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Permalink What Fuzz pedal do you recommend?

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So are they selling the lower price version now? How much? $250 is way to rich for my blood. Especially with UK postage and possible VAT on top. Sounds killer though.

Not yet - I don't think. I bought one of the first 100 that come autographed. From the email:

They are $250.00 ea. $15.00 shipping in the US and $30.00 International.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

psychonaut wrote:

Here's another Fuzzrite going for cheap. It's only at $152 right now. This one's a germanium version too!

There's only 2 days left and 2 bids on it, someone will get it at a good price. The last one I saw (posted a couple of pages back ended up going for less than $200!) I'm so tempted!

Looks like it finally sold for 350. That seems about par-for-the-course nowadays.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

My Nu Fuzz came in the mail the other day and I am really impressed. Really, really impressed!

Mr. Sanner made some tweaks from the original Mosrite circuit when he designed the Nu Fuzz. The classic tone is there, but this pedal is much more versatile. You can get that Mosrite treble-prominent buzz sound by cranking the tone all the way. That said, you can get some brilliant tones by rolling it back. More and more mid-range comes into play as the tone knob is dialed back. There is not a lot of volume to the pedal, but it can get bumped a bit past unity gain. That's fine by me because I don't want to slam the amp with gain. I set my fuzz to be about the same level as my bypassed signal.

Finally - it sounds great with reverb. I just couldn't get my FZ-2 to mesh well with the reverb on. I moved the Boss pedal on eBay and funded the purchase of the Nu Fuzz. I'm very happy indeed!

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

After countless hours of listening to sound samples and shootouts, review and feedback reading and personal testimonies, I decided to give the Merkin a try. Wow am I glad I did! It has absolutely spot-on retro sounds and is not a 1 trick pony by any means. The level of control is quite remarkable. I'm very impressed with Catalinbread's level of quality and attention to detail.

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I like my Fender Blender, works well with the bass VI also.

I'm way happy with my Smitty Maelstrom, copy of Maestro FZ-1A. Uses AA battery too – how cool is that?
Anyone get the new cheap E-H fuzz that seems to be same fuzz' clone?

Squink Out!

I tried a lot of different fuzz pedals and just wasn't really happy with any of them. I heard about a fuzz pedal made by Biyang the FZ-7 pedal. I'm really not into buying stuff made in China but after reading the reviews on this pedal I figured $39 with free shipping wasn't going to put a hole in my pocket.
When I received the pedal I didn't expect much when I hooked it up to my pedal board. All I can say is I couldn't believe the sounds I could get out of this pedal from vintage sounding fuzz to Stoner Rock. This pedal also matched up well with my MXR Super Bada$$ distortion pedal whereas my other fuzz pedal would create ear deafening feedback if both were used together.
The fuzz pedal I was using before was quickly taken off the pedal board and sold. If you are looking for a fuzz pedal you can't go wrong spending $39 trying the Biyang FZ-7 Fuzz Pedal.

i have the E-H satisfaction, it does what it says it does but i haven't found a solid use for it yet

its really good at picking up radio stations, lol

NYStan wrote:

I tried a lot of different fuzz pedals and just wasn't really happy with any of them. I heard about a fuzz pedal made by Biyang the FZ-7 pedal. I'm really not into buying stuff made in China but after reading the reviews on this pedal I figured $39 with free shipping wasn't going to put a hole in my pocket.
When I received the pedal I didn't expect much when I hooked it up to my pedal board. All I can say is I couldn't believe the sounds I could get out of this pedal from vintage sounding fuzz to Stoner Rock. This pedal also matched up well with my MXR Super Bada$$ distortion pedal whereas my other fuzz pedal would create ear deafening feedback if both were used together.
The fuzz pedal I was using before was quickly taken off the pedal board and sold. If you are looking for a fuzz pedal you can't go wrong spending $39 trying the Biyang FZ-7 Fuzz Pedal.

The Biyang FZ-7 is a clone of an early and very sought after Big Muff version (Ram's Head), with a few mods... No wonder it sounds good.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Last edited: May 03, 2014 15:29:44

I'm still trying to decide. Right now it's between the Nocturne Seltzerado and the Catalinbread Merkin.

Either you surf, or you fight.

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