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Posted on Jan 03 2012 10:07 PM
cool, thanks
Onslow_Beach wrote:
I know the RFB
Ferenc did was referenced before, but I don't think the
GaragePunk Surfcast #19
has been (hosted by Phantom Surfer Mel Bergman.)
Discovered that was mostly Eleki when it came on the
earbuds during a run today.
GaragePunk wrote
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Blue Jean #1
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Surf Party
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Surfboard Walker
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Emma
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Nihongo Na Daisho
The Trashmen - Surfin' Bird
Gary Lane & The Mad Lads - Henrietta
The Donnas - Drive-In
Johnny Bond - Hot Rod Surfing Hootlebeatnannie
The Von Bergmanns - Does Rockabilly Pussy Have Bettie
Page Bangs?
Dengue Fever - One Thousand Tears of a Tarantula
The Tormentos - Dragstrip Nights
The Phantom Surfers - Here's Frank Sidebottom Now
The Phantom Surfers - The Jealous Astronaut
The Astronauts - Che Che Che
The Astronauts Live in Japan in 1965 - Surf Party,
Movin', Pipeline
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Jodan Des
The Galaxies - Electric Mood
The Midways - Eleki and Kotyo
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Hearts Are Heart
Terry Terauchi and the Blue Jeans - Auld Lang Syne
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Last edited: Jan 04, 2012 12:34:06
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Bay Area

Posted on Mar 05 2012 07:03 PM
I'm not sure if this video has been posted on this forum before, but here it is anyway. It's a pretty cool video of some band covering "Black Sand Beach"
— The Deadbeats
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Bay Area

Posted on Mar 05 2012 07:12 PM
Here's another cool video.
— The Deadbeats
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Stockholm, Sweden

Posted on Mar 06 2012 03:50 AM
Abe wrote:
I'm not sure if this video has been posted on this forum before, but here it is anyway. It's a pretty cool video of some band covering "Black Sand Beach"
Yes, it has been posted here before. It's a made up band for the movie Eleki No Wakadaisho featuring Yuzo Kayama and Takeshi Terauchi on guitars. Definitely a great moment in eleki history!
— T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S
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Bay Area

Posted on Mar 07 2012 12:51 PM
Klas wrote:
Abe wrote:
I'm not sure if this video has been posted on this forum before, but here it is anyway. It's a pretty cool video of some band covering "Black Sand Beach"
Yes, it has been posted here before. It's a made up band for the movie Eleki No Wakadaisho featuring Yuzo Kayama and Takeshi Terauchi on guitars. Definitely a great moment in eleki history!
Ha! Thanks, I hadn't noticed that it was them on guitars. There's all kinds of cool stuff going on in that video.
— The Deadbeats
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southern Michigan

Posted on Mar 13 2012 03:24 PM
Abe wrote:
I'm not sure if this video has been posted on this forum before, but here it is anyway. It's a pretty cool video of some band covering "Black Sand Beach"
Awesome! Notice that Yuzo plays the lead until the drum break, and then Terry takes over for the second half of the song - it doesn't sound like it was recorded that way, the lead guitar sound is pretty consistent throughout the whole song, but that's the way they mimed it in the movie, indicating that Terry wasn't much lesser of a star at the time than Yuzo. (And BTW, yeah, by all means give the small guitar to the big guy, and the big guitar to the little guy!! )
There's a great history of Eleki in the new-ish Takeshi Terauchi UK-released comp "Nippon Guitars" on Ace Records:

— Ivan
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Last edited: Mar 13, 2012 18:03:26
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southern Michigan

Posted on Mar 13 2012 03:47 PM
From the liner notes, when Terry first put together the Bunnies (having recently quit the Blue Jeans):
"Band members were put through the mill at his training and rehearsal camp in Kamakura city. Being a Karate master, he knew about discipline: the band would awaken at five in the morning, sit in Zen meditation, then go for a run on the beach, followed by weight-training and band rehearsals till midnight."

Sounds just like the Madeira routine before each of our shows...
— Ivan
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Posted on Mar 13 2012 04:18 PM
When does the late night runs for Steak n Shake or WHite Castle's come into the routine?
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Under the Sun

Posted on Mar 13 2012 04:37 PM
Been meaning to snag that one ... pretty sure I have all the 60's stuff on other albums already, but it'll be worth it just for the liner notes and pics, I'm sure.
IvanP wrote:
From the liner notes, when Terry first put together the Bunnies (having recently quit the Blue Jeans):
"... followed by weight-training"
Sounds more like Manowar than eleki. 
— That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.
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Huntington Beach, CA

Posted on Mar 13 2012 04:46 PM
CaptainSpringfield wrote:
Been meaning to snag that one ... pretty sure I have all the 60's stuff on other albums already, but it'll be worth it just for the liner notes and pics, I'm sure.
An eleki CD that Cap'n Springfield DOESN'T HAVE? I really need a roll of toilet paper right now...
— Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.
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southern Michigan

Posted on Mar 13 2012 06:02 PM
CaptainSpringfield wrote:
Been meaning to snag that one ... pretty sure I have all the 60's stuff on other albums already, but it'll be worth it just for the liner notes and pics, I'm sure.
Though the liner notes are great, I found the comp very disappointing. It skips most of the obvious classics by Terry, while including a TON of hippie drivel that frankly is pretty unlisteneable, at least for me. 14 out 25 tracks are post '70, and the stuff that isn't hippie drivel is super melllloooowwww. The '60s tracks are decent, but I don't think they're among his best. And there's only four tracks by the '60s Blue Jeans, and one of them is a cover of Journey to the Stars (really??). Honestly, not that I'm any kind of a Takeshi Terauchi expert, but I find the track selection completely puzzling. I think Ace usually nails it, but I think they completely blew it big time with this one. (Incidentally, it seems to me that even with liner notes there were some big editing errors, where sentences or even paragraphs were in the wrong place of the story.)
I was hoping this CD would be a one-stop introduction to Terry, whose own output is gigantic. This doesn't even come close to that. Bummer.
— Ivan
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Prescott Valley, AZ

Posted on Mar 14 2012 12:42 AM
IvanP wrote:
From the liner notes, when Terry first put together the Bunnies (having recently quit the Blue Jeans):
"Band members were put through the mill at his training and rehearsal camp in Kamakura city. Being a Karate master, he knew about discipline: the band would awaken at five in the morning, sit in Zen meditation, then go for a run on the beach, followed by weight-training and band rehearsals till midnight."

Sounds just like the Madeira routine before each of our shows...
I'da figured you guys for 12 oz. curls....
Last edited: Mar 14, 2012 00:43:15
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southern Michigan

Posted on Mar 29 2012 11:43 AM
A question for any Takeshi Terauchi experts out there, since I've been getting into him quite a bit lately. I have Let's Go Eleki-Bushi, Let's Go Classics, "Let's Spend the Misummer Sea" (??? I think this one's originally from the '72 - see photo below), and Twin Best, a 2-CD comp that has some great stuff, but a lot of is more modern rerecordings of the original tracks.
I've been looking at the other reissues on CD, but it's really hard to get info in English on all this stuff, it's very frustrating. I am definitely planning on picking up Let's Go Terry, but was wondering if the following albums would be good ones to get, too, or are they mostly vocal or what:
Eleki Guitar No Subete
Beat! Beat! Beat! Vol. 1 and 2
Beat! Beat! Beat! Vol. 3 and 4
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
— Ivan
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Last edited: Mar 29, 2012 11:55:51
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Under the Sun

Posted on Mar 29 2012 12:25 PM
IvanP wrote:
"Let's Spend the Misummer Sea" (??? I think this one's originally from the '72 - see photo below),
Yep, that's the one talked about earlier under the name Manatso No Umi Wo Buttobase. Killer album!
I am definitely planning on picking up Let's Go Terry, but was wondering if the following albums would be good ones to get, too, or are they mostly vocal or what:
Eleki Guitar No Subete
Beat! Beat! Beat! Vol. 1 and 2
Beat! Beat! Beat! Vol. 3 and 4
IMO Eleki Guitar No Subete isn't essential by any stretch. Here's the mini-review I wrote of it, from earlier in this thread:
Really cool cover and packaging, but unfortunately the album features a slightly, um, prominent orchestral backing. It works really well on "Malaguena," and to a lesser extent "Dark Eyes," but on most of the other songs it's fairly jarring. I think it came out in the late '60s.
Some of the arrangements are downright bizarre, too--"Walk Don't Run" sounds way more like a cheesy Vegas lounge band than it anything else, and "Caravan" has a neat muted-delay thing going on with the lead. On most of the songs Terry's playing isn't nearly as uncontrolled and weird as on his earlier albums--there's even an intricate fingerpicked solo piece that's really gorgeous ... until the orchestra comes blaring in near the end. On a whole it's a more strange album than good, but it is pretty interesting.
The Beat! Beat! Beat! collections are both pretty worthy, though. I like 1, 2 and 4 the best, and 3 has some cool stuff on it as well. I'd go with Let's Go Terry first, though - the vocal half is decent, and every single instro on it rules.
— That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.
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Posted on Mar 30 2012 08:24 AM
Not sure where else to put this. It's simply lovely.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
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Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Apr 17 2012 09:54 PM
This looks interesting.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Apr 17, 2012 22:44:13
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North Carolina

Posted on Jan 22 2013 08:34 AM
Holy Eleki show Batman!!!

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu, Whorehay-san!
WhorehayRFB wrote:
RFB 301--This Page is in Japanese; Would you like to translate it?
Takeshi Terauchi & the Bunnys--Black Carnation; Tsuchiura
Yuzo Kayama--Three Blue Stars; Kanagawa
Hiroshi Tsutsumi & His All-Stars Wagon--Kickstand; Japan
Munetaka Inoue & The Sharp Five--Thunderball; Japan
Blue Ace--Goldfinger; Japan
Space Agency--Sakura No Ame; Brighton
Goggle-A--Moto-Eleki (Go-Go); Japan
Royal Fingers--West Side Guitar; Japan
Blue Horizon--Snow Boarder-Movin'; Japan
Exotics--Agent From Osaka; Milwaukee
Secret Samurai--Musume Doseiji; San Diego
Ghastly Ones--Yuzo's Twist; Van Nuys
Man Or Astroman?--Test Driver; Auburn
Surf Guitar 101 Pick of the Week
Mach IV--Teke Teke Teke; San Francisco
Wild Sammy & The Royaltones--Tsugaru Jyongarabushi; Japan
The Shockwave!--Blue Jean No. 1; Helsinki
Ventures--Black Sand Beach; Tacoma
Dangermen--Manx Man Island; Helsinki
Born Losers--Keep Searchin'; Barcelona
Charades--Key Hunter; Finland
Cookie & The Twinkle Arrows--Mr. Camel; Kyoto
Sellcancers--Harakiri Stomp; Shizuoka
Rat Holic--250cc Rider; Tokyo
— Fady
El Mirage @ ReverbNation
Joined: Jul 31, 2012
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Nashville, TN.

Posted on Jan 22 2013 10:10 AM
Ivan, did you ever get around to picking up Let's Go Terry?
I love that one. There is some GS (group sounds) vocal stuff as well on that but it still sounds great as far as the recordings go and some of his coolest instrumentals on are on it.
Joined: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Mar 01 2013 05:19 PM
This is my idea of a talent show!
Slaughter On 10th Avenue & Diamond Head on TV
It was broadcast in Nippon Television Network Corporation on January 3, 2008. "THE OYAJI BAND SHOW"
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Joined: Mar 15, 2011
Posts: 8528
Back in Piitsburgh, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.

Posted on Mar 01 2013 06:09 PM
One more. Thanks to Michel on UF2 for this one. Okay, so I like Besame Mucho. These guys are pretty good. The white gloved bassist is interesting (and impressive) but what gets me is how aggressive the rhythm guitarist covers Don Wilson. Nice.
— This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.
Last edited: Mar 01, 2013 18:12:15