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okay, I got an sr-16 on recommandation of here of ebay for E70 ...all I can say is, why didn't I know this earlier? what a great machine, and for so little money! sounds excellent, plenty of ways to give the computer drum a bit of natural feel. just for fun and learning the machine I just programmed the astronauts signature beat, and with the sensitive pads it can all be made to sound very good; bouncing vibe all the way. And convenient editing and stuff. thanks anyone who gave it the thumbs up!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I've had an SR-16 for a few years now and really love it. Luckily, Woody helped me figure the thing out but I've found it to be very versatile. I do recommend getting and using the pedals for it.

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

I've had an SR-16 for a few years now and really love it. Luckily, Woody helped me figure the thing out but I've found it to be very versatile. I do recommend getting and using the pedals for it.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Hey WR, what is the astronauts signature beat? Can you transcribe it into words? Anybody? What makes a good or typical surf beat?


Wannes, I love my SR16, it does a great job. Once you get the hang of programming you'll find it easier to adjust the drum accents using 'step mode'. For instance, I set quantize to 1/16 and fill up 4 beats with 1/16ths on the snare by using the 'fill' button. I then go to 'step mode' and scroll through the beats adjusting volume e.g.

1st snare hit - 8
2nd snare hit -6
3rd snare hit - 5
4th snare hit - 6
repeat etc...

This gets you accents that sound much more natural, and is more consistent than using the touch sensitive pads. Quantize is the short cut for programming accurately, really learn how to use it your advantage.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Mar 20, 2007 14:25:06

2 pedals: Start/Stop; and Fill. See the phone plug jacks next to the on/off switch on the back side.

This pedal works great, but there are others as well:

The pedals work great for jammin' by yourself or when a live drummer isn't available.

I also use my SR-16 as a click track (Pattern 33 B) to keep the tempo consistent when recording.

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Last edited: Mar 20, 2007 14:28:40

2 pedals: Start/Stop; and Fill. See the phone plug jacks next to the on/off switch on the back side.

The pedals work great for jammin' by yourself or when a live drummer isn't available.

I also use my SR-16 as a click track (Pattern 33 B) to keep the tempo consistent when recording.

Duh Of course, I use the start/stop all the time. I was thinking about organs and I confused myself. I don't like programming the drum fill because it's limited to the same length as the pattern it's attached to. Unless I'm wrong about that.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I like to use my crazy Conn Electric Band organ for a drum machine. It sounds close to real drums. I also have an Electro Harmonix DR-16...I'm going to mess with it to get some surf beats out of it.

Check out myspace for some 'Space Junk'...actually the space junk beat came from a Realistic concertmate 500...all the other songs are Conn Electric band!

I like to use my crazy Conn Electric Band organ for a drum machine...


i like to use my old Wurlitzer Orbit III as a drummer...


when you combine "Bossa Nova" and "Pop" rhythms you can get an incredible simulation of "The Surf Beat w/ claves". This organ has a wicked built in amplifier, spring reverb and a cool vibrato circuit...I wonder if I can rig it up so I can plug my guitar in???


I currently use a late model "JoeDDrummer" drum kit but thinking about replacing it with an newer Dr. Rythmn 770 or an Alesis SR-16. Laughing


Actually, Joe does have a really nice 11-piece Roland electronic drum kit that we've tried to have him mix in with his acoustic drums - but it gets to be too much gear to carry around and a bigger pain to set up.



I like to use my crazy Conn Electric Band organ for a drum machine...


i like to use my old Wurlitzer Orbit III as a drummer...


when you combine "Bossa Nova" and "Pop" rhythms you can get an incredible simulation of "The Surf Beat w/ claves". This organ has a wicked built in amplifier, spring reverb and a cool vibrato circuit...I
wonder if I can rig it up so I can plug my guitar in???


Cool Wurlitzer. Pluging in your guitar would be cool.Does it have a Leslie? I'm going to go take a look at an old Yahmaha electone organ at a thrift shop. The hard part is finding room for it. Ya I also like the "press two buttons at once" to mix beats and sounds.

Pluging in your guitar would be cool.Does it have a Leslie? I'm going to go take a look at an old Yahmaha electone organ at a thrift shop. The hard part is finding room for it. Ya I also like the "press two buttons at once" to mix beats and sounds.

the Wurlitzer doesn't have an ACTUAL Leslie speaker...but it does get its wicked spacey vibrato through a similar spinning speaker contraption...
The photo I posted isn't my actual Wurlitzer...just a similar model from an internet photo from the craig's list. I really dig the 1st generation OrbitIII monophonic synth's the upper tier of the three tiers...

The best part of the Dave Wurlitzer is that it was 100% FREE! It was taking up space in a neighbors garage...and they were going to throw it out! I scored it and found a place in my junk-room for it.


I've recently acquired the Dr. Rhythm DR3 drum machine. I don't think I'll need a drummer anymore...this bad boy sounds awesome...running direct into P.A., just incredible sounding. I've not seen any other posts about this unit (haven't looked that hard either). Takes a bit of learnin' to program, but well worth the effort. Well, that my humble opinion. Wondring if any others have used the DR3?

i still use the Boss Dr 550 (from 1987), that Dr Rhythym series of machines just seems to last forever:


Yeah, I bought mine in 1992. I use it from time to time, but I usually
use my Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler instead--it's a lot easier to program,
and the sounds aren't automatically quantized (i.e., I don't necessarily
end up with a "robotic"-sounding rythm. But the sampled sounds on
the Dr 550 are quite good, I must admit.


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

About SR16,
Can anyone post an audio sample?

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

I use an Alesis SR-16 for demos, it is an amzingly great sounding and easy to use little box.
Now on sale at Musicians Friend for $150... CHEAP!
PS- I think Danny Snyder uses the same box- when I heard his demos, I joked that we hired the same guy.

Danny has a few demos here in the download section which I think were recorded with the sr-16....

hope that helps

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Is this thing still available??????


Is this thing still available??????

Yes! And not so expensive.... around $130.

Which song is Danny's from the downloads? Embarassed

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

Yeah thanks for letting me know about that drum machine. I'll look it up! Thanx! Hey I'm Rob with "The barneys"!



Is this thing still available??????

Yes! And not so expensive.... around $130.

Which song is Danny's from the downloads? Embarassed

Most of those demos were retired, but my song on the 2006 SG101 compilation - tempuri parendum - still sports the SR-16 on drums. Pick one up used, maybe $75. Great machines. One caveat- really read the instructions and program your own beats and songs, takes your demos to the next level, and forces you to think harder about your own arrangements.

PS: my demos now feature flesh and blood drumming, you can hear them in the download section. If I were a Rich Man(featuring Mel Waldorf), S'vivon - Meshugga Beach Party and Argosy - The TomorrowMen

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Jul 13, 2007 12:09:27

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