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Permalink Good books to start learning surf guitar?

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Hi Folks,

I’m thinking about picking the guitar back up again. I haven’t played in ages and I was never good even back in the day. Smile The 2 things I really want to learn are some blues and some surf guitar. I have really no idea how to play either, or anything else for that matter. So how do I start learning surf guitar, really from scratch?

I was thinking a good book might help. I’ve got a decent book at home called something like “Blues You Can Use.” It comes with a CD. So you can listen to what is in the book, then try to play yourself. Is there anything good like that for surf guitar?

For gear, I’ve got a 25 year old Ibanez strat copy guitar that is just OK. And a teeny Peavy amp, also 25 years old, that sounds awful. If I want to play for a while and have things sound OK, I need a new amp. I looove the clean Fender reverb sound. So I was thinking about picking up a new Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. Maybe even a Fender Stratocaster if I decide to go crazy (I’ve always wanted one since I was a kid). If you’d recommend anything else I should consider, feel free.



Hey Jon, welcome to sg101!

Quite a few people recommend the Classic Rock Instrumentals tab book by Fred Sokolow so you might give that a try.

If you've played a bit I'd just as soon recommend spending time in front of your CD player and try to play what you hear. That I believe is the best way to train an ear, which is really important.

Otherwise, you might start out with a tab book just to kick start things a bit. Either way, good luck!

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Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the ideas. Very Happy Getting some tabs (from books and/or the web) is a good idea. In 3 seconds of searching the web I found tabs for tons of songs. Great info out there. When I started playing 20 years ago the web didn't even exist. Smile I found a tab for Rockula from Los Straightjackets- a super fun song. I'll see if I can dig out my guitar and take a little time to fool around with that a bit, alongside of the CD. Sounds like fun. All I need now is more time for this...


You might try Hal Leonard Surf Guitar Play Along. It has 8 tunes in tab plus a CD you can play along with. Also, you can play the CD through you computer and slow the music down without changing the pitch.

I found the Hal Leonard "Best of Surf Guitar" and the "Surf Play-Along" to be good for starting. The "Best ... " has simplified break-downs of sections of classic surf songs for practice, and the "Play-Along" has complete verstions of most of the same songs with and without the lead guitar.

"Surf Guitar" featuring songs by the Torquays and "The Best of the Ventures" by Hal Leonard are also good.

I also use a Tascam MP3 guitar trainer --allows you to slow things down for practice and loops.


Thanks for the input! Those books look like a great place for me to start. I’ve got sooo much to learn. Basically, I’m starting from almost zero guitar knowledge these days. I just ordered a copy of “Surf Guitar Play Along.” With the CD it could be a good place for me to start.

Someone on the boards here linked to this video. It’s definitely a motivator. If I can play a quarter as well as this guy a couple years from now I’d be super happy.

Now I just need to find the time to really practice.

Thanks again.


In case it’s of help to anyone out there...

The book arrived. It has tabs and notes for about 8 songs, the CD, and that’s it. The CD is pretty good, though. It has a (cheesy) version of each song. Then a track of the song with the bass and drums, but no guitar, so you can try to play along and keep up. Good idea.

I thought there might be some general info on typical scales, chords, etc. found in surf music and there's none of that. But that’s OK for now. For a new guy like me, this will be an excellent place to start. Although I may later be on the lookout for something that does give more info to learn the parts for putting together my own music. But let me first get proficient enough that I don’t give people headaches whenever I play. Smile


what about this one? anyone seen and used it?

I've got some other books by Dave Celentano - they are very good.

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Lost Diver

I have that book. I reviewed it on the Yahoo Group, I'll see if I can find that. But yeah, it's pretty good introduction, but there are some very odd things in the book (80's surfer slang glossary?).

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I've found the best way to learn is to sit down and pick it up by ear. I'm coming off of a 5 year break from playing myself and am glad to be back.

Go! Tsunami

I've been using the book a little each night. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to play as much as I'd like. But the book is quite helpful. It's giving me an idea of some of the styles and ideas, etc. that go into surf playing. Very glad I bought it. Not sure where to go next for a good source to learn surf guitar. But so far so good. Smile

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