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i was randomly checking out youtube for some jazzmaster stuff and i happened to find this, that guitar/amp/unit sounds freaking goood! just heargint that guy play it makes me want to have all that gear! anyways... any chance the guy playing is from the forum? that thing is just dripppping with reverb!




Combo Tezeta IG

Oh yeah, baby! How much of that sound is the tank, the Jazzmaster or whatever that amp is??? Really, only 35 amps will get you that "rauncy, RAUNCHY little amp" sound??? Uncle Lew is having so much fun. I love it.

I think Unlce Lew is an SG101 member??? he plays lead guitar for this Florida based surf band called The NovaRays


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I believe he is a member...don't see him on too often though. I saw them in Orlando and it was a great show. Lots of energy.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Yep, that's Uncle "NovaRay" Lew alright. I am at work and have no speakers on any of my computers so I can't hear what he's up to. Lewis also played guitar in the Woggles for a while. He really ought to get off his lazy butt and show up for Surf Fest '08!............ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

That's Lewis alright...
It appears that he is a member of surfguitar101
(There is an Uncle Lew user out there)... but has never posted a message or replied to a topic...

He played bass in the Woggles... (he plays on some of the cuts that are on the Soul Sizzling 7" Meltdown cd...)
was in the Surf Kings (from Panama City, FL) they are on one of the Eddie Angel compilations... Rock Don't Run Volume 1 (I think)
was in Stingray International, and The Intoxicators!...
and still is in The Novarays... and occasionally The Disasternauts
He also has a track (The Ageo Flash) on a Japanese surf compilation (now out of print Sad ) called Takuroku Surf Party...

He was trying pretty hard to get to Surf Fest but not all of The Novarays could make it... He thought we could bring the Disasternauts there instead... but they have already committed to go see X in Tallahassee, FL... and then there's the whole thing about transporting drunken chimpanzee astronauts across state lines... Probably not time to get permits for such a thing...


S3 - Agent #180

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