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Permalink Recording session for Rickshaw Comp

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We recorded our tune (as yet untitled) for the Rickshaw Comp yesterday. Here's some pics.

Since we had some left over time we recorded a couple of originals we've had around for a while, plus "Steel Trap", "I'm Branded", "Ghost Riders" & "Stampede". All the extra tunes were recorded in one take, so there'll be some bumps and stuff, but it's nice to have these recorded. Plus I got to use my Eko on 5 of the tunes.







Canadian Surf

Cool pics! What is the name of the studio you recorded at?

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Uber-modern recording studio. Did they even have any analog gear?

"Cool pics! What is the name of the studio you recorded at?"

It's one of 2 studios at the Nova Scotia Community College for the Recording Arts program. The campus is a brand new facility this year. Our engineer, Rob, is a student at the College (and long time friend). This is the bigger of the 2 studios, which was much better for a live drum sound as the room sound plays into the recordings. The other studio's rooms are completely dead, so it's good for other stuff (modern rock). Rob did the sessions for a school project, so there was no charge! He's been recording for quite a while, so we didn't run into any problems. Great guy and great studio to work in.

"Uber-modern recording studio. Did they even have any analog gear?"

Nope, other than a couple of tube compressors (hhb Classic 60). They sure have a pile of mics. I think they set up about 17 mics (for his project) Very Happy , but we'll only end up using the room mics (and maybe bass drum mic) for the drum mix. My Fender Vibrosonic was miked with an SM-57, and a large condeser room mic. The bass was miked with a large condensor and DI-ed.

The studio is running a Pro Tools System that is nice and fast.

We certainly were not dissapointed that it wasn't an analogue studio (we new that from the start). I think it's more important for the engineer to know how to use the gear to capture the bands sound. I can't tell if something was recorded in analog or digitally anymore (there was indeed a time). Especially if the engineer is good (as are the sounds he's recording..crap in/crap out).

Plus those 2" tape costs are no longer a factor (I remember spending big bucks on reels of that stuff, back in the day). I wonder if Rick's gonna master the comp digitally, or through a bunch of tube gear? The "Charlie Can Surf" comp sure sounded good whatever way it was done

I'm planning to go back to do some other stuff there. It's only 5 minutes from my place!


IPoA (In Praise of Analog):

The last studio we were in, St Cecilia's (in Dec) ran a Pro Tools System, but we ended up using a some really vintage nice tube mics. The room mic we set up was a $40,000 large condesor stereo tube mic. Wish I could remember the make (they are no longer in production). We were looking for that Norman Petty sound, and this mic had it in spades. The engineer/studio owner had a hell of a collection of vintage tube mics from his days with RCA and others in the 1970-1980's.

This is probably the best mic I've ever heard in my life. Plus he is probably the best enginner/producer I'll ever work with Very Happy

Here's a pic of the mic and the control room. I'll email him to find out what the mic was. we recorded 4 tracks here for a 45rpm coming out this Summer or Fall.




Canadian Surf

I really like the second studio. The top one is almost sterile, although I have no doubt it is fantastic. Our studio was a former engraving factory and had a great feel.

Yeah, we had a pair of those 40,000 mics during our sessions. I can't begin to imagine how much all the mics we used cost.

The second studio certainly had the best vibe of any place I've been in. It was originally a church. The one we were in yesterday definitely was a text-book type studio.

Do you remember the make of the mics?


Canadian Surf

No I just remember the engineer saying they cost 35,000 each.

You can see them here... barely.

I think those are different mics. The mic we used was stereo (single mic) and set up in the centre with it's own stand alone 2 channel, tube preamp. Hayward (the producer) said the mic company also experimented with a quadraphonic single mic that had its own mixer. Depending on what you wanted emphasized, you boosted that section of the mic. Sounds sci-fi to me. it didn't really catch on, but he said it was fun to work with back in the day. I emailed him for the info.

It might be this:

The bottom line is, there's nothing like a great mic!


Canadian Surf

cool..nice pics..our band is going to be on that comp as well..think i´ll post some pics to when we record our song.

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

Can't wait to see 'em, and hear the track.


Canadian Surf

We will be recording the scratch demo soon. I don't think we'll post pictures of that session since it will be home made. We don't know yet where we are going to record the final product.

Augusto Vite

Hey Mr Green,

Nothin' wrong with homemade. Some of the best recordings were done that way. It certainly is easier with today's gear. I think the Mach IV stuff was done that way...Ferenc?


Post the pics anyway!

Canadian Surf

I agree! just fun to see those pictures to!=)

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

Alright, I'll take my camera along when we record the scratch demo then.

Augusto Vite

Please do Mr Green=)

The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry - it just gets dirtier.

I know when we went recorded our disc, we had craaaazy expensive mics too. I know one was something like fifteen grand - or so the box said.

Gotta love it, there was one of those old-school punched label-maker labels that said

"Engineers, be careful with this mic. Any damage and you owe us $15,000."


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