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Permalink Have you play guitar like a Banjo?

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I usually play electric guitar like a banjo style..
becouse i love de re- repeiitons in the strings...
the sound is loud..and with a lot of armonics...

This clips is from th Hollyes....
you can feel the banjo sound in the electric comply Great!!
if you put this style in your electric guitar!!

hop..a question to ask only???

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Well, uh... they cheated, by using a banjo. Wink
Not that there's anything wrong with banjos. I love an old-timey clawhammer banjo tune now and then.

Funny thing is, I thought of clawhammer banjo-style picking just last night when I watched this Youtube video: Guitar BASS Lesson Inspired By Red Hot Chili Peppers Flea - about 7 minutes into it, where he's bouncing his thumb off the A string and picking the G string with his index finger.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

Good observation there. I pick a little OT clawhammer and have also noticed the similarity to the way they slap and pop the bass in funk. Just sort of the reverse of the motion.

Duane Eddy sez:
"Banjo is cool!!" (Granted, it's a stretch.)

Marty Tippens of the Fabulous Planktones on El Toro records.
plays guitar with a thumb pick.
and uses his 2 fingers on the high strings sometimes.



Good observation there. I pick a little OT clawhammer and have also noticed the similarity to the way they slap and pop the bass in funk. Just sort of the reverse of the motion.

I usually play Duanne Eddie songs..and i play this like a Banjo style guitar..too!!
Duane Eddy sez:
"Banjo is cool!!" (Granted, it's a stretch.)

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"


I usually paly Duanne Eddie songs..and play this like a Banjo style!!...or like re-sonator style!!

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Thanks for that link. I like everything I have heard from the Longboards. Cool attitude, tons of energy and great sound! Whatever technique you are using, keep it up. (I dig the white Mosrite.)

I have a Dano Guitarlin (Longhorn with 30 frets) I string like a banjo for an electric banjo sound. I took off the low E string, replaced the low A string with a high E string, hammered a small spike into the fret board at the 5th fret to nail down that string and tuned it up to G, then its the usual D, G and B strings and then the high E is tuned down to D. I played it at Suzy's a few years ago for a couple of tunes. -Marty Smile

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