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Permalink Turn Planet Caravan into a Surf Instro?

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I was listening to black sabath the other day. and I realized what a groovey tune Planet Caravan is. You guys think that song can be turned Surf? I tried skrewing around with the guitar parts, and it sounded cool, but that song is just plain phychadelic (SP)

When I finally get a band togther I may try and do it. Have any you guys ever tried surfing that tune?

Don't--Ozzy didn't really learn to sing against the guitar parts (interestingly, anyways) until Master of Reality. Most of the vocal melodies on their first two albums follow the guitar almost identically--think "Iron Man"--which means they make for really boring instros.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

My band learned a few Black Sabbath tunes instro style for 666 last year. Black Sabbath, Fairies Wear Boots, Sweet Leaf, N.I.B., Sabbath Bloody Sabbath and The Wizard. People loved it there were a hundred fifty people packed into the double down at 3:00 in the morning to hear that set.

Some of these that we thought were gonna be boring turned out alright. Just give it a shot you never know what song will work out until you hear it finished.

4 out of 5 people prefer Thee Swank Bastards to nothing.

I learned to play bass by playing with Sabbath albums. The metal band we share our space with does a great version of Children of the Grave. For an instro Sabbath try "Wicked World" or "Behind the Wall of Sleep" and the whole band can have fun playing...those songs have cool drum and bass parts in them as well.

I learned to play bass by playing with Sabbath albums. The metal band we share our space with does a great version of Children of the Grave. For an instro Sabbath try "Wicked World" or "Behind the Wall of Sleep" and the whole band can have fun playing...those songs have cool drum and bass parts in them as well.

"Wicked World" would be a great instro.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Man, I almost forgot "Supernaut" off the Vol. 4 album!

The Boardwalkers here in LA do Iron man, and one other(sorry brain fart)
Sabbath songs instros. Help me out Doug Forbes.....



What's the problem? The song has a melody. The melody either works for surf or it doesn't to your, and your audiences ears.

I just played the intro verse as best I can remember it double picked. Kinda had an interesting vibe to it, like the psychedelic sister of Miserlou, but I don't remember the whole song accurately.

Or I should more accurately say that Sabbath has some whacky-ass arrangements at times, and much like Chuck Berry songs, I THINK I remember the songs right, then when I listen to the record it's often an eye opener! Shocked I dare anyone who hasn't already note for note learned Johnny B. Good to work out the opening by memory and then compare it to the original recording. I guarantee a couple "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"s out of the experience Twisted Evil

You'll either dig the melody or you won't. If you are talking about changing the melody to make it more surfy, knock yourself out, but that yanks the humor rug out from under it. Pulling out a whacky bridge, or just going with the main melody the audience is familiar with, and some variations on it with an original complimentary bridge and calling it "Surf Caravan", or making a sabbath medley to iron out (get it IRON out!) the sticky patches is okay in my book, but changing the fundamental melody? No. Not right.

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