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Permalink Atlantics Bombora - Then & Now

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Then (1963):


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

MARTIN CILIA is one slick player, huh?

I LOVE the tone he gets.....

I so so dig this band

thx for posting the contrasting videos


Well...actually Martin wasn't present in the first video and he was playing rhythm in the second.

Damn I love this song. So much controlled tension. I dig the drums, the bass line, the rhythm guitar, the lead guitar... Smile Such a great song.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

yeah I know Martin is part of the band NOW...was just commenting on his stylings in general

he has been quite communicative with me, and we have traded a lot of ideas and music; have also played his stuff (solo) and his work with other artists, such as BLUELOUNGE and DAVE WARNER (check out his MySpace page for some of this neat cool music,

one of my MUST trips surely is to get 'Down Under' to see this band LIVE once and for all!!


Damn I love this song. So much controlled tension. I dig the drums, the bass line, the rhythm guitar, the lead guitar... Smile Such a great song.

Very eloquently put. I completely agree! I love this song and this band. I just got a Atlantic's "Dark Eyes" 45' that is great!

Thanks for posting the '63 vid Brian! I had seen the recent video before. Does anybody know if this video is from the "Flight of the Surf Guitar" sessions?

The Atlantics are easily one of my fav. all time instro bands. They got such great strat sounds.

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This would be cool to have in ones library.
DVD & CD Available at
Filmed and recorded in the Freshwater Surf Life Saving Club, Delightful Rain is a unique recording and film project dedicated to celebrating the rich history of Australian surf music. It features a 50/50 split of old and new material that best reflected the journey of Australian surf music. There are 16 tracks on the CD, plus a couple of bonus tracks on the 50 minute DVD.
Delightful Rain stars
The Atlantics
Les Green from The Denvermen
Richard Clapton
Beau Young
Andrew Kidman
Robbie Hirst and Martin Rotsey of Midnight Oil fame
Backsliders' Dom Turner
Cruel Sea founder Dan Rumour and his band
The Pigram Brothers
Tamam Shud
Pete Howe
Tim Gaze
The Celibate Rifles

One of my favourites as well, the original clip and sound track gives a different feel to the later versions, somehow more raw and reminiscent of the time when it was released I suppose.

(With apologies to repeating myself on another post), I was privileged to see The current Atlantics play in Nov 07. I crawled right up to the front stage and must say what I saw was quite impressive! Martin and Jim are superb guitarists...and Bombora does sound like a crashing wave when you are standing in front of it

Tim O
oestmann guitar



The first clip I posted was apparently part of some kind of BBC news reel about the popularity of surfing and surf music. I've seen another version where a narrator talks over the music. That clip was mentioned on the Yahoo Group.

I've heard some of that Delightful Rain material and much of it is not what we would call surf music. Well, I wouldn't. :|

I sure would like to travel back in time and see the Atlantics back in the 60's!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The original version definitely slams the new one. Peter Hood still seems to be cool though.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Has anyone seen this on the net? I've only seen the DVD :
Long Way to the Top Concerts:
The Atlantics Play Bombora (track 9) in 2002 as part of a travelling roadshow . Tamam Shud (track 22, 23) also do a real good appearance later in the show. You can buy it in Australia - I don't know if it made it over to your shores?

The 1963 video is classic - it captures what I hear was the culture (I wasn't there - born in '66), however, I also like the delightful rain version for different reasons; it's up front and personal. You'll recognise the "Long Way to the Top' version if you see it - The Atlantics are surrounded by Gidget-looking professional dancing girls!

Tim O
oestmann guitar



The original version definitely slams the new one. Peter Hood still seems to be cool though.

I liked them both, but the original version was definitely faster and had more fire.

BTW, Clint Beachwood played "Rumble & Run" for me on his show tonight, but much to my horror it was a remake!!! The original was so cool, I can't believe they tried to top it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I love this band...but i don,t love too much the new cover..,
the fury was go...., an i love the Young Atlantics 63...
is energy was terrible,,,,

and his echo...wououuu

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

That first video is missing now, but here is another version.

It's so cool to be able to see footage of the Atlantics in the 60's!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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