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Permalink trouble with ramones song...oddly enough

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yeah...dont know if anyone here is a real big ramones fan, but i figured that theyre surfy in their better songs, so why not try.

anyway, im having trouble figuring out the intro for "sheena is a punk rocker". i know the power chords that the distorted guitar plays, but there's a clean guitar part that johnny doesnt play live, and i wanted to know what kind of chord that is. ive been told that it's just an acoustic guitar with normal barre chords, but it sounds like its more than that to me. anyone have ideas? he also uses this trick in "rock n roll high school", but its not as loud.

i guess that's kinda vague, but if you know the song or listen to it, you should know what im talking about.

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Does it sound like a 12 string ?

That is commonly used in recording.

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

basicly those tabs are to the 1st rhythm guitar, im looking to see what kind of chords the second guitar plays, even ramones songbooks dont say, but im sure theyre not power chords. it almost sounds like he's pounding on those strings, as if he's strumming too hard with really light strings and a really heavy pick, but that would be a major pain in the ass to presicely hit the strings the same way every second for two minutes.

hmm...maybe it is a 12 string. thanks for the tip.

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Try sliding over real quickly from B.

Maybe throw the 5th in the bass, too:



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Try sliding over real quickly from B.

Maybe throw the 5th in the bass, too:



thanks, but i tried that with no luck.

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To me, it sounds like a really trebly electric guitar with little or no distortion. It's definitely just sliding up a half-step. CaptainSpringfield's tab actually looks correct, but I don't have my guitar with me, so I can't say anything for sure.

If you want a little more inspiration, The Phantom Surfers do Sheena with Davie Allan on "Skaterhater". I don't know if it'll clear up your question, but it sure as hell will get your heart going pitter-pat.


I haven't heard that song in a while,but I always thought it might have been some kind of organ sound they used. Maybe that's why there isn't a guitar tab for it. I'll have to listen to it again though, maybe it is a guitar.

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