I don't know if anybody else caught it, but I checked what I saw described as The Messer Chups first visit to the US and it was great. For those of you not familiar, they're a Russian band with some weird surf meets space age pop meets horror movie sound. Really kooky and fun.
I hadn't gotten anything from them since their 2005 album (Well, 2005 in the US) Crazy Price, but I knew they just released a new one called Zombie Shopping. Apparently, they've dropped their tradition of occaisionally throwing in a psuedo-surf song and gone completely instro-surf, reverb kicks and everything. While they're not the best surf band out there, it's certainly pretty strong, especially that cover of Popcorn that they do. I recognized the Munsters theme and Das Model in there too.
Their bassist had a red sequinned corset and a Betty Paige thing going on and they were showing horror movie clips in the background throughout. Since I don't play, I can't tell you much about their equipment except that their amps were Fender. The place was pretty packed (Galapagos art space in Brooklyn) and everybody seemed to be digging it despite not sounding like their older stuff.
Anybody heard them? Fans of their old sound, new surf sound? Anybody else check that show out?