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Wrote my car off last night .... 21 Stitches. Could give a new credibility to my rendition of The Munsters theme...


Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.


thanks for sharing Puke

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

It hurts just to look at it... ouch! Hope all is well under those stitches. Get better soon.


Its alive! Shocked

The Secret Samurai Website
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That is pretty awesome looking. I shall not repost my scar pictures as I don't think it was appreciated the first time around.

Wow! You should put up a poll "Does it look infected?" Smile
Seriously, I hope it's only skin deep. Get well soon!

That definitely isn't infected. It is really clean looking actually. Nice crisp black blood and nothing oozing out. If it weren't for that bruise I would say it almost looks surgical. Very clean breaking of the skin done by impact I assume. Also, surgeons would have shaved your head.

hope you heal well soon,
can we get some details of how it happened?



wishing you physical and spiritual strength


Yikes. Good luck on a quick healing process.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

now, if that had happened wiping out at the wedge, it would actually have been cool. Wink now it just looks painful. have a good recovery!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Ouch estreet, that looks a tad painful, what did you do, head butt the steering wheel or something. I was going to say try, but it looks like you succeeded.

Anyway, I hope you're a quick healer.

Spud> Ouch estreet, that looks a tad painful, what did you do, head butt the steering wheel or something. I was going to say try, but it looks like you succeeded.


now, if that had happened wiping out at the wedge, it would actually have been cool.

Heck I'd just tell everybody...
Naw mate, it was a shark attack! Wink


Holy crap. That made me squirm a little. If all you guys had been over here when I clicked on this thread, you'd have seen a textbook example of a full-on grimace.

Now I'm thinking of the McDonald's character. Some of you are too, admit it.

Hope everything heals well for you.

Ouch! Take it easy there, estreet. I hope that heals up ok.

I put my own car in the ditch a couple of weeks ago, and since then I'm in much less of a hurry to get places.

Thanks everyone for kind words and thoughts. It happened because I'd been up two days straight owing to a family illness and I fell asleep at the wheel. I count myself lucky that no-one else was hurt and that I'm still alive. Especially as I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

I'm just off to get my stuff out of the wreck and to pay the salvage man (ouch!) ... I may post a picture of the car if it looks suitably trashed. I do know the wheel came off....

The Ambulance man said he'd never seen anyone who'd walked out of a car that looked like that before so I'm guessing it doesn't look too well.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Wow, you're a lucky man estreet. Get better soon.
But in the meantime be sure to show off that gnarly scar to as many people as possible!

I shall not repost my scar pictures as I don't think it was appreciated the first time around.

Jake, I did appreciate those scar photos but was at a loss for an appropriate response. I'm still a part-time medical photographer at the county hospital and those got my attention. Maybe not "gross file" worthy but respectable.

Estreet, your brain must hurt. Get well soon.


Here's an old English remedy for hurting brains.

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