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Permalink Dubble bassdrums in surfmusic?

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hello friends! just thought i would hear what You guys think. The drummer in my band is an old heavy metal drummer and he uses a dubblepedal to his bassdrum instead of using 2 bassdrums. I cant remembering hearing any surfband that used dubble bassdrums. I know Mel Taylor had 2 bassdrums but i dont think he used both on any song just used them for drumsolos(i could be wrong) anyways: Do you guys know any other band that uses dubble bassdrums and i also wanted to ask if you think it appropriate for surf music.
Thanks // Johan

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

No, it isn't really appropriate for the music. I guess he can possibly make it classy, but I have yet to encounter classy heavy metal drumming.

hello friends! just thought i would hear what You guys think. The drummer in my band is an old heavy metal drummer and he uses a dubblepedal to his bassdrum instead of using 2 bassdrums. I cant remembering hearing any surfband that used dubble bassdrums. I know Mel Taylor had 2 bassdrums but i dont think he used both on any song just used them for drumsolos(i could be wrong) anyways: Do you guys know any other band that uses dubble bassdrums and i also wanted to ask if you think it appropriate for surf music.
Thanks // Johan

That's an interesting question Johan. I guess it would depend on his drumming
style and technique of playing. I guess it probably wouldn't hurt if the double bass
was used every now and then for certain accents on a song. But then again, I don't
play drums Crying . I think this is going to be more of a "Hey, let's ask our drummers out there." :mrgreen:.

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Yes please ask your drummers=) and also what You think as a listener not a musician..
our drummer use dubble bassdrums now but only during fills..i think it is a interesting question to..
i guess we just have to try it..

then again when I think about it why not do something original? i think people would appreciate that more than just doing it everybody always have done it and always will..

as i said: we´ll just have to try it..

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

No, it isn't really appropriate for the music. I guess he can possibly make it classy, but I have yet to encounter classy heavy metal drumming.

i guess You are right..i was thinking of record a song when the drummer uses his dubblebassdrums and then i could put up the song here so you all can listen to it and comment. thanks for Your input.

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

sounds like something that would really encourage a drummer to overplay. I did a sub job for an 80s cover band and the drummer had a double bass pedal. It was one of the most miserable experiences of my life. Dude wanked off all night. As a bass player it was hell. It seems that modern drummers with double bass capabilites only know a few tricks with them. I can't imagine tasteful use of double bass drum in a surf/instro context.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I'd probably not seek out that bass drum sound for my tastes, but hey, what the hell, give it a shot and see how you like it.

..And Jake, it doesn't get any classier than Dave Lombardo Wink

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I'm not a drummer, but I play one on TV.
Personally, um, no. I'm a 4-on-the-floor guy.
But if your band's sound is more prog/surf/metal, it may fit better. It depends on how far you are from the classic sound and arrangements and if there is space for it in your songs.
Here's the only eaxample I know of.

From what i recall the drummer in the band Destination Earth! played a double bass pedal. He came from a heavy metal background,so go figure.You should seek there music out if you haven't as of yet.
In my opinion and as a drummer i think it works out very well in surf music and I really wish more surf drummer would incorporate double bass drumming. Rock

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

...a double-pedal??? man, that's so 20th century! check out the new 21st century triple "duallist" pedal:


Last edited: Mar 25, 2008 16:07:16

Thanks for that video. it brought a smile to my face.. Very Happy

Man you just gotta love it.
An old fat guy playing the Wipeout solo with one hand, then with two feet, and then with BIG STICKS and ,,,, the sticks were held in the traditional way!!! Even the big ones. Shocked
Way cool. Rock



I wanna know where he got those STICKS!!! I'm sure there's Novelty Type stores that sells stuff like that, but where??? I've got a big oversize Guitar Pick, and a set of oversize Drumsticks would be perfect for a gimmick on
stage! Guitar

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Our back up drummer is a young bloke (27) who brought his double pedal along to a rehearsal, it was CRAP, a disaster, noise out of step and threw every one off.

We politely requested the non use of such an item again.

...a double-pedal??? man, that's so 20th century! check out the new 21st century triple "duallist" pedal:


OMG Shocked hold me back I'm shock Duh life support please
That's kinda cool though.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Ted, that video was amazing!

But in my opinion, there's really no point in having a double bass pedal for surf. But if you can make it work more power to you.

I just want those giant drum sticks.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Double bass pedal?!!! In surf?!!! Shocked

My good old Speed King works just fine, thanks.

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

Lava Rat Taylor uses one on and off. More on than not, though. As long as you aren't trying to get the "budda-budda-budda-budda" bassline that can only be accomplished with double bass, it can make for some VERY cool accents and stuff if you know what you're doing.

Hopefully he'll pop on here and chime in for himself...


There's a time and place for everything. I use it w/ the Rats but mainly for fills and big endings. There are a few songs we do where I incorporate it in to my beats for the songs. And when the Lava Rats practice I throw it in just to get a reaction out of Bill and Rodd! Jeremy from Pollo does a great job of using double pedal in surf in my opinion. Having a double pedal doesn't mean that one has to play blast beats through out the length of a song. It must be used properly in the context of the music. When I play with The Coppertones who are much more trad than the Lava Rats I usually pull out the DW 5000 Single pedal. I guess the point is that double pedal in surf can work.

Also that Dualist triple pedal is supposed to actually be a pretty nice piece of gear but since I can barely play 2 pedals I don't see why I'd ever need 3.


drummer-Lava Rats

Any examples of Lava Rats or Pollo songs where this thing is used? I'm trying to get a sense of what it sounds like.

Gein and The Graverobbers use it well. Works with heavy horror surf. They even do a Slayer rif from Raining Blood in one of their songs. Anthrax did it in their cover of Pipeline. If you are not a trad surf band and use it tastefully it can work -Craig(Atomic Mosquitos)

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