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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink any Jim Messina/Jester Fans out there?

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I really love Messina's Dragster album, but I heard he kinda gave up on surf shortly after this. Is that true? Does he have any other traditional surf albums?

I love the Jesters, but don't know anything about the albums. I bet Bill Aqua will chime in here.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I love Jim Messina and the Jesters, enough so that we titled our first album after their song High Voltage. Jim was a good surf guitarist, and I think their drummer is really over looked. That kid was wild.

Jim Messina doesn't really acknowledge his surf days. I guess he's too proud of his Logins and Messina days.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Read Ivan's Review...a good read.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Jim Messina doesn't really acknowledge his surf days. I guess he's too proud of his Logins and Messina days.

Well, they are the best of friends!


Seriously, though, I love the Jesters. It's too bad there isn't more from them. I'm with Bill on the drummer, too. Great stuff.

The Jester's were really great. They are one of my favorite surf bands from the 60s.

But was it recorded in 64?
sorry I couldn't resist.



Worship Jesters Worship

Technically there's another album, but it's just re-recordings of the same songs. Some of <i>those</i> versions are on different comps--"The Jester" is on the Guitar Player Presents Legends of Surf comp, and the completely different, much better version of "Yang Bu" is on Bustin' Surfboards. There's also a third version of "The Jester" on one of the Lost Legends of Surf Guitar comp.

Ivan went into it in-depth in that massive post Brian linked to.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Ivan had a great review, however he failed to mention that Messina was 15 years old when recording the album. Teen guitar players always have a hero, and dick dale was his, obviously. I do feel the Jesters although influnced by Dale had their onw unique sound.

The surf craze coincided with Messina's teen years, when it was over he was becoming an adult. I think Messina believed he was a producer/musician over a surf guitar player, hence he grew out of the phase. No different then a 20 year old realizing Marilyn Manson is not cool anymore Smile Just my take anyway

No different then a 20 year old realizing Marilyn Manson is not cool anymore

au contraire dude ... the exact opposite from a 20 year old realizing Marilyn Manson is not cool anymore! Twisted Evil


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:22

I liked the Jester at first but I got tired of the drumming real fast, same fill over and over. Very unimaginative IMO. I also tired of the relentless double picking throughout the song. I think it sounds like a talented 15 year copying Dick Dale. When I compare the Jester with Baja (both on GP/Rhino Surf Compilation) it pales next to the richly textured sounds of the Astronauts. Messina really became an excellent guitarist and writer with Poco and Loggins.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:26

I couldn't possibly disagree more.

Let me put it this way:
I can play any Jesters song within minutes of hearing it. I could have done that in 1972 easily. Kids stuff. The much more complex and mature playing on Loggins & Messina (even if you hate the music) would be more of a challenge.
The Jester sure has a sloppy ending on both versions I have, more the fault of the drummer.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:30

I really prefer the lo-fi stuff that I have on this 1982 LP on Audiofidelity Records ... I think the performances of the Jester, the Cossack, Yang-Bu, and High Voltage are the definitive ones. They're not just different mixes, they actually have completely different guitar parts than the ones on Dragsters, and the drumming is just the fiercest thing I've ever heard. The drums on Dragsters sound tame by comparison. Weird mix, almost nothing but drums on the left channel, and zero drums on the right. It almost sounds like listening to the band from the drummer's stool haha. The guitar sound is so evil on that record. I actually heard these recordings before Dragsters and based all of my band's covers on them. People would ask me why I played Yang-Bu and High Voltage "wrong" and I didn't know what they meant haha!


Is the Audio Fidelity version of "Yang Bu" the one that's on the Bustin' Surfboards comp?


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:36

Yes, and the Audiofidelity version of The Jester is the one on the Legends of Surf (the Guitar Player one, not the Lost Legends version which has the weakest of the three versions of the Jester that I have).

Man, that version of "Yang Bu" absolutely kills - the heavy rhythm guitar/bass groove, the raging drums, the loud, fiery lead ... wow.

I've never heard those versions of "The Cossack" and "High Voltage" - is it a similar difference in approach as the one between the two versions of "The Jester?" (That Lost Legends version is alright, but I'm with you on it being the weakest - even without the drum solo it's still not that great.)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:47

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:56

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