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Permalink Which amp modeller do you use?

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for quiet practicing, i the Roland MicroCube: but I don't use it for recording. Cool simulated amp sounds, cool emulated effects too.


I have the MCube too. If you haven't already tried it I have alot of fun using a cd walkman plugged into the line in to use the amp to play along to backing tracks. I have a disc of surf bt's so I can sit on my porch swing and "surf" on nice days. I've used it a few times to entertain guests at dinner parties too.

I have Guitar Rig 2. I just finished putting together my mobile unit. I call it "The House Plate" imageimage.

The stuff you guys and gals have heard from us (the Neptunes) like "Live at John's House" was Live and unmodeled. Nothing beats a good sounding rig, but sometimes it's just to hard to get control of a beast in a quite nieghborhood. When I 'm working on my own tunes, it's all modeled. I take it to the band to see how it flies. (lot easier on the Old Folk...Ha I'm 55). Shocked

My main goal with models is to work with the player and find the tone that best matchs their live tone. Great for rythum and background effects. But frontmen should be in its "native" voice.

One trick with soft modeling like GR2 is to use it as a plugin. The player lays down the track as clean as possible. Then come back and switch from rig to rig in the plugin. The other way I use models is to treat them like a real amp or as an effects pedal board, going through one pc to be recorded by another.

Still, No matter how model it, its still you that's playin' and nothing can model that. Very Happy


I gotta say that using that Haps' set up has me thinking about something more Vox-like.... I love real tube gear, but in the mix... it's getting pretty good!


I use AmpliTube 2 - its the bees knees!
but I would say that wouldn't I , I wrote the surf & vintage presets for it !

(guess whose band is the name of the first preset! mwah hahahahahh'

Paul K

Los Kiosk Bears - the genuine surf sound of cambridge, UK

No sun, no surf, no sand, no babes but great music !!

HapHazard is a Neptune? I had not idea. Awesome.

Anyways, let me reiterate, I will never use an amp modeler. My amps and pedals will never become obsolete.

Good choice.

Plus I can make the sound of Sebulba's PodRacer with it !!! Twisted Evil

Ha ha ha I bet that's fun to do.

Although I prefer to buy single pedals I do recognize it is a lot more expensive and that amp modellers like the GT8 can come in handy sometimes, but the best thing in my opinion is simplicity. Just a ton of reverb, maybe a tremolo or chorus pedal and that's it.

Augusto Vite

I just bought a Pocket Pod today. Anyone use one of these? I like the Line6 amp models in general so we'll see how this goes. It got it for hasty practicing and recording demos.


I have a Line 6 Guitar POD 2.0 and a Line 6 Bass POD. My Peavey TransTube 258 EFX (25W combo) is also a modeler, but only so much as there are some effects digitally modeled. Once I start playing around with my new digital recorder, I'll be putting both POD's into it, and experimenting with how to get the best sound on the output side of things. Of course both POD's have effects, the digital recorder has some effects, and I've even got Sony ACID Music (might upgrade to Pro, this year)...whatever it takes, toward achieving that best possible output, really, and working entirely within the digital realm.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

I used to have the Big Line6 w/ Full Floorboard. It did everything, yet all I wanted was reverb, but it could never give me enough. Our album 'Mental Surf was recorded using that monstrosity. I have been using a crappy digitech pedal for a few years now, but put it away yesterday, and got a tank( an older "National")...a digital delay(Boss), along with my Fender Amp(s) (Fender FM212R, x2)I dont believe I need anything else. I know, I need vintage amps, and I will get there in time.

VooDooDentists, I have been married and divorced 3 times, and each time, I left with my clothes, and my guitar that hadn't been played in ages. One marriage was so long, I forgot I played guitar!!! Didn't take long to get my old style back, and each time, I was a little better player.

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

Well, I have fooled with the Line6 Pocket Pod. I am bored so here is my highly biased mini-review:

I think it does well what it was designed to do. The sounds are pretty good overall. The presets are odd and bad for my kinds of tunes. Some of them are named after songs so it was my excuse to play Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd and Joe Walsh licks for about an hour based on those presets.

There seems to be one or maybe two "surf" presets. Argh! They are some of the worst sounding guitar tones I have ever heard, never mind the fact that they are really bad for surf. The spring reverb effect is most poor with a nasty artificial sound. If Line6 had a reverb model about as good as the Digitech Digiverb pedal the Pocket Pod would have been been perfect for making demos. Shame they didn't, really; the small size of this gizmo is irresistible.

Because of the size, and the fact that it takes the standard 110VAC/9VDC adapter, it may yet find a home next to my stage tuner. I have one song that requires some pretty decent drive and this would excel at that, at least.

Nutshell: fun toy.


Pocket Pod Update: I chucked it! Back to Guitar Center it went. Ultimately, it just had that "cheap junk toy" feel about it. And that extended to the available tones, I am afraid.

The exchange did help to fund the purchase of a Boss Micro BR. Since the point of the Pod was recording demos and whatnot, the outcome is the best I could imagine. DP, I seem to recall, mentioned the Micro BR in a post awhile back. (I think...the search function wasn't too much help on this one.) So the idea of getting one has been kinda stuck in my head for awhile. Much kudos to him for that one; this is a very impressive unit.

Got an idea? 90 seconds later, you are recording it...and with a drum track! Then there's the tuner, the drum machine, the effects patches, and the guitar amp modeling. I can also envision using this to travel with. And to record practices and gigs with.

Can't believe all the stuff this thing can do. What a cool gadget.

I must sound like an advertisement...sorry!


I've got a Vox AD30VT. Its probably similiar to the tonelab in tone but its a combo amp.. The blackface model is very good. Effects are good, the reverb is especially good.

The controls are a little confusing though there is one knob and it does different things when you push different buttons. Once you have this system memorized though it's good.

My general rule is that a modeler will get you about 90% there but its that last 10% that makes all the difference.

As a home 'dabbler', I'm not too fussed about how 'perfect' the sounds are but I'll add my 2-cents anyway...

I'd been using a handful of BOSS pedal effects, together with Roland spring reverb and BOSS analog echo boxes since 1982... but it had been so long since I used 'em I decided to dump 'em over the last few years... now I use a V-Amp 2 modeller and that's it. I'm trying to get back to the basics and simplify both hardware and software.. and the V-Amp takes care of pre-amp duties for my Squier Strat into the computer as well as giving me some basic sounds to play about with.

As I say, this from a home-only solo musical hack Smile ...

I'm as free from money as a frog is from feathers

All greetings! I often write down music in a computer. I could use such processors
DIGITECH RP50 - a bad sound, bad effects, all is bad!
ZOOM G2.1u - the good effects, convenient connection, bad overdrive.
LINE6 POD 2.0 good sound, good effects, good connection … but is not ideal.
As I used computer programs Guitar Rig2 and Amplitude2. They have not impressed me. Separate devices it is better.

All digital devices badly emulate a live sound. Now, for home record, I use combo MarshallAVT20 - one tube in preamp and excellent an output on record. It is very happy, but I think about Fender Princeton Recording Amp.

Fender American Stratocaster -> MarshallAVT50

AT home my "amp" of choice is the Line 6 GuitarPort. The models are good and it records straight to the hard drive.

I'm also fond of the Vox Valvetronix amps. My son has the AD15VT, and I love it.

Swing! Twang! Shake! Twist!


I used to own the modeler that the Surf Coasters used...

I used to own the modeler that the Surf Coasters used...

They made it sound pretty good.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I picked up a Vox Tonelab a few months back and I'm pretty happy with it. The built-in spring reverb simulation is bad, but I just run my re-issue tank in front of it and it sounds pretty good.

Sansamp TRI-AC. I used to own a POD 2.0 but I sold it. This has so much more ballsy sound, but it's lacking the effects (who cares for computer recording). But I'm far from happy with it. I can't get a decent drive sound out of it for the life of me, only cleans are relatively useful. It also doesn't have a tuner, but on the plus side it is easy on batteries (though I supply it from my pedalboard supply).
Would I buy it again? No, I'd try something else. Will I sell it? No, they bring next to nothing compared to what they cost new.
My favourite amp sim for home is Harley Benton GA-5, 5W into 6 or 8" speaker, quiet enough not to disturb the neighbours and sound opens up nicely for such a small speaker, if I keep my boost pedal on. Sometimes I record it with cheapo computer microphone and still get sounds I'm pleased with. I especially like the how it responds to playing. In all truth it's not a sim, it's an amp, but at 98€ it's more in league with cheap simulators than amps (or even most pedals :D).

ROCKMAN XP100a. Nope, not the Sony Walkman thing w/earphones, but the Amplifier which you can run her as a 100 watt, 50 watt, or just Headphones.
You can run it line out (Mono or Stereo), or use the (2) 6" Pyle Driver speakers, OR hook up 1 or 2 cabinets (mono or stereo) with your choice of 1X12, 2X12, or 4X12 Cabs......Well, what did you expect from some designer with an MIT Degree??? LOL!! Anywho, it is FULLY programmable, with Compression, clean to FULL BLOWN Overdrive/Distortion, Stereo Chorus, Reverb, or Delay, 3 band Pre EQ as well as 5 band Post EQ.
Don't let all that garbage mentioned above scare you, anyone that has played, used, or owned one, really liked it. Alot of people assumed, "Well, all you are gonna get is the BOSTON Sound.".....WRONG. If you know how to use pre and post EQ, you can color or shape the tone of your guitar any which way you want, even a Nickel Ninety Eight Wal-Mart guitar will sound great. OK, no offense to Wal-Mart (LOL), but again, anyone who had the opportunity to play one, liked it. To make a short story longer, this was probably one of the very first so-called "Modeling" Amps w/o that title back in the late 80's. Back then, MIDI was the new thing, and yes, it is MIDI Controlled as well. I own 2 of these, and on E-Bay, they have Sky-Rocketed in price, and are now out of control price wise, providing you find one on E-Bay. Shocked

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

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