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Permalink DI vs. preamp for bass or guitar recording

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any opinions out there regarding the use of a Direct Input box for recording?

I am considering the BBE DI-100x as a stage DI and a studio recording line.


anyone out there use DI type input for recording? how do you like it? how does it compare to a pre-amp recording channel? do you prefer one method over the other? do you use both?



i will let more expierenced recorders take this one dave, but I am curious, what have you been doing thus far? Did you go direct for your recording of Latin'ia? It sounded like you did.

When I used to do a lot of 4 track recoring, going direct with the bass usaully sounded pretty decent, when mixed properly. I always wondered what a preamp would do for the sound, so this is a great question.


currently, I use the Tascam US-122 USB interface and real pre-amp or DI.


The US-122 has real limited outboard sound processing can adjust gain...that about it.

So, in a way, I am currently going direct...most of my tone is coming off of the guitar> effects>amplifier>microphone path...or else it's added after the track is recorded using plug-ins.



I was recently advised on SG101 by none other than Dave Wronski to pick up the Sansamp Bass Driver for recording my demos. I was fortunate to pick it up from Jonathon (LBOP) as he had an extra and he was also touting it's virtues. Now that I've had it a while, I feel it significantly improves the sound of the bass over going direct, and allows for quite a range of tones.

Get one, you won't be sorry.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF


Thanks for the tip! I've heard a lot of good things about the SansAmp.
I have heard some of Jon's LBOP stuff, his stuff sounds great. And I'm sure Dave W knows a thing or two about recording.

I'll definitely look into it.



Thanks for the tip! I've heard a lot of good things about the SansAmp.
I have heard some of Jon's LBOP stuff, his stuff sounds great. And I'm sure Dave W knows a thing or two about recording.

I'll definitely look into it.


Hey Guys...

To tell the truth, I started recording since I was a kid taping music off the telly using my dad's 1/4" reel-to-reel deck (behind his back!) in 1968 (Mission Impossible theme). That Lalo Schifrin 5/4 bass line really hooked me, and it was probably my future bass mentor, Carol Kaye, playing it, too. Never thought I'd get to know her, but I digress...

I purchased the BBE Sonic Maximizer DXi plug-in. Though it can do wonders for some thin sounding recordings, it never did anything for my tracks so I don't use it. Thus, it wouldn't float my boat in bass DI box form, either.

The SansAmp Bass Driver is a DI, but it also has some extra analog mojo that you can dial in for tube-y sounding grit. This box has been my staple for several years playing out....literally, sans bass amp...with the Bass Driver DI feeding a FOH board or PA system depending on gig.

I used to use the SansAmp exclusively for bass recording but have since changed over to an amp modelling box. Some of these bass amp modelers can sound like a real rig such that might want a little added DI punch. SansAmp Bass Driver DI to the rescue! Using an A/B box (I use the Whirlwind Selector A/B) your bass can feed both amp modeler and SansAmp Bass Driver DI. Dedicate a track to each one and mix these two tracks to the ratio that pleases your ear. Note that you don't have to worry about phase issues like you would if you were mic'ing a cab and going direct at the same time (the old school method). Note that with bass taking up two tracks, you don't need as much volume on each track as you would if you had only a single track. The loudness is additive (for lack of a better term).

~ Jonathan


did you ever get this DI box? Did you ever figure out if theres a difference btw a preamp going directly in to the PC, or a DI?

im a pc recorder to, you remember me right? i think my biggest problem is the strength of the signal. or the way the signal is brought to the PC. i havent figured it out yet. basically i can get a really good song using outboard or software modelers for anythin clean. once distortion kicks in, forget it, sounds real thin.


Yes! I do remember the issues re: signal strength you and I discussed previously.

So far, I have not picked up a DI box nor a Sans Amp. Currently, I use a USB interface...the Tascam US-122:


It has two real nice input channels direct to my PC and the Cakewalk Sonar sounds pretty decent, but I still think I'd like to try out a pre-amp (or Sans Amp) to get a warmer (and fatter or fuller) sound...


im a pc recorder to, you remember me right? i think my biggest problem is the strength of the signal. or the way the signal is brought to the PC. i havent figured it out yet. basically i can get a really good song using outboard or software modelers for anythin clean. once distortion kicks in, forget it, sounds real thin.


You should start a new thread in the Recording Corner regarding this issue, there's lot's of cool advice to be had from the resident experts!


theres another thing im wondering about.
i have an audiophile 24/96 card which is PCI.
i wonder if firewire or USB could have a differnt effect.

will do about opening another topic. i just need to some time to think over what i want to ask.

I got around of getting a DI box by finding out that Boss pedals (I use my old DD-3) buffer the signal nicely to work with my ART dual MP tube mic-preamp.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

For the new Aquamarines CD we record the bass direct to get a clean signal then process it will IK Ampeg (VST) , I'm very happy with this process.


Rick, welcome to the group. I loved your music with the
Woodies. Can't wait to hear the revamped Aquamarines!
Anything on the horizon for live shows, or a CD?




Hi Bob,

We started the CD project in Dec. 2005 and we have enough for about 3 CD'S. Some tunes are straight up surf and others are huge scores with surf guitars. We are about 80% completed for the first CD release. So I'm cetain we will be playing live during the summer.




Rick, welcome to the group. I loved your music with the
Woodies. Can't wait to hear the revamped Aquamarines!
Anything on the horizon for live shows, or a CD?



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