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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Here's a Good One...(Sirius Radio)

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I dont know how it works exactly in the States, but here DJ's are usually hired for their own tastes/profile - they play what they want to play, and get a following based on that. IFfthis DJ doesnt play instro's , well than that's just so, he/she (?) doesnt have to answer to anyone for his/her choices?

I'll agree though there's not enough instrumental music on the radio - it's a bitch, but ain't life in general? move on and cheer up! Cheers

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Here is the verbatim quote from the email Genya Ravan sent to me:

"Hi, thank you for your submission. I don't really play instrumentals. Sorry, y'all sound good too."

As you can see she is arbitrarily rejecting instrumentals and not rejecting the specific tune I sent her. As someone who has a lifelong love of instrumental music, be it surf or garage, I was somewhat dismayed that a DJ hosting a show on an outlet such as Sirius with its large market share would show an anti-instrumental bias. I posted this information on the list because I wanted to share it with people who I believe have the same affinity I do for instrumental music. I do not know what Little Steven's policy is regarding instrumentals as I have not submitted anything to him as of yet.


Susan I agree, I think as we all do, there's not enough outlets for surf but I'd say much like if someone had sent her a heavy metal song they'd get the same response. That's is, it's not what her programs about. I can only recount my interaction with her and she was very nice to me.

Like I was saying different DJ's do play a lot of surf inter-mixed with in their different shows. If you want your stuff played on that station you'd be better suited to send your stuff to one of them. The guy who I hear play the most is "The Mighty Manfred" you can find all info for him and the others here.

I wish you luck more surf on the radio is always a good thing!

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