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Permalink Official Surf Coasters 2008 USA Tour Thread

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Quick review of San Jose Surf Coasters show:
(Paul Pyronaut says it best. My head hurts!)

Beachkrieg is a great fun German WWI "schtick band" from San Jose and they had the crowd on their side. Someone called them Surf Oom Pah pah. I'll go with that. As was said in the crowd, they'd go well on a bill with Meshuggah BP.

Pollo Del Mar was pristine. Man, after playing so long together, they slide easiliy into the pocket and really display their complex musical genius while all the while making it look so easy. Love their version of Moon Over Marin. They snuck in a Frankie&the PoolBoys tune. Crowd roared.

Surf Coasters entertained as we knew they would. They maintain their international charm with the fans and we're very lucky to have seen them again. Thier new album shows an even more talented and progressive side of the band. They played a few cuts from it which were enjoyed by the crowd. They did some classic covers of Pipeline, Surf Party, Miserlou and BumbleBee (a crowd request). They did their classic faves like Dreams, Intruder, Sharkman and Beach Monster to everyone's delight. The San Jose Blank was pretty much packed. Always great to see my "home town" in support of Surf. Many NEW fans appeared (no doubt those who heard from previous SC fans).

I will post pics and a YT vid when I can.

Kick the Reverb!

-bIGwAvE Dave

OK, here's some photos from last night's show in San Jose:

Pyronaut Paul went all out for the occasion and decorated the van appropriately:


First band up was Beachkrieg - world war I era German instro (mostly) band:
Dig the euphonium!
You know that Meshugga has to play a gig with these guys

Next up was Bay Area favorites Pollo Del Mar - here's some shots of rock stars Ferenc Dobronyi and Jono Jones:

And here's Shigeo, Kuri and Naotaka - The Surf Coasters.

Be sure to check out the 2 videos I posted on the "surf videos" forum.

Thanks to Ferenc and the Surf Coasters for giving us a show I'll never forget. Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

In a nutshell, Sunday night was friggin' awesome...

A bunch of us met up at Danny's place before taking off in the fan van. It was a fun crowd and a fun ride (thanks Paul!). We stopped at a taqueria before hitting the Blank Club. Yum.

We arrived early on in Beachkrieg's set. I'll admit I didn't like them that much. The melodies were pretty fun and occasionally strong enough I guess, but pretty mediocre for the most part and by no means well-played enough to redeem themselves. Maybe the plunkiness was supposed to be part of the appeal, as was the whole Bismark shtick, but I guess neither really appealed to me. They had their moments, but overall were pretty disappointing, personally.

Not that that really mattered, because the rest of the night was out of control good. Pollo took the middle slot, and absolutely amazed me. Their set was phenomenal, and they knocked it out of the park with every single song, no exceptions. I've seen PDM many times now, probably more than any other band, and this was without doubt the best I've heard them live. They were so on top of every song. Ferenc was getting huge full tones out of his guitar and Jeremy's drumming was more thundering than ever, and that's really saying something. I was getting chills during Anabelle Lee and Jonny Foo, but really everything was a winner. Theirs was a set to rival that of the Surf Coasters--really, that good. Afterwards a few of us were commenting to each other about how the guys kicked an exceptional amount of ass. I really hope that with Jono back they can keep it up like this. Thumbs Up

And then of course the Surf Coasters followed to headline the night. I've been a huge fan of theirs pretty much since I first discovered surf music, and I think Intruder is the first surf song I actually knew by name. I've waited a long time to see these guys--I knowingly missed them their first two visits to the States and agonized through every day of it and kicked myself through the years afterwards, so finally getting to see them live was a very big deal for me. Dammit, they were amazing! Everything I had hoped for.

What everyone has already said is entirely true--they're just an incredible show. Every single one of the guys is in the running for "best surf __-player" on their respective instruments, yet somehow nobody steals the show, and they work together seamlessly without anyone sounding overbearing. How did these guys find each other? How do they do it? Shocked The musicianship was almost entirely unrivaled. Naotaka's drumming is pummeling and so perfectly hardcore surf. He's one of my favorite surf dummers and seeing him live only made me appreciate his playing more. Kuri continuously amazes with playing complex, but perfectly fluid lines on his low-slung bass, all while jumping and dancing around. He doesn't even pay attention to his instrument and still plays it flawlessly. As an extra note, Kuri also gives the impression of being the single nicest guy alive while he plays. He's just got this fun and exuberant presence that really adds to their live show. And of course, Shigeo's guitar skills are completely mind-blowing. I've never seen fingers move like that, and there were times during the performance, notably Sharkman and Bumblebee, where I was stunned to the point of being immobilized. His capacity for guitar heroism isn't remotely approached in this genre, yet respectably he saves it for particular moments and instead focuses on Surf Coasters songs, not self indulgent Shigeo Naka showoff sessions.

And of course the songs. These guys are undeniably phenomenal musicians, but it's of course their melodies that win me over the most. They play the best mix of epically ballsy and greatly fun songs, and now a new addition of more complex and serious material. The songs from their new album are not surfy at all--not at all the Surf Coasters we are so familiar with. I guess it qualifies more as something like "power rock," and though I'll admit I would have preferred a surfier approach, I didn't dislike it. I'm still not sure if it's because the songs themselves are worth the listen, or simply because I already love the band and forgive their transgressions. Either way, "Outside Break" is the final and somewhat out of place chapter in the Surf Coasters's discography, but it's by no means a reason to have second thoughts about seeing these guys. The songs are exciting and equally impressive to behold live. Either way, their setlist was still predominated by earlier and later classics--classics both for the band and the surf genre as a whole. Really just some of the best surf songs to be put out there into the world. To finally hear songs like Tsunami Struck, Dreams, and Intruder played the right way by the right guys was a wonderful experience. Intruder has been my favorite song since pretty much day one, and finally hearing the Surf Coasters play it live was a reaffirming moment. It killed. I loved it. There was also the great stage antics of Beach Monster, the wizardry of Man from MI5 and Thunderbirds are Go, and that crazy hand-flipping-the-fretboard nonsense of Misirlou--a song done so often by so many bands, yet these guys make it entirely their own. It might have been the most overpowering song of the night to my ear. Truly epic. Let's Go Trippin' was a huge blast, and I was really glad they played it just because it was so much fun.

Damn, I'm having trouble remembering what other songs they played. Seeing these guys was really an overwhelming experience. Something I finally got to check off of my "do before you die" list. Anyone with the opportunity to see them in the coming days... do so. You won't be able to forgive yourself if you don't.

Last edited: Sep 09, 2008 17:38:18

Great reviews people and thanks for the pics.
I cannot wait for these shows.

Hope some Nor cal people come down for the SD and LA shows
with Sand Devils and Slacktone respectively.

they are going to ear bleeding shows,


Great review Ben! Thanks.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I know this is from the last tour, but thought it would be good to remind everybody how good they are.


Hello! first post here so excuse if i'm in the wrong place.. Just wondering about the Surf Coasters Outside Break CD. I take it that it's only available at concerts at the moment, any idea when it will be ready for the rest of the world. thanks.

Welcome aboard crumb. Ferenc has indicated he will sell the CD after the tour is over. Stay tuned.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

they are going to ear bleeding shows,

I don't know if you are referring to just the Surf Coasters volume, but this tour they seem to have turned down. I remember last time they were hear my ears bled for days, but my hearing was back to normal the next day after 2 nights of four bands. Either that or my hearing is really damaged 3 years later...

photos from San Jose are here

My personal favorite is the one where I captured the catapult launching the army men into the crowd.

The Blank Club show in San Jose was awesome. All the bands sounded great. It was cool to see so many folks out on a Sunday night.

Video clips


My personal favorite is the one where I captured the catapult launching the army men into the crowd.

And now that army man resides on my computer speaker - thanks Miles!

If you want an "Outside Break" CD, send $15 via PayPal to: (send me a PM for the info)
Canada add $2, res of the world add $3.
I'll send them out next tuesday.

Hello! first post here so excuse if i'm in the wrong place.. Just wondering about the Surf Coasters Outside Break CD. I take it that it's only available at concerts at the moment, any idea when it will be ready for the rest of the world. thanks.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Last edited: Mar 22, 2009 21:33:06


My personal favorite is the one where I captured the catapult launching the army men into the crowd.

And now that army man resides on my computer speaker - thanks Miles!

hey, has anyone seen my army man?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

is that a euphemism?
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink


Laughing no. I caught one too and misplaced it. I thought it was near the merch table.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Laughing no. I caught one too and misplaced it. I thought it was near the merch table.

I know notink! Paranoid


Laughing no. I caught one too and misplaced it. I thought it was near the merch table.

I know notink! Paranoid

Mr. Green

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

If you want an "Outside Break" CD, send $15 via PayPal to:
Canada add $2, res of the world add $3.
I'll send them out next tuesday.

Hello! first post here so excuse if i'm in the wrong place.. Just wondering about the Surf Coasters Outside Break CD. I take it that it's only available at concerts at the moment, any idea when it will be ready for the rest of the world. thanks.

Bargain! thanks Ferenc

Any reports from the Santa Cruz or Fresno shows?

I decided on a whim to make the trek to tonight's show in Fresno... but didn't make it off the block. My ATM card got rejected at the gas station and I ended up spending the rest of my afternoon at the bank clearing up fraudulent purchases made today in... Kentucky. Shocked By the time I was done it was too late to make it down there in time. Mad

I wanted to see these guys again so bad. Dammit. Crying

So. Cal. calls to you young Jedi.


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