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Permalink My Band Surftaliban

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check it out

It's no traditional surf.. it's like Man or Astroman or something else! Please gimme a feedback for the songs!
We founded the band in January 08' since that we've played one bigger Gig.

Hope you enjoy it! cheers!


Last edited: May 30, 2008 11:47:24

check it out

Wow, that's your band? Razz You might want to be a bit more specific. Smile

I haven't heard the tunes but I suggest a name change already.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Isn't the name Surftaliban kind of offensive? And judging by your myspace you are probably trying to offend Muslims.

sounds good for such a short time together.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I'll post the link for him.

You guys sound pretty good. Keep up the good work.

"Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle

well, thank you!

I will upload new recordings from the session today in one hour! It is all recorded by a headset, no studio or something else!

The name has nothing to do with a polical influence, its just Fun
A little fun is normal for Rock'n'roll and it's against this mainstreammusic shit...because we don't like it and we all do a war against those pop musicans with our guitars and stuff, don't we? :P:P

Thx for Posting the correct link! Please gimme a feedback to our new stuff then
i will write a comment when it is uploaded



The name has nothing to do with a polical influence, its just Fun
A little fun is normal for Rock'n'roll and it's against this mainstreammusic shit...because we don't like it and we all do a war against those pop musicans with our guitars and stuff, don't we? :P:P

Then you should probably call it Surfjihad although that doesn't raise eyebrows quite as much as SurfTaliban... Smile

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

What is there to be offended about? I don't see any thing offensive to Muslims on the site. The word Taliban just means student. I don't find it as offensive as something like the Dead Kennedies.

I agree with the rebellious nature of youthful rock-n-roll, but the Taliban conjure up (to me) images of amputated hands in a basket, executions in soccer fields, mistreatment of women, banning of all art including music, etc. Not exactly the "surf" vibe. That's just me though, you guys do what feels right to you. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:24:36

What is there to be offended about? I don't see any thing offensive to Muslims on the site. The word Taliban just means student. I don't find it as offensive as something like the Dead Kennedies.

great , thank you

by the way, i'm 17Years old and my mates too aside from my drummer, so please don'T think that we are professional surfers;)


new stuff is comin'


This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:24:59

I should add that I love the Dead Kennedies, and The Bambi Molesters, Satan's Pilgrims, The Bitch Boys. I never heard Ed Gein & the Graverobbers but if that name doesn't conjure up evil, nothing does.

Isn't the name Surftaliban kind of offensive? And judging by your myspace you are probably trying to offend Muslims.


New Sounds are up now! Hope you enjoy 'em

please gimme a feedback


its not as bad as the surf motherfuckers.
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink


Ballsy sounds! I'm all for it! Thumbs Up

You know but it's funny, not funny ha-ha but funny ironic. I HAVE heard the expression Surf Taliban used, but not for a while. Somebody used it to describe a type of conservative leaning surf purist who believes that anybody who called their music 'Surf' who did not play a Fender guitar through a Fender amp with an outboard tank should have their kneecaps broken. So the metaphor tends to imply a certain rigid, inflexible devotion to the 'authority' of tradition and a willingness to break skulls(or remove them) to enforce tradition.

If that is the statement you want to make, knock yourselves out, It's America. But please, for the sake of unborn generations, don't blow up any ancient cultural artifacts that constitute a valuable historic record...;-)

You know, we had a hell of a time agreeing on a name for ourselves. We went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and finally, it was obvious: The Iterators...

Seamoor Glas,
The Iterators

I think the term "Trad Nazi" has been used more for that purpose than Surf Taliban.

Off Topic And where can we hear/see the Iterators? Myspace?

(Iterators are very important in C++ .... )

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I wonder why nobody yet came up with "The Surf Nazis".

Maybe too risky for germans Hmmm

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