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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Surf/Punk Band

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We're in a punk band with surf/rockabilly influences.

...Not that we're unhappy with our sound, but any surf guitar tricks or advice would be helpful.

Our band's myspace is:
The song on it was recorded with our old guitarist, before we got a guitar with a tremelo, and before our tube amps. It is alot better now. But you'll have to take our word for it. Thanks.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

Who exactly are you guys' influences? I mean surf-wise.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

i basically grew up listening to the beach boys, then i got out of them and started to listen to heavy rock shit, then i got into punk, and then rockabilly, and then back into surf.

and like most children i was completely in love with wipeout, but until i got into the beach boys again about a year ago, i didnt know that it was the surfaris, i thought that song was by the beach boys. yeah, stupid, i know.

anyway, even though we live in the great lakes area and have no real chance of really riding the waves, in fact i dont know if i would do it if i had the chance, but we still just love surf music.

but to answer your question, we really love the ramones, and they're a bit surfy in some songs. also, the cramps and dead kennedys. also if you've ever heard of a band called the briefs from seattle, they also have a hint of surf in some songs(sally i cant go to the beach, poor and weird, 40 & above are prime examples).

im still getting more into surf, but im really picky. i'm not really too fond of the mexican sound that dick dale has, and as much as i like swing, i dont think the ventures mix it well with surf, and i dnot like the horn section in jan & dean. i love the surfaris and the beach boys, and thats all the surf that i'm REALLY into right now.

we are basically a punk band though, we dont claim to be 100% surf, but we try to fit in a few hint and licks of surf music into our punk songs. and we also try to keep to the early punk, strictly '77 stuff like the ramones and buzzcocks, where the surf-ish stuff is more related. if i were to completely label our sound, it would be about 60% punk, 25% surf, and about 15% rockabilly.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

So you would say your pun-sur-billy .......
in German Panzerbilly.......By the way if you choose to use this name I claim full rights....... Twisted Evil

If you like surf you should try some of the suggestions these guys have .
Also check out some of the bands they have listed on this site...
I have to say that DD=Dick Dale doesn't play "Mexican " music .
He just likes the Harmonic minor/Bisantine/Hungarian/Spanish/..............
Scale !

Broaden your horizons and check out some new stuff ..........
Hey I grew up listening to the Be-ach Boys too .

Check-out Pollo del Mar ,The intoxicators,Plan 9 .......!
To name but a few.

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

Maybe try to find a copy of The Hondells, "Go Little Honda".

Twisted Evil > Angel

Check out the Phantom Surfers.


If you're going for the whole surf/punk thing, you might want to check out a few Man or Astro-man? albums.

I'd suggest you check out Experiment Zero or Destroy All Astro-Men

Anothe band doing the surf/punk is the Amino Acids. They are less surf more hardcore/punk.

Science friction burns my fingers.

hey, we jsut put up new songs, so go back and check 'em out!!

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

hey, we jsut put up new songs, so go back and check 'em out!!

It does have more of a '77 sound. Are you looking to implement more surf into your sound?


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

have you ever checked out the travoltas - sort of a punk/surf theme mix, sans ramones agressiveness though. they're actually from close to where I live in the netherlands, but they've been recording and touring in the US for quite some time.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

From the other angle- how about the Dead Kennedys? I am constantly amused at how East Bay Ray's riffs and tones resemble surf, and of course, totally infused with punk rock.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Our band does Horror Surf Punk and we get lumped in with the Pyschobilly crowd around SoCal. But our influences went by punk bands doing surf covers like
J.F.A with Baja, PipeTruck (Pipeline and Police Truck), and Mr Moto
Agent Orange
Dead Kennedys of course

Then into the Cramps, Deadbolt and Misfits. Even the guitar based stuff of Alien Sex Fiend, early Christian Death, and Love and Rockets/Bauhaus play into our sound.

for surfy stuff -
Man or Astro is definately at the top of the list

The Heavy Surf compilation form Reptile records is cool.
This CD is great for more of a heavy or more aggreessive surf sound.

Also check out The Death Riders.

We have a lot of friends on our myspace page that play spooky surf punk as well. Also a lot of traditional bands as well.

Also check out "Day at the Beach" on internet Radio thursdays 4-6 pm at Or check out the surf stations on Live365 or AOL radio.

I am re-designing a website for that has a bunch of resources as well.

Hope this helps,
Redd Tyde

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