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Mommy, never make me go to Hoogie-Boogie Land again. Suicide

Oh come on admit it, you loved every second of it.

These guys rival the South Bay Surfers in their awesomeness.

Unfortunately I have seen these guys a few times.
Kristena said they are playing in Fullerton tonight.
uh... I think I would rather go see Larime Dean tonight in LA.



Wow, that Complete video is sure making good use of the new emoticons. Suicide

Another good video:

"Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle

Wow, that Complete video is sure making good use of the new emoticons. Suicide

Another good video:

wow Dick Dale should do a version of that.
Rolling Eyes

ha ha .



This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 16:58:50

I thought the Japanese orchestra video was pretty damn good, a rousing rendition of Smoke On The Water if I ever heard one! Smile

Nice sound out of the cigar box Zak Thumbs Up

Um, just a little concern about the South Bay Surfers group, they appear to believe they are actually a group playing music, why are people so unkind as to allow these guys to believe this.

Wouldn't a 'normal' person die of embarrassment long before ever setting foot on stage with a routine like that?

And wonder of wonders, would anybody pay money to see them?


I thought the Japanese orchestra video was pretty damn good, a rousing rendition of Smoke On The Water if I ever heard one! Smile

Nice sound out of the cigar box Zak Thumbs Up

Um, just a little concern about the South Bay Surfers group, they appear to believe they are actually a group playing music, why are people so unkind as to allow these guys to believe this.

Wouldn't a 'normal' person die of embarrassment long before ever setting foot on stage with a routine like that?

And wonder of wonders, would anybody pay money to see them?


quote: "And wonder of wonders, would anybody pay money to see them?"

Well....when you have the public (who watch "American Idiots") paying as much as $600 to a $1,000.00 a ticket to go see Hanna Montana, what would that tell you??? This is a gal who got an audition break on TV, can't write her own music, can't arrange her own music, not even sure if she (really)plays an instrument, but they put lyrics on a sheet of paper and give them to her to sing, and "POOF!", she's a STAR! And on top of that, she's lip-singing (air-vocal?) so the audience who paid top dollar to see her, will actually just watch her do some silly ass dance routine on stage...

.....Now.....what was your question??? Shocked

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Last edited: Jan 26, 2008 13:49:15

I so want to open for the Hoogie-Boogie Land dudes!
That was the funniest sh*t I've ever heard! ROTFL Duh Rock Suicide

The Secret Samurai Website
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zak's me trying out a cigar box guitar...

that's pretty cool, did you build it or buy it? 's got a resonator?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Killer man! Sounds like you've got a Hellhound on your trail...

The Hoogie Boogie band should be put down, quickly and quietly.

Come on, guys - in Hoogie-Boogie Land, there's no war, and there's no hate? Is it really that hard to relate? I think some of you need to spend some more time there.

Gawd, it sounds like The Shaggs covering "Iron Man."


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land Hoogie-Boogie Land

There that should cure that fetish.

Shocked Confused

I'll never forget the Boston Terrier vs. the Vacuum Cleaner when I saw it on Letterman's 10th Anniversary Stupid Pet Tricks, which happens to be here:

The first couple of guests are pretty lame, so zip ahead to 6 minutes 10 seconds.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

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