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Permalink My Arm is falling apart?

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I think I have developed tenitis in my elbow. For the last month so, my arm on the outisde of the elbow joint and muscles around it are locking up after I play. Tremelo picking or any kind of speed picking locks it almost immediately after I switch to a strum or slower picking.

Has anyone else dealt with this or even Tennis elbow? If so what did you do to recooperate from it? Not playing is a not a option right now, either. I probably won't be able to take a break until the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays.

All those bad skateboard injuries from ramps and pools are now catching up.

Redd Tyde

When not playing strap it up in a tight bandage and soak it in warm water ( not hot ) before playing to get the muscles and tendons nice and stretchy.

Sometimes there is a feeling that you want to straighten the arm all the time, don't !


Cool, thanks for the advice.

-- In my previous post I meant to say Tendonitis, but I think everyone knew what I was referring to.

Thanks again VoodooDentist,


after wrestling with a pressure washer last november for a week i also got tendonitis. it takes a while for it to get better. look it up on the net and try out some of the exercises they suggest to strengthen the muscles around your elbow. thankfully mine didn't bother me when i played..

It takes a long time to heal... acupuncture helped me when I had it.

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I'd just not play. Give it a week of not playing. A week of not playing cannot set you back that much. Do you have gigs everynight or something?

Thank is for all the comments.

I would love to take the time off, but we are in the studio right now recording. Also writing new material to beef up the live show.

I went into the doctors today and yes. rest is the best medicine. Not being able to play everyday isn't going to be easy, though.

But for know I have a Tennis Elbow brace that take some of the pain away.

Sea ya,
Redd tyde

lots of Tiger Balm, especially at night before bed:


an ACE brace is also a good idea:


also BATHERAPY mineral salts might help some with the swelling:


follow any "warm" therapy or exercise with ice:


and of course, plenty of rest and vitamins...try your best to not use that elbow when you don't have to.

good luck,

this one looks pretty cool:


this bionic one looks downright medieval:


here's an acupuncture chart (but, I would suggest you consult a trained professional for this treatment!):


Wink again, best wishes, and hopes for a speedy recovery,

there is also something called hydrotherapy. I've used it for my back and it works pretty well. you get in the shower and get the water just about as hot as you can take it on your elbow(or whatever else aches) and let it get nice and toasty under there. Then you take the water and put it on straight cold for about 30 seconds(caution, shrinkage may occur Shocked ) Sounds like torture but it will make you feel a little better. works for me.

Hey All,
Thanks for all the suggestions. I am trying to take it easy. But man, I can't believe how hard it is to do normal things without having to grip something. Little things like having a glass of water are enough to cause pain.

Anyways, I went to the Doc. Got some napresen (spelling?) and the ACE elbow brace like in the photos. I am looking for one a little less bulky now. I seem to catch this on corners and such. But it has made a huge difference.

So, I am trying my best to take it easy.

Take care all,
_Redd Tyde

I echo the Tiger Balm solution. I had a hell of a lot of shoulder issues in the past months from throwing batting practice to my baseball team (even at 25 I'm not as young as I used to be), so before practice and shows I found myself slathering it on, and man, did it make all the difference in the world.


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