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From what I remember, Carol expressed her displeasure with it pretty early on in the production.

Shawn Martin



Last edited: Jul 24, 2011 19:25:23

LHR wrote:

I just got an email from Carol Kaye. Wow! She is not at
all happy with this production. In fact, she is
actively trying to get herself removed from it.

I would go into detail here, and it is pretty damning
stuff if you asked me, especially coming from someone
so intimately involved as Carol. But I'd better not
stir up the hornet's nest publicly. Suffice it to say
that there is more than meets the eye here with this
movie WRT certain post-production and distribution

I've met Carol, and she seemed nice enough (she ain't no Tommy Tedesco though). Several of my bass player friends who are lifetime pros have contacted her and said she was pretty bitter before the movie came out. Seems like most of her problems revolve around dealings with Motown and disputes over whether certain bass lines that made it on record were hers or Jamersons. She is not even mentioned in "Standing in the Shadows of Motown".

I cannot imagine why Carol Kaye would protest this film. It makes her look like a true hero and a giant among her peers. I was delighted to hear stories and her contributions to popular music. Motown is barely mentioned if at all, the film is about the Wrecking Crew in Los Angeles. See it if you can!

Doug: Oh, I'll see if it is ever released, you can bet that! WRT donating money to their 501(c)(3)...I think I'll pass.


Are you kidding, Carol is removed?!?

Sound of the Surf, the movie
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Last edited: Jul 25, 2011 16:07:35

Stormtiger wrote:

I cannot imagine why Carol Kaye would protest this
film. It makes her look like a true hero and a giant
among her peers. I was delighted to hear stories and
her contributions to popular music. Motown is barely
mentioned if at all, the film is about the Wrecking
Crew in Los Angeles. See it if you can!

I agree with you about the movie being complimentary to Carol. I'm sure Motown is not mentioned because that was a sore spot with The Wrecking Crew. When Motown moved to LA, the only "Funk Brother" who came out was Jamerson; who couldn't handle the LA studio scene (and vice versa) The tracks they cut were scheduled and paid as "demos". Many of the "Crew" maintain that those tracks ended up on record and they weren't paid or credited. Carol has been the most vocal, by far. Nonetheless, a very talented lady who deserves the credit and recognition.

Sadly, I hadn't heard about Carol before I saw this movie. I was very impressed by what I saw of her in it. I can't guess what she wouldn't have liked about it.

I hadn't realized that the Wrecking Crew were on many Jan and Dean albums. I've given all my old J&D records a re-listening to. I wonder how the Wrecking Crew felt about working with the very young Jan Berry?

Last week I sent an email to Denny Tedesco about the film. I wanted him to know how much his film made me appreciate the music I love even more. I didn't expect him to reply, but he did. We messaged back and forth a couple of times, and I can say that he comes across as a very nice fellow.

I mentioned about how I heard that Carol Kaye was now unhappy with the film, and how that surprised me, as she came across so well in it. Denny said that nothing has changed in the film since Carol made these comments about the film.

Carol - "Denny has worked hard to put together a very world-class documentary to tell the truth about how our group of experienced fine musicians helped create and perform on everyone's favorite recordings of the 1960s-70s....his meticulous and sensitive filming of interviews, caring of the musicians and stars he interviewed, plus his lengthy personal time and toil in getting the very best ways of telling our story will help make the history of working musicians an interesting story as well as a wonderful documentary of the real lives and history of the musicians behind the music everyone loved and grew up to in those years...

I highly recommend this to everyone to see. It's terrific, hard-hitting with the right punches, and filmed as only experienced fine film-makers can do...besides I've known Denny since he was a young lad visiting our recording studios, he's one of "our kids"... who we did the work for. Thanks Denny for doing such a wonderful film about us, your Dad, and those of us who are playing in Heaven already. I know your revealing film will be enjoyed and appreciated by the public for years to come".

So, that's as much as I know. Denny's documentary puts a well-deserved spotlight on a group of amazing musicians that never got enough credit. Once it gets a wide release, hopefully these people will get the credit they are due.

that makes sense. Pulling her "out" would've lobotomized the film.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

ChazSurf wrote:

Sadly, I hadn't heard about Carol before I saw this
movie. I was very impressed by what I saw of her in it.
I can't guess what she wouldn't have liked about it.

I hadn't realized that the Wrecking Crew were on many
Jan and Dean albums. I've given all my old J&D records
a re-listening to. I wonder how the Wrecking Crew felt
about working with the very young Jan Berry?

I know that Hal Blaine lists Jan & Dean and Jan Berry as his favorite group to work with. While he was in awe of what Brain Wilson was trying to do and excited by that, let's just say that Jan was less "quirky" and "unpredictable" in the studio than Brian, while still being quite a genius in his own right. Hal was their band leader and played with them live whenever he could, mostly before the car wreck.
If you go back and relisten to tracks like "Hot Stocker" and other songs from the '64-'66 era, the drums are cranked up! The loudest things on the record, besides the vocals. Berry also had Earl Palmer do live double tracking with Hal Blaine on a lot of those songs to give them a huge drum sound.

Just came home from seeing the film. Met Denny Tedesco. Wonderful, NICE guy. My impressions of the film? Extraordinary. Joyful. Intimate. Fun. Revealing. Poignant. A time capsule. Lovingly made. Lovingly viewed. I can't wait to see it again. I want to see it again.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

It played recently in Vancouver, and I got to meet Denny at that time. Great guy, amazing film. It's one of the best music documentaries I've ever seen. Finally these forgotten studio musicians are being given the credit that is due them. And there was lots of Carol Kaye in the film. What an remarkable career she's had.

This is the website

The Wrecking Crew film is showing in the Bay Area this weekend, 2 show times in Alameda. It's at the private theater on the former Naval base, which has been restored into an art deco movie palace and doesn't get used much.

Denny Tedesco will be there for Q&A after both showings, and proceeds go to help pay off the music licensing. It's sponsored by the Audio Engineering Society, and the only Northern California screenings currently scheduled.

tickets, the trailer, more info here:

it was screened last Wednesday June 13th at the "new" CUTTING ROOM (which is not officially opened just yet)

I had every intention of attending, but something of a distracting personal nature popped up last minute, so I didn't get to go

if anyone hears about another viewing in the NYC area, please post it here (and if possible shoot me a Private Message?)

Unsteady Freddie

Follow this link to look up the union call sheets of session musicians for all the listed records where you see DETAILS. It's amazing. Let the discovery begin.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Sep 09, 2012 17:01:41

Today, I found this in my mailbox:


Steve wrote:

Today, I found this in my mailbox:


I hope this works. I'll do what I can. I only hope there's enough time to raise that much money. It's such a wonderful film.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

For updates, facebook page "The Wrecking Crew".

Kickstarter page is

As of now, $37,794 pledged with a goal of $250,000.
Pledge drive started Oct 30 & ends 12/21.
Pledges start at $5. A $30 pledge will get you the movie on dvd.

Guitar Player magazine spreading the word about the Kickstarter campaign by Denny Tedesco to release this movie:

Check out the super-cool trailer!

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