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Permalink Episode #2 Now Available!

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Episode two features a new SG101 theme song written by our own WR and performed by Ferenc, DannySnyder and TonyBologna! In addition, we have an interview with Ferenc!

This episode was conceived and produced by DannySnyder and his wife Lady Reverb (Adrienne). A special thanks to Adrienne for lending her wonderful voice and song selection to this podcast.

There were a few technical problems with the sound quality, especially on the interview, but we hope to have these worked out for future episodes.

A longer version of the interview with Ferenc may be posted later.

Please share this with your friends and family!


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

actually the theme song was written as a collaboration between Danny and me. Danny rocks, and Tony and Ferenc too, they helped us out big time with this. Cheers

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."




Uh huh!

Well done although I can't help thinking Sandy Nelson's Casbah slammed the modern songs! However, I think it's a good idea to mainly feature modern bands on the show. And the SG101 theme song was great!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I like the theme song too. Nice! Good podcast. Now if I could only figure out how to actually get it onto my iPod from my non-iTunes Vista box...


We are still working on getting iTunes updated, it may be a while.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

We should have a listening party in IRC....?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I loved the new podcast. Lady Reverb does a great job and has a very professional, soothing delivery. Great interview of Ferenc by Danny! I was hoping he would be the subject ever since Danny first suggested him after episode #1. Having read what he has to say about what makes a good instrumental here on the fourm, it was interesting to hear more from him on this.
Overall, I'm really impressed with the great presentation. Thanks to all of you who put your work into this.

Wasn't something mentioned about there being more of the interview available?

w0w! I really enjoyed this. Lady Reverb did an outstanding job, I could listen to her all day.

Music is great, the interveiw is great. Please keep these podcasts coming!

Fin Doctors


Thanks everyone. Please give us any comments and suggestions

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I liked it! Good interesting interview, good track list, a nice sprinkling of 1st wavers... the theme song is hilarious! Cheesebally to the max. (I hope that was the intent. If not, I guess I'm being a snooty jerk Embarassed )

I agree that Lady Reverb is pretty soothing and makes a good hostess. My main suggestion, though: Adrienne and Danny need to loosen up! Smile The talk between songs definitely sounds more scripted, and it sounds more polished and official which is good... but it's almost to the point that it sounds business-like. Surf is supposed to be fun, and fun to talk about. Danny, we all know you're personal friends with Ferenc, so take that rod out your spine when you talk to him. Wink

I have to state that it does seem odd to have a non-member host our podcast. However that is easily fixed. ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I liked it! Good interesting interview, good track list, a nice sprinkling of 1st wavers... the theme song is hilarious! Cheesebally to the max. (I hope that was the intent. If not, I guess I'm being a snooty jerk Embarassed )

I agree that Lady Reverb is pretty soothing and makes a good hostess. My main suggestion, though: Adrienne and Danny need to loosen up! Smile The talk between songs definitely sounds more scripted, and it sounds more polished and official which is good... but it's almost to the point that it sounds business-like. Surf is supposed to be fun, and fun to talk about. Danny, we all know you're personal friends with Ferenc, so take that rod out your spine when you talk to him. Wink

Thanks Wooza. The song was supposed to be fun and definitely cheesy. About your other points, I'll explain a few challenges in making a podcast. I know it's presented in such a way as to resemble a radio show, but it's quite different. It's all digital, so we have to assemble it like a film. That means the music is added separately to the talking. Try acting like you just heard some songs when you hadn't -not so easy. I think it takes seasoned pros to pull that off. We had problems with the interview too, my mic didn't record well, I'm uncomfortable giving interviews, the edited responses sometimes didn't address the intent of the original question. So a lot of work was done after the fact. There's also a lot more exposition in this podcast than we'll have in the future so there'll be a lot less talking.

If anyone wants to do some interviews by all means please do and send it to me and I'll include it in the podcasts.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

OK Brian, as you so subtly suggested, I'm now a member of the forum Wink

Thanks for all the comments and criticism of the podcast, I really had a lot of fun doing it. As Danny mentioned, doing a podcast was a lot different than doing the weekly radio show (punk rock) that I did when I was in college.

I hope you'll email all your friends and family the link to this podcast so more people can learn about instro surf rock!

Thanks again,
Lady Reverb

Welcome aboard LadyReverb!

Great job on the podcast guys! Well done. The interview with Ferenc was great and I'm looking forward to listening to it in its entirety at some point. Please do make that available.

Great track list as well Cheers

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Welcome, Lady Reverb!

aka: Mrs. Snyder-Shekels-Eloi Wink

Welcome to the funny farm!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Welcome to SG 101 ladyreverb!
It is a real smooth and good show!

I just have one question guys.
Which song was the SG 101 theme song? The one at the onset of the show, or the background song while the announcing was going on?


Good job Danny and Adrienne. Very professional!

I love the song selection, some of my favorites.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Welcome to SG 101 ladyreverb!
It is a real smooth and good show!

I just have one question guys.
Which song was the SG 101 theme song? The one at the onset of the show, or the background song while the announcing was going on?


Hi Joel,

The SG101 theme song was the first song you heard. The 'bed' music behind my voice is one of my favorites, Glider by The Bambi Molesters.

Lady Reverb

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