesting discussion. I haven't listened to Top 40 in several decades as I slowly descend into angry old man syndrome, so I honestly don't see the appeal. I think surf musicians should do the best they can at writing real surf music (as they define it), and who cares if we don't get mass appeal.

Probably the best hope for a shot in the arm is Tom's (tdsurf) "Sound of the Surf" film project, which is going to show the real surf music story in a professional way, without compromising the music. If the public still doesn't get it, I'm fine with that. I've been lucky to see the trailer and some behind the scenes shooting, and I think Tom and crew (which includes John Blair and our own HBKahuna) are doing a truly amazing thing that I honestly didn't think was possible.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That 5678's rewrite of a Rezillos song isn't surf, and neither is the Nietzche instro.


Hey nitpick why don't you, they're both pretty close. The point remains, soundtracks introduce people to surf. Death Proof was sort of an exaggeration but the 5678s definitely got a rise in popularity and nobody can deny that the Pulp Fiction soundtrack exposed a lot of people to surf. I've seen people on this board say that it was their first exposure

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

as much as I like the idea of promoting surf, really, this simply has no chance of succes.

think of it this way - how many of us have become hardcore black eyed peas adepts since 'pump it'?

well there's your margin of succes. The best you could hope for in terms of exposure is one f'ed up kid tellin the other "wow, that's a _really _cheesy ringtone you've got there".

but here's an idea: just put one of your really cool originals on youtube, but put "britney spears naked" in the description.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

oh man...and, I was going to do a surf version of BEPs "Pump It" as my top 40 breakthrough number!...thanks WR for dashing all my hopes and dreams!

A surf version of "Pump It" would be awesome! It would be like what happened to John Waters' "Hairspray". It started out great, no reason to change it.. But since they ran out of ideas over on Broadway, they decided to strip it of its killer soundtrack and replace it with new songs, so they could milk more money out of it and make it a musical. Then, they make a new movie of the musical. WTF? It was a frickin' movie in the first place. Give me Divine over Travolta any day.
I'm glad Waters finally made some dough, but come on.

One of the things that attracts me to surf is its underground nature. I could care less about the popular adoption of surf.

The Secret Samurai Website
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...maybe I can get my top-40-surf-version of "Pump It" onto the next Guitar Hero IV wii expansion pack? I'll add a bunch of extra distortion and add extra incredibly-fast DRAGONFORCE-style licks so that no one could even play it on advanced would melt their controller.

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