My "new" (1986 model) Epiphone PR-100 "Texan" arrived today, and although the strings that are on it are deader than doornails, I couldn't resist trying a bit of "Miserlou." The guy I'd bought it from told me, this morning in an IRC chat, that he'd just slapped any old set of strings on it, for shipping, and that I'd have to change them. I'd owned an Epiphone PR-100 "Texan" from 1992 to 1998 (when it was stolen, along with my Kamen-Montana 12-string), and it was that guitar, strung with medium guage GHS Bright Bronze (80/20) strings that I'd learned tremelo picking, and could play "Miserlou" at full speed.
Although the guy I'd bought it from insists that I should always string with light guage strings, I may string it with medium guage (as with the one that was stolen), or I'll go half way with a set of custom light strings. Once I get it restrung, I look forward to getting my tremelo picking back! Also, this morning I called the store from where I'd bought my Ibanez Artcore AG75 and Ibanez Jet King, to inquire if they had any Ibanez AFS75Ts in stock. They don't, but they can order one for me, and as they guy was looking at the color choices, told me it's available in transluscent red, transluscent blue or ocean blue. When he said ocean blue, my eyes lit up, since that's a good color for a surf guitar, although with an Ibanez AFS75T it'll be more surfabilly, but still...the word "surf" is in "surfabilly."
—Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!