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Very Happy I was trying to get my fix of some MBP videos on YouTube and ran into this LiL' Gem. Its our very own MelWaldorf and his wife on somekinda TV show. Laughing I love this guy Razz

The Deadbeats

There's another thread around here somewhere about that TV spot, but I'd never seen the video before. That was great! What a cool house/decor!


Smile Yeah I remember Zanti showing me something about Mel in somekinda TV show about house decorating or something, but im pretty shure this perticular video has been discussed. Still cool tho.

The Deadbeats

Cool This one's cool.

The Deadbeats

Cool This one's cool.

Love it!

Q: Are you Jewish?
A: Sometimes.

Laughing Cool


Laughing cool video Cool

The Deadbeats

so swanky,
Mel and Jessica are the best!!


Shig AKA Shecky!?? whaaaaaT




Combo Tezeta IG

Tasteful and rather refined, I say Smile

Tim O
oestmann guitar



i've passed these links on to a few friends who've all enjoyed them.

As someone who also calls a '60's vintage ranch home his abode, kudos to Mel and Jessica...That was a great video! Cool

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Smile Yeah I love this video. Their good people, at the Bay to Breakers this year Mel introduced me and Santiago to his wife Jessica. And it was funny cuz when he said to me "This is Jessica" all I did was shake her hand and said "Hello, Miss" and she started gigling Laughing I don't know why she did but it was funny. But then again ther was some naked old guy around ther, so maybe it was that Laughing

The Deadbeats

I hope this "House of kitsch" is adorned with a mezuzah in the doorway..Very entertaining and worth watching again some months later.

oh you mean a Meshuggah Mail box as I like to call them?

no offense to any Jewish people, btw.


Geez gang, I'm glad you all get a kick out of our house. In some ways I feel sorry for our daughter whose idea of "normal" is far from normal.

If you think the house is full of crap, you should see our attic - that's where we store the stuff on Jessica's website I'm amazed the ceiling hasn't collapsed.

And yes, we do have a mezuzah at the door!

Geez gang, I'm glad you all get a kick out of our house. In some ways I feel sorry for our daughter whose idea of "normal" is far from normal.

If you think the house is full of crap, you should see our attic - that's where we store the stuff on Jessica's website I'm amazed the ceiling hasn't collapsed.

And yes, we do have a mezuzah at the door!

I knew it. I knew it!! Bet mine's shinier........

Geez gang, I'm glad you all get a kick out of our house.

Did I detect a Mustang convertible in the driveway?

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Good eyes Syncho - or was it your cat who spotted it? It's a 1988 LS 5.0 convertible. Looked like a beater but a tight drivetrain. It had 3.73 gears and was perhaps the fastest, coarsest car I've ever owned. Barely controlable in the rain, though granted the tires were pretty bald from all the burnouts. It had holes in the exhaust, and when I replaced the pipes with dynamaxes, it somehow got louder. I eventually sold it, but it was fun while I had it and I managed to never wrap it around a tree!

Good eyes Syncho - or was it your cat who spotted it? It's a 1988 LS 5.0 convertible. Looked like a beater but a tight drivetrain. It had 3.73 gears and was perhaps the fastest, coarsest car I've ever owned. Barely controlable in the rain, though granted the tires were pretty bald from all the burnouts. It had holes in the exhaust, and when I replaced the pipes with dynamaxes, it somehow got louder. I eventually sold it, but it was fun while I had it and I managed to never wrap it around a tree!

In the spring of '07 I happened to hit the car rental place on just the right day and came away with a Toreador Red, V-6 Mustang convertible. This is a dangerous thing to rent to a 52 year old bachelor. It would do 0-60 in 7.5 seconds and got 30 MPG on the highway. I drove it from Tucson to Minneapolis and had a blast. On the way home from Denver I detoured through Utah in order to avoid a storm. There was a stretch of winding road in a deserted corner of Utah and I'm pretty sure I broke the sound barrier at one point. Smile That thing was faster than I ever imagined possible for a V-6 with an auto. Even with posi it would light 'em up pretty good. (Not that I'd do such a thing. I read about it in a book.) The 3/4 of me that is Scandinavian wants one in the worst way while the 1/4 of me that is Scottish says "no way".

BTW, the cat didn't get ahead of me on this one. The male cat is curled up on the footrest of my chair and the female cat is trying to taste-test a USB cable leading to my MP3 player. Ahhh the life of a bachelor. Smile

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Sep 22, 2008 13:03:29

Barely controlable in the rain

I had the same body style with a 4 cyl and a 5-speed. Even that was hard to drive in the rain but strangely enough it was fine in snow.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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