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Permalink For Beatles Zepllin Metallica, and Gilligans Island fans

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Last edited: Nov 27, 2007 21:58:42

Rock Beatle tribute bands rock! Rock Thanks for the link Jeff
But... The Rutles are #1 "My #1" Wink



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That's how every Zeppelin song should sound.

Funny! Reminds me of someone I once heard do the "Green Acres" theme to the music of Purple Haze. Actually fits really good.

On the Beatles tribute band thing . . .

My brother and his wife just went to Branson, MO (tons of theatres, musical reviews, etc.) He saw a Beatles tribute band that is touting itself as the only "official" one. It turns out that George Harrison's sister lives there and is behind it, thus lending it the special "legitimacy". Rolling Eyes

That was way cool! Will need to find The Beatnix on CD, as soon as I can. Thanks for sharing that one!


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Funny! Reminds me of someone I once heard do the "Green Acres" theme to the music of Purple Haze. Actually fits really good.

And there's the San Francisco band - Little Roger and the Goosebumps 1978 "Stairway To Gilligan's Island".....

Very cool - and great video too. Looks like they had fun making it.


Ha, that was brilliant! Very Happy thanks Jeff. Cheers


Funny! Reminds me of someone I once heard do the "Green Acres" theme to the music of Purple Haze. Actually fits really good.

And there's the San Francisco band - Little Roger and the Goosebumps 1978 "Stairway To Gilligan's Island".....

you mean this one?



I like the Beatles and Metallica cross breeding that Beatallica does. When I discovered this site 3 years ago I was shooting soda out my nose listening to the songs.

Wow, surprise surprise I guess they moved the songs to myspace since then:

I love the Glenn Danzig break in the middle of Am I Evil? LMAO

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I like the Beatles and Metallica cross breeding that Beatallica does. When I discovered this site 3 years ago I was shooting soda out my nose listening to the songs.

I have yet to grow tired of Beatallica. Their singer does Hetfield a thousand times better than Hetfield himself at this point. "Hey Dude" had me in tears the first time I heard it. So did "Flew in from Miami, Kirk Lars, Cliff & me ... all the way the paper bag was on my knee, couldn't even hit the lights."

AND THEY HAVE A CD OUT! Why was I not told about this? Damn you, internets.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Yeah, "Hey Dude" was a huge hit here at work. We were all going around singing it in our best Hetfield impersonations. That guy sure nails him.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think I can go one better -
_Stairway to Heaven_ by Dread Zeppelin, with lead singer Tortelvis.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

I think I can go one better -
Stairway to Heaven by Dread Zeppelin, with lead singer Tortelvis.

Don't you just love Dread Zeppelin?
Black Dog + Whole Lotta Love

I saw Dread Zep live in Utrecht ages ago. mindblowing fun!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Don't you just love Dread Zeppelin?

I like the concept more than the music, if you get my drift.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

I had a chance to see Dread Zepplin once, I was even at the show, as the Reventlos were opening for them.
But I left to go from San Juan Capistrano to Encinitas to see the Deoras.
silly but true.



A buddy of mine brought in some Dread Zeppelin CD's to work. I was very skeptical at first but they won me over quite easily. Very funny stuff and they pulled it off quite well!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I was with some friends in Manhattan at some point around '92-'94, just walking around at night. We went by a club where Dred Zeppelin were playing so we thought what the hell and went in. The club was half empty but the band put on a really fun show. A bit too gimmicky for me to really get into it or listen at home, but it was definitely fun live.


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Agree with Ivan... to gimmicky.

Now El Vez, that guy is just fantastic.


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