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Permalink Episode #2 Now Available!

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Hi Joel,

The SG101 theme song was the first song you heard. The 'bed' music behind my voice is one of my favorites, Glider by The Bambi Molesters.

Lady Reverb

Very Cool!
I like the Bambi Molesters song . I'll check them out again to find it.
Is there any chance that the SG 101 theme song will be posted in the download section just for the fun of it?
Thanks for the info Lady Reverb.


Great to hear another podcast. I thought it was never going to come.


Nice job, everyone. Look forward to more! Very Happy

The Volcanos

Great podcast! I liked everything about it and am looking forward to hearing the full interview.

And...Welcome Lady Reverb!


Welcome Lady Reverb! Your voice is as silky sweet as nickel flats and your words are as soft a bed as a surf song could ever hope to land in! Very Happy

allrighty, enough with the sweettalk allready, or Ill get in trouble with mr. Reverb. great job on the podcast in any case.

about the theme song, let's just say there's plans in the making.... :suspense:

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

about the theme song, let's just say there's plans in the making.... :suspense:

i.e. extended Rush-esque drum solo.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Great show! Thanks.

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Enjoyed Podcast number 2! Thank you Smile

Tim O
oestmann guitar



Welcome Lady Reverb! Your voice is as silky sweet as nickel flats and your words are as soft a bed as a surf song could ever hope to land in! Very Happy

allrighty, enough with the sweettalk allready, or Ill get in trouble with mr. Reverb. great job on the podcast in any case.


HAHA u wont get in trouble with me but my friendy shecky over there might haha if only there was a mrsreverb on this forum ....early 20's enjoyed strats with thick flats, short walks on the beach ....... haha




Combo Tezeta IG

Great podcast! Enjoyed the Ferenc interview too!

Would it be a bad idea to include some gear talk in future episodes? Like hearing the differences between strings, pickups, reverbs, etc... basically stuff I don't understand.

Keep up the good work!


Great Job All!
A thoroughly enjoyable hour.

Gandy Dancer

We are still working on getting iTunes updated, it may be a while.

Ah. So it's not just me.

I can't wait, so I subscribed again, this time to feed://
It worked, yay!

(As opposed to the URL in the iTunes Store feed, at which still only has episode 1.
Originally I was subscribed to , which also only has episode 1.)

Ooh - I see you've titled the episode simply "Episode 2", instead of, say, "SurfGuitar101 Podcast #2".
Yay again! Thumbs Up
Explanation: The ends of the long titles don't display on my iPod Nano (2nd Gen) until you scroll down to it, pause, and wait for it to scroll to the right, at which point the backlighting usually times out. Putting the unique part of the episode titles at the front is way more convenient, at least for me. Thanks.

Looking forward to listening to it tomorrow.
Or is that "Listening forward to..."?

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

planish, I live to make you happy. You know that, right?

The iTunes thing isn't sorted out yet, just stand by please.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Great show, Lady Reverb has that air of sophistication, kind of like classical radio, kind of clsses us up a bit.

I Love the new Podcast, I play it in my car and drive around pretending it's a perfect world with Surf Rock actually on the Radio!javascript:emoticon(':rock:')

Like Podcast #1, Podcast 2 was excellent. i think the combination of music and interview really works well. Lady Reverb gives the podcast a very polished result (not taking anything away from Brian's approach!). Standout tunes were the Bambi Molesters, Bitch Boys and Surf Coasters, the rest were pretty hot also. I love giving my friends a listen and seeing their response. Looking forward to future editions.

When is the next podcast? I thought it would happen on a more regular basis instead of the once a year. I've enjoyed the last 2, but it be nice to get one once every couple months or at least once a quarter. Suggestion for an interview for the next podcast, interview big time promoter Jeff "Big TikiDude" at the surfgtr101 convention this weekend. I think he has a lot of info to share and he's the biggest surf music fan I know.

I believe another one is in progress. Now if iTunes would only add the podcast to its listings....grrrrrr.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thats nice to hear Brian. Hopefully it'll be before Halloween. I'll stop my bitchin now. Thanks Brian.

Hopefully Danny will chime in here with an update. And it is no problem Steve. It is a nice problem to have (people demanding more). Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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