Posted on Aug 08 2008 09:28 AM
tuesday AM we got in a dawn patrol surf session at the huntington pier, almost missed our flight out of john wayne airport because we couldn't find the off airport rental car return for 'pay even less' car rental company, connecting flight in las vegas delayed because of weather. got back to norfolk,va at 1 AM and drove three hours to home, slept 2 1/2 hours, and then worked until 8 PM. needless to say a bit burnt but ...........
unfortunately we missed the san diego show friday but got to spend the evening with eddie K and the missus.
saturday's event was over the top. i was one of them who was there the entire day and evening, noon to the end of the insect surfers set sometime after midnight. i was feeling a bit drained there towards the end.
surf drum jam... how cool was that? my son loves dusty watson, so what a treat for him. he was standing right up front.
slacktone...energy level over the top. the owner of suzys' wasn't looking too pleased with the noise level. i loved it when they were asked to turn it 'down' and it was still just as loud.
how cool to meet so many nice people and to be around folks who all love this music. i couldn't believe how many people i met know people i know. the surfing world blends into the surf music world a lot more than many people realize.
getting the opportunity to play with paul johnson on stage.......i can't come up with the words to describe it. i was so afraid i'd mess up (looking a little too serious and focused in the photos, so next year i'll loosen up) but not nervous at all once we started playing. how cool was that!? next year i want to play with ivan. (how very cool would that be??) only in my dreams.
speaking of cool.......the madeira. who taught that guy to play guitar? can patrick play a little faster next time? i loved their bass player (sorry i don't know his name) but...........
pollo del mar...........did ferenc and danny stop smiling, ever???
the aquasonics..........one of my sons two favorite bands of the afternoon.
the eliminators..............some of my personal favorite original tunes. having eddie join them...wow.
the boardwalkers, outerwave, surf kings all with their own signature sound. i had to escape the heat of suzy's so heard most of these from outside. was it hot in there or what? everyone sounded so good.
the detonators started the evening off with a blast and the insect surfers closed out a great day of music.
the huntington beach pier show on sunday topped off the whole event. what a great 'venue' for surf music.
how much fun to get to hang around dave arnson who's been a pal of mine for years. he's got to be the happiest person i've ever met.
sorry they ran out of time for the jams on sat. rick. i was looking forward to playing 'penetration' with you and BTD. this will be a 'must' for next year.
special thanks for 'overhead ted' for offering the use of his surfboards. my brother showed up so we used some of his.
thanks to ivan and hbkahuna for the invite to come out to the filming on monday. sorry i couldn't make it but i haven't seen my brother in almost two years and family comes first.
and a huge thanks to everyone i met for all being so cool. i don't want to make a list out of fear of leaving someone out, but you all know who you are. i felt so at home around everyone.
thanks BTD for putting this together.
thanks brian for surfguitar101.
ps, sorry for going on and on. we wandered over to the surf museum on monday. they have a jan and dean exhibit right now. we just missed meeting dean. my brother spotted an old enlarged photo on the wall taken in 1977 of a 'kanvis by katin' advertisement (they're a boardshort co.) and i'm in the group. how cool is that? certainly the last thing i expected to see.
anyway.........looking forward to doing this all again next year.