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Permalink The Wrecking Crew (Movie!!!)

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This looks very interesting! A movie about the Wrecking Crew, the studio musicians that played on so many pop and surf records of the sixties.

I collected some info about it on my blog.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

Cool! That sounds awesome.

I am super sweet

There's been articles written about "the WRECKING CREW" in GUITAR PLAYER as well as BASS PLAYER the past few years, and I'll be damn if I can remember which Issues they were...... Hmmm

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While looking about the net today, I came across this, too. Check out the film's website. One of the more interesting items there is a bunch of the AFM contracts (redacted as to actual pay, addresses, and SSNs). Fascinating stuff.

Wanna know who played on The Lonely Surfer? Hawaii 5-0?

You know you do.

And carol Kaye's site is the bomb!

I keep checking for "The Wrecking Crew" to come out on DVD.
Denny's dad, Tommy (the most recorded guitarist in history) wrote a column called "Studio Log" in GP for many years and was one of the funniest human beings ever. He chronicled many of his studio sessions and told some great stories. He also showed his "wages earned" and instruments played for each session. Tommy was good friends with Chuck Barris and appeared on several episodes of "The Gong Show".
Last time I hit Barnes and Nobles, I asked about "The Wrecking Crew" again. The guy said it still wasn't available, and suggested "Respect Yourself, The Stax Story", and "Standing in the Shadows of Motown". I bought both and they are excellent. There's an interesting tie-in between Motown and the Wrecking Crew. Maybe next time.
Don't forget "No Matter What Shape" and "Out of Limits"!

For some reason i was thinking "cutting crew" took me a minute of WTF....

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

I keep checking for "The Wrecking Crew" to come out on DVD.

I remember Tommy's articles in Guitar player mag.

Denny is still trying to raise cash for music licensing. It's very difficult to pay for these things in this economy. Support your local film maker. Wink

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

I am chomping at the bit to see this movie!! Can't believe it hasn't come out yet. I regret not going to see it when it played at an arthouse theatre a while back.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

There's almost zero chance of it coming to any screen local to me.

Any news as to the whereabouts? I've not heard any, seems it's been anticipated for an awful long time now...

Freedom is the right to discipline yourself.

Any news as to the whereabouts? I've not heard any, seems it's been anticipated for an awful long time now...

Tell me about it! It's been very frustrating for a lot of people.It still baffles me as to why it is such a hard sale for this movie to be released into theaters around the country.It makes me cringed to think of all crappy movies the get released on a weekly basis,and the people just eat it up. Face Palm

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

I finally had the pleasure of seeing this film, it screened twice last Friday at the Museum of History & Art in Ventura with Denny Tedesco and Don Randi on hand for Q & A. Denny still needs to raise about $250,000 to pay for the music rights before getting a distribution deal. The movie would be nothing without all of the music, which is mind boggling that these guys played on so many records. It sets the record straight about Surfer Stomp, it was recorded by the Crew (Tedesco & Plas Johnson among others) then the Marketts were formed to front the song. I noticed a bunch of these guys play on Dick Dale's Summer of Surf album. They could record in 3 hours what would take 3 weeks for the bands to record and they played the songs better, making up some of the most distinguishing features of the songs. Most of the bands, including the Beach Boys and the Monkees protested at first until they heard the results. They really thought surf music was kid's stuff and Tommy Tedesco even relates that he would try to play like a 14 year old would, that guy was quite the colorful figure.

I can't wait to see it.
I met Tommy at a NAMM Show during a break from a show he and a few other members of the 'Crew were doing at Yamaha's display. I hung around and listened to the guys BS'ing, and Tommy was one of the funniest guys I've ever heard. Hilarious!

Thanks for the review, sounds like a fun night.

I really hope a screening makes it's way back to the Bay Area sometime soon, as I'm dying to see it and missed my chance previously.

The movie is an incredibly insightful, well-crafted, work of love.

Apparently Hal Blaine took lots of photos in the studio and his extensive archives supplied most of the stills, although there are a lot of shots of him in the film too. There are several shots of Glen Campbell playing Teiscos. Carol Kaye said she brought one of them in to a Glen Campbell session and he picked it up and recorded the solo in Galveston.

And check out Glen playing a Fender 6

Here's an outtake from the movie revealing Tommy Tedescos sense of humor.

I would love to see this secret movie. The director needs to sell this documentary to PBS pronto and get it out there.


I just got an email from Carol Kaye. Wow! She is not at all happy with this production. In fact, she is actively trying to get herself removed from it.

I would go into detail here, and it is pretty damning stuff if you asked me, especially coming from someone so intimately involved as Carol. But I'd better not stir up the hornet's nest publicly. Suffice it to say that there is more than meets the eye here with this movie WRT certain post-production and distribution activities.


Oh dear

And we are all waiting see it, as a tribute to a group of musicians who contributed to the culture of the era.

Still it was all about money and I suppose it still is. Sigh

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The Murray Basin

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