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Yes I am excited. Although my band is not anywhere near being a traditional surf or instro band. We do have some appeal to the folks in this scene.

Anyways after a long and arguous time of trying to the youngsters in my band to understand what the goal and theme of what our band was supposed to be. We had to throws our arms up and say.. That's it, you're out of the band. I won't go into details, but just pretty a messy break up with some very unkind words said about me.

But on the upside. Without delay, we have a new bass player and a seasoned drummer and everyone is excited to things moving forward.

If you get a chance and are in the San Diego area on September 29th come catch the debut of the new band at the Zombie Lounge with Rockabilly/Psychobilly acts The High Rollers (AZ) and The Iron Hat 100's.

Also check the myspace page for updates.

Take care all,
-Redd Tyde

I personally really dig the schtick. Any band that's zombie-themed automatically gets my thumbs up. How did the other guys not "get it?"

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Let just say there were creative differences between what I had envisioned when I started this up and what the two ex-members thought to be entertaining.

Now things look to be going back into the right direction. Everyone is closer in age and much more seasoned as musicians. Now we can work on getting the Zombie Beach Party aspect of the show into play.

Thanks for the support. We love our fans and want everyone to have a good time. I am hoping the future will bright with smiles. Maybe a couple of them will have a piece of brain here and there. But smiles none the less.

Take care,
Redd Tyde

Good luck with the new lineup, Redd!


Ahh, zombies. What's not to love?

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