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Permalink What concerts/shows have you gone to? surf or nonsurf

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I saw the Melvins last night,
I have heard a few of their songs over the years, but sadly admit to being in the dark about them.
I was blown away. so freaking Heavy, and I got chills/goosebumps during a few songs, like when I hear good surf music with tons of reverb.

I gotta go get some of their cds now.

sorry I didn't tell ya about it Warren,


SP in Portland
Sean Lennon in Portland


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I gotta go get some of their cds now.

Get the Ozma/Gluey Porch Treatments 2-on-1, Stoner Witch and Houdini.

sorry I didn't tell ya about it Warren,

No worries - they tour constantly, so I'll catch them next time.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

The last show I went to was The Nebulas/Ghastly Ones show in Pittsburgh.

I've also seen The Madeira three times, and I saw Bright Eyes this past summer.

I thought it was a really slow year for surf shows in NorCal,
but in reflecting on the shows that I saw, it wasn't as bad as
I thought. Not many out-of-state bands came through here,
but there was a lot more action than I had thought. I missed
a number of shows by most of the bands up here, and still
ended up with this list. I probably forgot a show or two.

Meshugga Beach Party/Pollo Del Mar/ the Berzerkers @ the Hotel Utah, S.F;

Davey Allan/Pollo Del Mar/ the Concaves @ Moe's Alley, Santa Cruz;

Pasta Del Mar/ The Pyronauts / The TomorrowMen @ the Hotel Utah, S.F;

The Mermen @ Don Quixote's in Felton, Ca.

The Insect Surfers / Mr. Neutron @ the Purple Orchid, El Segundo, Ca;

Daikaiju/ Pollo Del Mar / the Lava Rats @ the Hotel Utah;

The Mermen / The Shitones @ Moes Alley, Santa Cruz

Pollo Del Mar @ Streetlight Records, S.J;

The Concaves @ the Catalyst (attrium), Santa Cruz;

Chum / The Lava Rats @ Smoke Tiki Lounge, San Jose, Ca. and

Meshugga Beach Party/ the El Dorados / the Skegs @ Blakes' in Berkeley, Ca;

I missed the Barbwires/Mr Neutron show when I was out of town. Sad



Wow, I have some Melvins too...I also second Houdini and Stoner Witch. Some of their stuff is way out there though.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I saw the Madeira in March. That was my only surf show in 2007. I hope 2008 will be better. Cheers

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Non-surf, I saw Harry Manx, a wicked lap style slide guitar player!

I'm still kicking myself for missing the 'Verb when they came through. Sad

Last show I saw was the Ventures at the Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia. Great show with Nokie and Bob Spalding, with Jeff Skunk Baxter sitting in as well.


Some of their stuff is way out there though.

Yeah, they definitely have an interesting approach to quality control.

I probably made it to 15-20 shows this year. Off the top of my head ... a couple of HBISM Pier shows, a few at the Museum (Meshugga Beach Party, the Verbtones), Acid Beach Party, Marty's B-day party, a handful of Ghastly Ones shows, a Volcanics show, Daikaiju, and I finally got to see Satan's Pilgrims.

Non-surf: Throw Rag, Hexxers, Woggles, Lords Of Altamont, Electric Six

Stuff I'm bummed I missed: The Sword, High On Fire, Mastodon, Radio Birdman (edit:) Oh, and the Bomboras reunion


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

You should check out the Melvins' rhythm sections other band, Big Business very heavy as well. I think you'd really dig them. I can burn you a disc if you'd like.

As for shows, this year was a little slow for me as far as shows go, cuz my son was born in feb. However, I have seen some great bands this year :
Daikaju w/ The All Nighters
Davie Allen w/ Slacktone w/ CA Del Reys
The Verbtones w/ Jason Lee and the R.I.P.Tides
The 'Verb

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Morrissey! Alright!

I wish our show could have been better. We were not happy campers that evening.

I saw the Madeira in March in Indy - great show in an interesting venue. Saw DD in New Orleans and Orlando!

Non surf - Red Moon - Great band!!!

Meshugga Beach Party/Pollo Del Mar/ the Berzerkers @ the Hotel Utah, S.F;

Pasta Del Mar/ The Pyronauts / The TomorrowMen @ the Hotel Utah, S.F;

Daikaiju/ Pollo Del Mar / the Lava Rats @ the Hotel Utah;

Meshugga Beach Party/ the El Dorados / the Skegs @ Blakes' in Berkeley, Ca

add to these:

Pollo Del Mar, the Pyronauts, the Berzerkers at the Speakeasy Brewery in San Francisco

one of PDM's "skinless Pollo" gigs at the Park Chalet in San Francisco

Meshugga Beach Party and the Shitones (really briefly) at SF Bay to Breakers

a couple of Pyronauts shows in Davis

the Pyronauts and Dick Dale at the Mystic Theater in Petaluma

I think that's it. It was a fun year of shows, but I'd like the list to be longer.

my list is a sad one:

def leppard, foreigner and styx with my son

eddie angel with mark gamsjager (from the lustre kings) played for my class at national guitar work shop

I wish our show could have been better. We were not happy campers that evening.

You guys sounded great Jake! I was stoked on the wall of Fender Smile

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Morrissey! Alright!

I wish our show could have been better. We were not happy campers that evening.

Did someone say Morrissey? I dig Morrissey and The Smiths!
the last time I saw Morrissey was back in '97 at the Hollywood Greek theater
a great show it was.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I saw the Madeira in March. That was my only surf show in 2007. I hope 2008 will be better. Cheers

I wish for you many more surf shows in 2008.
your too much of a fan to not see more.



I just learned to play The Headmasters Ritual. Such a cool song.

I was more looking for Non surf, but surf show lists are fine too.

If I was to list all the surf shows I saw in a year, it would break down the site, and Brian and you all would not be happy with me.
Shocked Rolling Eyes Wink
lets just say I saw about 90% of the surf shows that happened in So.Cal.
Even I can't make them all. Nor want to see every band
Rolling Eyes



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